Author Topic: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated  (Read 9934 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2012, 22:39:41 PM »
Doesn't time fly :Crazy: Pleased to hear things seem to be under control :)

Mine love da mouse too, there must be something about the texture of it as other mouse toys don't get the same treatment!

Offline Dawn F

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2012, 18:36:51 PM »
good news!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2012, 17:58:42 PM »
My goodness how the time flies!

I am so pleased to hear how well he is doing and he sounds remarkably like Lupin with his antics  ;D ;D

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2012, 16:02:24 PM »
Hi -

It's been over a year!!! since I last posted, and I have a good news update!

Fonzie is now making it 4-5 months between episodes. We go to the vet and are in and out in 10 minutes.

His symptoms are a lot less severe than they were before, and I'm waiting until several 'bundle up' before I take him over, as often times, if it is just one it goes away by itself.

We've kept up with the low grain, high meat food, and I've added riaflex to his diet. (well, riaflex was for chloe,  but they share food and gloucosamine is supposed to be good for skin disorders!)

last night he was absolutely full of himself.

he fell out of the wardrobe (must of thought the door was solid), leaped onto the dresser to knock treats off it (only took him 5 years to realize this!), hit amber, and then chased chloe down the stairs!  :Crazy:  earlier in the day he went around banging open cupboard doors until he found the one with all his toys in it.

he's also becoming quite a good spotter of spiders and flies, and is very good at announcing it to everyone that he has spotted something!

oh, and he has a toy in which he actually shows INTEREST in - da mousey thing on the end of da bird. he is obsessed with it, and he likes to leap to catch it... the only problem i have is that he refuses to give it back, so we do get into a bit of a battle over it... and it must always be hidden as he also likes a good gnaw on it.... (bristles must be soothing for his gums?!?!)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2011, 19:53:07 PM »
Thanks encoraging that there's a bigger gap between 'episodes'  :)

Happy Adoption Day Chloe  :wow:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2011, 16:11:53 PM »
glad things are going in the right direction!

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2011, 16:10:59 PM »

Right after that post fonzie's face started to swell up/have issues so we traipsed to the vet.

turns out it had been FIVE!!! months since our last visit and I was very impressed! Vet was quite pleased as well.

Fingers crossed we will make it to Christmas, which is when his vaccs are due.

oh, and a very happy 1 year adoption anniversary to chloe!!!

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2011, 18:45:23 PM »
Thank you for the update, delighted to hear things are going so well as I am sure it is less stress for both of you!  :hug: It's really interesting that grain-free *may* be helping. In humans an anti-inflammatory/ immune supporting diet can help reduce conditions like asthma, hayfever and eczema significantly. I've been wondering what the equivalent would be in a cat ... please do report again in another few months, my fingers are crossed it will continue to be good news.  :hug:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2011, 08:31:09 AM »
good news!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2011, 23:06:01 PM »
That sounds really good, thanks for the update and cuddles to Mr Fonzie  :hug: :hug:

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated - again!
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2011, 22:41:27 PM »

Me again!

Just wanted to let everyone know how mr fonzie was getting on.

Since March, he hasn't really had any outbreaks - which is quite amazing!

He has mostly been on a grainfree diet.
For the past few months he has mostly had : -
Fish4Cats (dry, down all the time)
Bozita (heaped tablespoon at night)
A tiny bit of plaque off
A tiny bit of pet plus for cats

I tend to rotate the wet food at night, and it is a mixture of natural instinct raw food (which he adores), hi-life potty about fish, hi-life 60% fish, ziwi peak, raw chicken, cooked chicken, liver etc... but the majority is Bozita-  hence the almost grain free diet!

He seems to be doing really quite well, and I've recently switched to ACANA dry food. (I do like to slightly mix it up, so he wont be fussy). That is also grainfree, so fingers cross it continues to work!

I've also switched the litter to (mostly) okoplus after years of wood pellets. I don't think he has even noticed the difference, which is even getter.

I've just come back from a week's holiday, and I am very surprised, and very pleased that his face (and ears) look perfectly normal. (Which is unusual as it is when I come back from being away I seem to have the most problems.) 

Hope this helps!

