Author Topic: Introducing a new kitty  (Read 1608 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2011, 00:47:11 AM »
Sounds like it's all going according to plan  ;D We will definitely need pics very soon  :naughty:

Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2011, 12:29:25 PM »
Hi everyone! I thought i'd update on the introduction  :) (I promise I WILL get an updated pic of Lacie on here soon)
I exchanged their blankets a week ago so that they could get used to each other's smells, both had a good sniff and then laid down & went to sleep on the blanket, Mollie also had a lick of the fur on Lacie's blanket  :sick:

I introduced them face to face on Saturday afternoon, Lacie was sitting on my knee at the time and we let Mollie wander into the lounge of her own accord. Mollie wandered around cautiously, keeping an eye on Lacie as she explored the room, Mollie went into the dining room (all open plan) and Lacie decided she wanted to see what was going off, she went and sat by the living room door (worried me a bit because Mollie would have to get past her to escape if she got scared!) Mollie came back into the lounge & Lacie walked up to her but was greeted with a hiss - my poor girl looked so confused! Afterall, she was only going to say hello!  :innocent:

Overall, it went quite well, Mollie is obviously scared of Lacie at the moment as she is twice her size and her past experiences with other cats haven't been the best so I was expecting a bit of scared hissing, but there has been NO swiping at all from either.

Lacie is taking it all in her stride, shes not particularly bothered by the presence of Mollie although she seems to make sure Mollie knows that I'm her hooman because she jumps on my knee and gives her evils  :evillaugh:

I'm pretty sure they both know where they stand in the hierachy as Lacie is standing her ground but not acting threateningly & Mollie has been acting submissive when Lacie goes near her.

I don't expect them to become best of friends but i'm hoping that Mollie will become more comfortable around Lacie, once she realises she not a threat.  :Luv:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2011, 18:49:28 PM »
I have tried to introduce 3 birmans to my 2 moggies and a bit like Rosella I am not a great success LOL.

I dont go in for zykelene and stuff but the key in my opinion is do it slowly and best to exchange scents before they meet if possible, let one move into a room after the other one has moved to a different room and once they are happy with that its ummmmmmmmm a meeting.

I have just finished month 3 with Lupin a one yr old birman who is very active and pouncing and wants to play with anything that moves and leads my 18yr old birman a bit of a dogs life and its OOoooooooooooooo my toy I wanna be with him and cuddle him and groom him, prob is Ducha only has 3 legs and is a featherweighyt and doesnt like paws round the neck holding him down by a bitey 4.2 kg kitten......sigh

Hopefully your youngest wont be like that but as Rosella siad you maybe aiming for acceptance with two girls rather than love  :shify: :shify:

I would definately give Lacie the most attention and make sure she knows that she is loved just as before, my one girl is a tortie madam and currently has decided to live in the shed and just use the house as a restaurant! She never liked the birmans and isnt taking any chances with Lupin who looks at her adoringly through the barrier.

Misa who is now 10yrs is Sasas special friend and only friend according to Sasa and he has met Lupin face to face and nose to tail etc, one minute he is shivering wreck and the next he is hissing but not moving and I hope next week to sort out the back door flap situation cos the moggies go out but Lupin cant...............too young, no brains and a busy road and nasty neighbour lol

So I think that Misa and Lupin will be OK now and mostly Ducha and Lupin are, so just Miss Sasa....................that could take forever the way she is acting and just to say its not just Lupin, I cant touch her at all, she is a semi feral going on feral!

I wish you lots of luck with the introductions and you never know it m\ay go right from the start, cats are so unpredictable.  ;D ;D

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2011, 15:25:27 PM »
With luck and a following wind, the chill out capsules should reach you tomorrow .....  Hope they help ....

Good luck to you all   :hug:


Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2011, 12:32:00 PM »
  :) I will defo get an updated pic on here soon, her fur is taking a while to grow back so she still looks a little silly and I'm thinking that she may have a couple of scars as she managed to open her wound!  :tired:

I've got a feliway plugged in downstairs, it has been on for a few weeks, I may get one for upstairs too. Thanks for the links btw  :hug:

It very kind of you to offer me some zyklene, i'll pm you my address  :thanks:

Lacie doesn't go outside so they haven't met before, like I say, they have seen each other through the window and had the brief encounter either side of the door but thats it.

