i have had over 20 cats neutered and so far we have never had much of an issue. most of them have acted as if nothing has happened, others have acted a bit fragile at first but have settled down after a while. i have never had anything except for positive comments about their recovery until today. candie was speyed and the vet prescribed some metacam saying candie appeared abit unfortable. candie came back home to us so i could administer the metacam should she need it as my parents have never down it before and were wary. i put candie in a room without other cats that smelt of her, and also sprayed feliway on some items. however candie is not behaving like the other girls have. she is wide eyed, costantly licking her wound and meowing. she has also become very frightened of me, running away from me, hissing and now trying to scratch me. she is lying on the floor, pulling herself along it. infact i am so worried about her i have put her back in her carrier and turned the lights off to see if that helps. should i be concerned or is she just not dealing as well with the operation?