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2011, 08:12:41 AM »
Hi Onyx

Poor little guy, sorry to hear its all flared up again :(

This is why I'm so reluctant to put Soap through too much especially as she is only young and I'm hoping she will grow out of it. Touch wood, she has been ok now for just over a month and piriton was definitely the route to go for us.

I hope the usual treatment from the vets gets him back to normal quickly *hugs*
Stephanie Novell
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2011, 18:02:23 PM »
Sorry its broken out again and hope the vet will help again  :hug: :hug:

Sorry cant advise on foods cos only use felix and and solitaire here

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2011, 17:58:42 PM »
me again!!!

been keeping track of his diets, and this latest thing hasn't quite settled down yet.

top lip was swollen, then bottom chin/lip swollen, now top lip normal, bottom mutating, gum all big... getting spots on chin.... look like a trip to the vet next week is warrented. only started scratching the past day or so.

I'm going to change his foods, but wanted some suggestions. My bag of meowing heads is almost finished, and i was thinking about doing a mixture of fish4cats, along with either raw food, finishing up my bozita, and then possibly grau. feeding raw 100% isn't practical as i can't afford it, don't have the freezer space, and often camp on the weekends, and can't guarantee that I'll always have a cat sitter available!

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2011, 10:48:40 AM »
Unfortunately I don't know too much about his history, but the vet thinks he had calicivirus as little 'un seeing as he had his remaining teeth out in 2008.

I adopted him in Dec 2006 and was told that he was approximately 4, lived in a flat on a main road his whole life, so happy to be an indoor cat, likes to play fetch, and thinks he's a dog.  The person who took him into the rescue was the husband of the person who ran it, so he didnt get his medical information and the other details they usually would. They said he was a lovely cat who would great the volutneers/workers every day at the door of the cattery pen and meow at them and was a gentle soul and that he was one of their favourites.

I took him to the vet quite soon after adoption, and started his vaccinations again from scratch, as we couldnt prove he already had them. He was neutered.

my ex and i went to 'just have a look' as I had been talking about getting a pet for over a year.... i liked the idea of a stripey cat with green eyes, pink nose and possibly some white patches.... and male if preferable as they were friendlier.... didnt think anyone would adopt out the week before christmas...... went to have a look after seeing his description on the website... told the lady to reserve him and that i would be back in 2 hours after getting supplies!

quick trip to argos, wilkisons, PAH, and then back to the shelter, name change on the way home (Romeo - seriously!?) and its 5 years later, now with a dog, chloe, and no boyf!

Offline madamcat (Edd)

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2011, 19:33:37 PM »
Thanks for the responses.
we didn't really discuss treatment for any underlying causes - I got the impression that their might not have been any?

I am still going to keep up with the journal of his dietary habbits and any sick issues he has. Hopefully they are only external and not internal, as that would then mean the gingivitis is pretty much gone and he can keep his fangs!

From what I understand (which is very limited )is that allergies (flea or food) can play a part or a compromised immune system. Wonder if he had calci as a kitten whether that may be contributory?

Monitoring dietary/sick habits is an excellent thing to do to see if there are any links and the meds prescribed by your vets are working for Fonzie if needed.

Sounds like Fonzie has flare ups whereas the cat I mentioned - it was about controlling every day. The vet that took over his care when he was adopted said it was the worse case she had ever seen and he became a case study at a number of vet conferences. A very sweet cat who would follow his owner up to the bathroom every evening, get up onto his chair in the bathroom and put each paw forward to be bathed  :Luv2: We got updates from the owner every month as local branch of CP continued to pay the vet bills because of the severity of the condition.

The owner was very special too and sounds like Fonzie is very lucky to have you as well  :hug:

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2011, 14:19:40 PM »
Thanks for the responses.

we didn't really discuss treatment for any underlying causes - I got the impression that their might not have been any?

he does have super sensitive skin though - when he wears a collar (even one that easily comes over his head) he is completely bald where it touches. I've recently taken the collar off to see if that makes a difference. His hair is slowly starting to grow back. I didn't realize quite how skin sensitive he was, until I got Chloe - she has had her collar on since September, and no bald patches - just some indentations where the collar sits. (I had tried changing collars with fonzie, taking off tags, bells, etc but it didnt make a difference).

In general, I dont think Fonzie's case is that severe - probably more of an annoyance to both me and him.