Lacie is around 13 and Mollie is 3. I think the problems Mollie had in her former home were mostly due to the other cat bullying her, not the other way around so hopefully she won't be aggressive towards Lacie. Lacie used to live with another cat (Saffie) of a similar age when I lived at my mum & dads (I moved out 6 years ago) she became the top cat straight away, even though Saffie was an aggressive so-and-so, I don't think Lacie ever started fights with Saffie, but Saffie would give her a slap if she got too close but there were never full on scraps & they tolerated each other to the point that they would sleep on the bed together only a couple of foot apart.

Mollie is pretty confident in the parts of the house she has been allowed access to, but she is a bit jumpy at loud noises and strangers.

I'm going to give Lacie lots of attention this weekend/week and look at introducing them next weekend.

Thanks for your help.  :Luv:

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2011, 08:35:27 AM »
So pleased to hear Lacie is pretty much fully healed  :wow:  She is such a trooper with all her health problems  :care:  An updated pic would be great whenever you have time.  I'm sure she would be mortified if she knew you had posted her stitches pic without a follow up  :naughty:  :hug:

I seem to have done nothing but introductions for the last few years but all (apart from Dinah and she still hates all the others so success is not a word I would use for that introduction  :evillaugh:)  have been kittens and fully fit and healthy.  There's something about the innocence and apparent indestructibility of kittens that makes it so much easier  :)  Even so, we still have 1 inappropriate widdler so perhaps you should just ignore me  :innocent:  Here goes in any case.....

I can imagine how protective you will feel towards Lacie as I do and haven't met her  :hug:  I think you mentioned you were going to plug in a Feliway.  I certainly would have a couple of Feliways plugged in (upstairs and downstairs - where's the cheapo link Helen? oh think this is it £16 for diffuser plus vial   and £11 for the refill  :wow: ) and would add Zylkene to their food.  I can send you a couple of packs if you like (if you PM me your address) as I bought a large supply recently.  You would have to check but I don't think it should interfere with Lacie's medications. 

Does Lacie go outside at all?  I'm just wondering if they already know one another? 

How old are they?  I'm guessing Lacie is getting on due to her kidney problems but maybe not?  It's probably heresy to say on Purrs but I wouldn't expect 2 grown up female cats to become buddies too quickly so don't build your hopes up.  The best you could hope for in the short term is no fighting.  Am pretty sure that hissing and spitting will be on the agenda especially as Mollie didn't get on with the furrie in her former home.  You need to show lots of love and attention to the lovely Lacie. 

From what you say about Mollie, she's quite confident in your home at any rate so I would very much concentrate your attention on Lacie.  It is after all her home and she has the health ishoos. 

I wish you the very best of luck and hope all goes well and they settle quickly  :hug:
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 08:45:37 AM by Rosella moggy »

Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 12:21:17 PM »
Thanks  :) I'll have a look through those

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 00:42:18 AM »
I've no real experience as our stray that adopted us sort of integrated himself and the two cats we had back then had their noses put out of joint for a while but soon got used to him!

Might be some useful info on these links...,4789.0.html,4799.0.html


Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Introducing a new kitty
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 15:12:34 PM »
Hi everyone   :)

As Lacie is pretty much fully healed from her op now, I think the time has come to introduce Mollie!

I basically need some advice on how to do this so as to cause as little upset to Lacie as possible.

They have both seen each other through the window and have not reacted to each other (Lacie gave Mollie the evil eye when I fed her outside, but thats about it!) There has been near close encounters where one wants in the lounge, one wants out, which ended with a hiss from Mollie. Mollie also met Lacie's tail when she sneaked upstairs, Lacie was in her buster collar at the time with her back to her so was completly oblivious!

Thanks in advance for any advice!  :Luv:


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