Author Topic: Merlin  (Read 1828 times)

Offline kerri86

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Re: Merlin
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2011, 14:41:39 PM »
Aww, I'd have probably been the same.

When I first got Davey last year I bonded with him straight away. I kept him in the house and slowly let him out after a couple of months. He was fine coming home and we went a few weeks like that.

I let him out as normal one night and was surprised when he didn't come running when he heard me at the back door. I was in and out the back garden all day, nothing. I went walking around the local streets half expecting to find him dead or injured. Nothing. I couldn't sleep that night, I felt guilty when I got in bed that I was cosy and warm and he was out there probably freezing, tired and hungry. The second day, Friday was even worse. I'd cried myself to sleep thursday night and cried most of Friday. I missed him so much. I put up missing ads all over the place and asked neighbours to keep an eye out for him. Friday night I went to bed and cried myself to sleep again; it was my 3rd night without him and I was coming to terms with the fact that he probably wouldn't be coming back. All that was going through my mind was that he'd been hurt, injured or killed. The easier thing to believe was that somebody had taken him and kept him as their own but that hurt me too; I wondered if he was missing me like I was missing him.

Saturday morning I shouted him again, and hoped I'd hear his collar bell. Nothing. The neighbours two black cats came in the back garden and tried to get into the house. I never let them because Davey didn't get on with them, but as he'd gone I let them in for a nosey around. Only one of them came in. I shut the back door and as I was about to walk away hear meowing. Expecting to see the second black cat I opened the door and to my surprise saw Davey rush in and meow for his breakfast! I picked him up straight away and cuddled him. He was more bothered about his food. His little white nose was dirty with mud (not major) but other than that he was absolutely fine. He ate his breakfast and went upstairs to sleep on my bed.

I still have no idea where he went for that 3 nights but am so glad he came back, and was not hurt in any way. He's not done it since (thankfully).. don't think i'd cope if he did that to me again. Tinker wouldnt cope well either; she's bad enough when he's out anyway let alone if he's gone too long!

Sorry I went off on one then lol! It's great that you have the frame of mind that if you were to adopt it'd be forever. I'm the same. Just always keep in mind that circumstances do change and sometimes there's nothing else you can do. The important thing is that you gave that cat a great start in life and you could do again :-) xxx
<3 Tinks   xxXxx
<3 Davey xxXxx

Offline Beth82

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Re: Merlin
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2011, 14:22:33 PM »
 :hug: :hug: thank you x

It took me 2hrs to leave him, after handing him over, i sat on the car bonet and jsut stared lol  When I got home, it felt so lonely, that I went to go stay with a friend for 2 days.  I know I couldn't give up a cat again, so this time round, adoption is a perm thing, no matter what x

Offline kerri86

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Re: Merlin
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 14:12:48 PM »
aww how lovely! He sounds like "the" perfect cat. Such a shame he started his life out like he did but so great he was found by you and well looked after. I love the picture of him in the fridge... my last cat, Jess, was rather similar in liking his food. If it was edible it was his; at meal times (human meal times) he'd sit and stare like a dog does.

I couldn't imagine leaving my two behind or taking them to a rescue, it must have been difficult but it's fab that you're still in contact and you know how he is getting on (and how happy he is)! xx
<3 Tinks   xxXxx
<3 Davey xxXxx

Offline Beth82

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Re: Merlin
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2011, 12:17:03 PM »
After making this post, I decided to email the sanctuary to see if he was still there.  To my surprise and delight, he had been rehomed, I hadn't heard from my friend in a fair while tbh, so I was glad when I got a reply straight away.  The society make an online magazine and this is an article about him;

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Merlin
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2011, 12:07:08 PM »
One word - phwoar :drool;  :Luv:

He sounds a wonderful character, it's nice that you can still get updates on how he's doing over there  :)

Offline Beth82

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« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2011, 10:53:22 AM »
I thought I would join in, by posting a little about Merlin, the cat I had when I lived in Cyprus.  This is him, when he was 1yr old;

He was a very nosey cat, twice he had ended up getting too close to the cooker, when it was on and burnt his whiskers  >:( I should mention I wasn't by the cooker at the time!  He became an indoors cat but had 2 big verandas to play about on.  On the bigger veranda, I had potted plants, that he used to love diggy about it.  He was always wanting to search/hunt for things, so each evening, before bed, I would shut him in my bedroom and then hide treats around the apartment, pretty big apartment, so it kept him busy for a while.  Upon letting him out, I could hear him shuffling about, until I fell asleep.  I would always wake up, to find him curled up at the end of my bed  :Luv2:

He adored water, so in the hotter months, when I went out to work, I would fill up the bath tub, with a foot of cold water, cover the bathroom floor and half the halfway with 'merlin towels' and let him swim to his hearts content.  Many a time, I had found him curled up asleep in the kitchen and the bathroom sink, so you could imagine the amount of detol I had gone through in a week  :rofl:

If I was running the bath or shower, I always had to make sure the bathroom door was closed, or he'd be in there like a shot and chasing a soaking went cat, around a tiled apartment, isn't fun lol

Due to being an inside cat, I had to get him to exercise, so I used totake him up to the apartment block's roof (which was massive and had a roof garden ontop).  I would close the door and relax, whilst merlin spent an hour or so running about, I sat and caught up with the latest book I was reading, plus gaining a fab tan  :rofl:

He loved playing fetch, you could through his ball anywhere and he would ensure that fetching the ball, would include jumping over the 3 seater sofa too, fully cleared it aswell lol

As a cat, that was saved from drowning as a kitten, he was always nervous around others.  When I got him home, he was only 4-5 weeks old, if that and hid behind the sofa for a full week.  I would leave his food and water behind the sofa at first and put down newspaper as a litter tray for him.  When I wasn't working, I would lat on my front, infront of the tv and let him come to me.  It took over a week for him to build up the courage but within 2 weeks of him being with me, he had left the comfort of being behind the sofa.  Litter training seemed a natural thing for him, so had no trouble with that aspect.  I took him to the vets for the first time, after 5 weeks of having him, it took a while, as he was very nervous.  He got his first set of jabs and we talked about nuetering.  But the vet advised to hold off on operations, until his nervousness had faded.

When he turned 8 months, I took him to get nuetered, it had to be done, his spraying really did smell  :sick: after bringing him home, he gave me a major guilt trip!  Never forgot that  :(  whenever i got up to get something or move, he would follow but kept falling over and meowing at me.  His first night home, I ended up putting down towels on my bed and putting him in there with me, he slept like a baby!  When he was back to himself, he ignored me for over a week  :shocked: occasionally hissing at me, when I walked passed him  :scared: but that temper was buried, when i brought him treats home  :rofl:

Unfortunately, due to having a child and not being able to afford living in Cyprus and providing for my son, I had to move back home to the UK.  I would have loved to have brought Merlin home but the stress of the flight and move, would have tipped him over the edge IMO.  So I rehomed him with a friend, she also managed a cat rescue place in Cyprus and ended up putting him in there, for company.  As far as I am aware, he is very happy living his life with other rescues, she sends me updates every so often.  He's also put on a bit of weight  :shocked: but if he's happy lol

So there is my story about Merlin x


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