I am still glad I did the biopsy though, as it at least confirms the fact that we were treating it with the depo-medrol is the right way to deal with it, and that it is, as far as we can tell, just the skin issue.  With regards to treatment, I'll just monitor him as I was - bring him in when the scabs/scratching isn't going away on its own and when it is causing him real discomfort. 

I am still going to keep up with the journal of his dietary habbits and any sick issues he has. Hopefully they are only external and not internal, as that would then mean the gingivitis is pretty much gone and he can keep his fangs!

Offline madamcat (Edd)

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2011, 11:31:32 AM »
Glad you have got a diagnosis - that was what I mentioned in my post about the cat in CP care who was diagnosed with severe "immune deficiency eosinophilic granuloma dermatitis of the paw pads:

One of the skin disorders/breakouts I have seen is eosinophilic granuloma complex - it was a very bad case on the cat's paw pads but was managed with medication. He went through loads of tests for a diagnosis. In the end the underlying cause was labelled an "immune deficiency eosinophilic granuloma dermatitis" but not associated with FIV which he was also tested for.
Think eosinophilic granuloma complex is an umbrella term as it relates to a group of skin problems in cats that cause inflammation and is either started or made worse  by the cat licking the area. Believe eosinophilic granuloma is not a specific diagnosis but a description of the signs that occur and there are various causes.

Here is the link to Fab :

Did the vet suggest any treatment for identifying the underlying cause?
The cat I mentioned was managed on medication and bathing of the paws but it was very severe.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 11:33:59 AM by Edd »

Offline Dawn F

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2011, 08:14:50 AM »
never heard of it myself, have you looked on the fabcats website?  hopefully someone will here will be able to help, good to know what you are up against at least

Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday -updated
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2011, 19:25:26 PM »
went to the vet today, and we have a diagnosis!

eosinophilic dermatitis.

I can't seem to find out too much information about this, as most of it is about the eosinophilic granuloma complex.

It is related to it in the fact it deals with the eosinophils. This version doesnt affect the lips really, so his lip swelling or internal issues may be related more to the previous bouts of gingivitis, which may have been caused by catching calcivirus as a younger kitty.

treatment options are either the shot he already gets when it flares up, or, I can have a stash of steroids at home to use when it flares up. In my case, will probably be easier to go for his shot, as the steroids would be 5 days on one dosage then tapering it off so it could take like 15 days per episode. And, as he only usually goes in every few months, probably easier for him to go in, have a shot, and then be done with it.

As I predicted his paw issue was pretty much gone by the time we went in so, will just have to wait to see what that is.

overall the vet said he was in good condition and said 9 wasn't a bad guess for his age, going by lack of teeth!

if anyone has any information about eosinophilic dematitis, would you mind linking me to the site or letting me know?


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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday - update!
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2011, 22:09:53 PM »
still due to go back on Wednesday, but just as I predicted, his paw issue has now vanished. 

face seems to be healing - though would probably heal faster if I was able to reason with him and tell him that scratching at it wont help!

« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 19:18:40 PM by onyx »

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2011, 17:53:01 PM »
 :hug: He is lucky to have you in every way and I bet he knows it.
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline onyx

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2011, 13:31:44 PM »
I'm going to ask next week about the paw condition - assuming it is still present!

tell me about chronic conditions... 10 years on and I personally still dont have an 'official' diagnosis for mine (autoimmune as well) .....! maybe Fonzie and I are kindred spirits!!! ;D

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2011, 11:54:11 AM »
Hi Steff / Firefox-

The biopsy went quite well (I think!)

From what the vet explained it is a really quick procedure, they pretty much knock them out, shave part of their face, take a sliver of skin and wake them up.   I dropped him off at 9, and when I called at 1 he was already awake.

I ended up picking him up at 5, but we didn't make it home until almost 7. (ridiculous traffic). Inside he immediately went straight for his litter box and to be honest, if I hadn't of known he went to the vets, I wouldn't have known anything had happened.

he was /is eating/drinking/cuddling as normal. Fonzie is also one of the most chilled cats ever, and nothing seems to bother him so... that probably is helping in his recovery at home!

We go back next Wednesday, and get the results of the biopsy then. I'm not quite sure if they will really tell us anything, because his scabs had pretty much gone by the time they got in. It probably would have been more useful when his lip and what not is all swollen, but it is always the case that when the time is good the bloody thing has gone away!

The vet didnt really say too much as to whether or not the mouth and paws were linked. He was more talkative about how rare the paw issue was and how hard that can be to treat, but again, treatment of that would be steroids.

I think what has been really difficult with Fonzie is that it isn't one consistent symptom.  If it was consistent then it would be probably easier to diagnose. We have gone in with lameness (falling from a second storey window! or possibly a bug bite!), bottom chin swelling, bottom lip swelling, ear mites, tumours under the tongue, tumours on the tongue, rotten teeth, red gums, itchy paw pads, face scratched and whiskers coming out, swollen top lip, swollen face, swollen ears, bony protrusions on the jaw bone, lumps in cheeks, etc....  (The antihistimines were tried to see if they would help with the itchy symptoms and to see if it WAS environmental if they made a difference. They didn't make a difference that i could tell so I haven't given him any for a couple of years now).  For us though, it is always the mouth that is the primary concern, and not the paw pads.

I don't know if one condition would be able to explain everything, which does make diagnosis so much harder. Usually if it is just one thing it tends to go away on its own and then we are good for a while, but when I get more than one together, and they aren't going away, that's when we take him in.

 :wow: So pleased to hear all went well, I am sure that is a relief.  :hug: Have any names been put to the paw problem? I ask because Noah had plasma cell pododermatitis, which has been linked to dental problems, FIV (my boy was neg) and diet.

You are right that this may not be one condition, but it might be more than one condition with a common root - for example asthma, eczema and hayfever or depression, stress/ anxiety and insomnia. Because the body is incredibly complex, medicine is a huge field divided into specialisms - it's commonplace for conditions to present with different symptoms at different stages or in different patients. With the best will in the world the average general practitioner or veterinarian is always going to be Jack of all trades and master of none.  :shy:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
Lulu's Catbook

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2011, 11:26:39 AM »
We haven't been able to identify exactly what is causing Soap reaction and if it is even an allergy but it does respond to antihistamine probably quicker than the anti b's and anti inflam's.

On a personal note, I am pleased to say that my asthma has improved considerably over the past few years and I hardly have to take my steriod inhaler (only if I'm poorly) which is a great relief as I was really worried about using steriods.  I also hadn't realised you have made the steroid connection with Noah :(

I should have distinguished between systemic (injection/ tablets) and local (inhalers/ creams) corticosteroids.  :-[  The inhaled ones are not absorbed so won't increase any general risks, and can often prevent asthmatics needing a course of tablets.  ;D Furthermore in moderate+ asthma, the risks associated with a severe attack or chest infection are far greater than the steroids. Similarly I am sure the vet feels that the risk of Fonzie getting an infection in his skin as well as the discomfort, would outweigh the risks there, with Noah's pododermatitis being so advanced the alternative was PTS.  :'(
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2011, 00:05:06 AM »
Fonzie sounds a lovely character  ;D ;D

Maybe it would help to keep a Fonzie diary of what he gets and when and what treatment, plus what you were feeding at the time of any outbreak, or anything that had happened in the house. new cleaners or perfume or anything you can think off.

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2011, 23:42:44 PM »
Hi Steff / Firefox-

The biopsy went quite well (I think!)

From what the vet explained it is a really quick procedure, they pretty much knock them out, shave part of their face, take a sliver of skin and wake them up.   I dropped him off at 9, and when I called at 1 he was already awake.

I ended up picking him up at 5, but we didn't make it home until almost 7. (ridiculous traffic). Inside he immediately went straight for his litter box and to be honest, if I hadn't of known he went to the vets, I wouldn't have known anything had happened.

he was /is eating/drinking/cuddling as normal. Fonzie is also one of the most chilled cats ever, and nothing seems to bother him so... that probably is helping in his recovery at home!

We go back next Wednesday, and get the results of the biopsy then. I'm not quite sure if they will really tell us anything, because his scabs had pretty much gone by the time they got in. It probably would have been more useful when his lip and what not is all swollen, but it is always the case that when the time is good the bloody thing has gone away!

The vet didnt really say too much as to whether or not the mouth and paws were linked. He was more talkative about how rare the paw issue was and how hard that can be to treat, but again, treatment of that would be steroids.

I think what has been really difficult with Fonzie is that it isn't one consistent symptom.  If it was consistent then it would be probably easier to diagnose. We have gone in with lameness (falling from a second storey window! or possibly a bug bite!), bottom chin swelling, bottom lip swelling, ear mites, tumours under the tongue, tumours on the tongue, rotten teeth, red gums, itchy paw pads, face scratched and whiskers coming out, swollen top lip, swollen face, swollen ears, bony protrusions on the jaw bone, lumps in cheeks, etc....  (The antihistimines were tried to see if they would help with the itchy symptoms and to see if it WAS environmental if they made a difference. They didn't make a difference that i could tell so I haven't given him any for a couple of years now).  For us though, it is always the mouth that is the primary concern, and not the paw pads.

I don't know if one condition would be able to explain everything, which does make diagnosis so much harder. Usually if it is just one thing it tends to go away on its own and then we are good for a while, but when I get more than one together, and they aren't going away, that's when we take him in.

i haven't been very good at keeping track of how often we go on, but I do know they say the shot lasts for a month, and we never go back within a month.  My goal this year is to try and monitor it a bit more - taking note of his diet each day and what symptoms appear when.

i understand the use of steroids, as I myself am on them long term, and I know it isn't ideal for him to need the repeated visits, but, he is always so much perkier after the visits, his scabs go away and he is much more interactive with both myself, chloe, and the dog.

Unfortunately as we don't know his background, we can only go by what our experiences have been, which is when fonzie is feeling under the weather and is ripping his face to shreds, we go to the vet, get a quick shot, and then we have our normal boy back for a few months. 

my reasons for the biopsy are that if they DO tell us what is wrong with him, I will be able to research and hopefully find out more information about his condition and how to treat him. If they DONT end up telling us anything, at least it will hopefully narrow down things that it isnt. Most of the more common illnesses (Eosinophilic granuloma, or gingivitis stomatisis) are treated through the use of steroids, which we are already on, but it would be peace of mind for me at least.

at the moment, he is feeling quite perky -- he is sitting on top of a catnip fish, was shaking his butt at chloe, and is now waiting for me to get off the computer so he can have his night time cuddles!

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2011, 23:21:25 PM »
I was hoping you would be able to advise FF :)

I have a severe nut allergy so have an epi pen but have never had to use it because if I ever come into contact with nuts by accident I take an antihistamine straight away and that will usually be enough to stem the reaction so I don't go into anafalaxis (sp).

We haven't been able to identify exactly what is causing Soap reaction and if it is even an allergy but it does respond to antihistamine probably quicker than the anti b's and anti inflam's.

On a personal note, I am pleased to say that my asthma has improved considerably over the past few years and I hardly have to take my steriod inhaler (only if I'm poorly) which is a great relief as I was really worried about using steriods.  I also hadn't realised you have made the steroid connection with Noah :(
Stephanie Novell
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Offline Fire Fox

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2011, 23:04:35 PM »
Antihistamines are beneficial for many environmental allergies, tho not for severe reactions or anaphylaxis. I have never heard of antihistamines for food allergy and I can't see how they could be effective. The common sense approach is to identify and eliminate from the diet exactly as the body tries to do (excreting through the skin or the bowel :sick: ). Corticosteroids do have significant short and long term effects which is why they are used conservatively in humans. Given that felines have a shorter life span I imagine there would be less emphasis on the long term in the veterinary profession.

For those who don't know, I am a qualified pharmacy technician (human/ hospital) tho worked in natural healthcare (nutrition/ physical activity) for the last eight years. For complete transparency I am particularly anti-steroids at present as I just lost my little Noah to a large tumour  :'(  knowing what I do I suspect that the unavoidable use of corticosteroids after his rescue was a contributory factor. :'(
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2011, 21:53:10 PM »
Hi Onyx

How was Fonzie after the biopsy? When will you get the results.

Does your vet think the paw and mouth issues are linked like mine did? Will the biopsy give a definitive answer to the mouth problem? If it is allergies would they still treat with steroids?

I may be wrong and am only speaking from my own personal experiences with allergies and asthma and treatments. I've always been prescribed steroids for my asthma and antihistimine for my allergies. I *think* the long term effects of steroids is worse than antihistimines but don't quote me. It may be something worth asking your vet if the problems do turn out to be due to allergies. Like I did with my vets when the first one wanted to keep giving anti bs and anti inflams for an allergy which I couldn't understand.

My dog was ONCE treated with steroids for an allergy but it was a one off injection because he had a severe reaction to a bee sting.

As you already know, I am hugely interested in this because of Soaps problems and I really don't know whether to put her through the biopsy or not. As mentioned before, the vet is not really pushing it despite knowing that Soap is insured!

Steff :)
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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2011, 10:01:00 AM »
Hi -

Fonzie was brought in this morning.

As you would expect last night he was chasing chloe around the house, acting as if nothing was wrong with him. his face and mouth also looked tons better. felt a bit of an idiot bringing him in but...

Had a quick chat with the vet this morning. He wasn't too concerned about his face, but will to the biopsy to see if we can get any further details. We had a peek in his mouth and it looks fabulous. 

quick chat about allergies, exclusion diets, acne and gingivitis stomatis, and the general feeling was that as long as the steriods are working then probably just stick to those. And, seeing as the mouth is at the moment so clean hopefully the really bad stuff is all in the past.

I remembered to ask him about his paw, and then he said, oh, this is quite unusual we dont see many of these at all. We see 3-4 of the face scratching issues a day, but only one a year of the paw problem!    Something about a soft paw with a blistery type thing over it, with a bit of a horny crust? Not quite sure but he said it could be difficult to treat. Fonzie hasn't seemed too bothered by it, a bit of chewing, but it isn't bleeding or anything.

Call around lunch time, and no special treatment tonight - though I might give everyone some fresh chicken as a treat for dinner!

Thanks for all your help.

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2011, 17:34:36 PM »
thanks again for responding.

glad to see i am not the only one with a poorly cat.

all those stories sound really familiar.

when it first started happening the vet did suggest allergies (not food, but environmental) and had also suggested half a piriton. they hadn't really helped so I stopped giving them to him.

i had thought about taking photos, but thought it might have been a bit too macabre... i'll probably start again once he comes back and is healed up.

i think as they were happening so infrequently it was more of a less is more type thing - less invasive the better. but they do seem to be happening with more and more frequency. Sometimes it warrants a vet visit, and other times it just goes away by itself.

i think a bit of it is stress related as well. i went away for 2 weeks in november, and when i came back we think he had an eye infection, which turned into itchy face, which went away, came back, then off to the vet, and then here we are again, back to the vet a week later.

for the past 2 weeks he has taken up residence in the dog crate, and hasnt been chasing chloe around... so...

i just hope they figure out what it is!

are there any specific questions i should ask?

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2011, 12:41:07 PM »
This all sounds very similar to the problems I have been having with Soap.

First instance, her left paw swelled up and she was licking it which made it become infected. Vets treated withs abs and anti inflammatories.

Second instance, her right paw swelled up. Vet treated in the same way and mentioned possibly allergies.

Third instance, her bottom lip swelled up. Vet treated in the same way again but said almost 100% sure its an allergy and if we couldn't work out what then there was little he could do and even tests usually came back inconclusive. At that point I questioned why he continued to treat with abs and anti inflams instead of an anti histimine (sp). He said, because it works!

So next time she her face flared up I gave her some pirititon (which had been prescribed for my dog) and only gave her a quarter of a tablet. This helped.

The following week so was in for her booster and I went to see the cat lady vet. She said I was right to give piriton but can actually give half a tablet and has also given me some more. She said it is more than likely an allergy but could be various other skin problems. She wanted me to keep a diary of when flare ups occur and also take pics of Soap's face. She did say the only way to get a conclusive answer would be a biopsy but wouldn't recommend it because the piriton works.

Sorry I'm not really helping, just adding my experiences. I'd be really interested to learn of the outcome please.

Hope all goes well for your boy on weds :)   
Stephanie Novell
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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2011, 11:45:54 AM »
One of the skin disorders/breakouts I have seen is eosinophilic granuloma complex - it was a very bad case on the cat's paw pads but was managed with medication. He went through loads of tests for a diagnosis. In the end the underlying cause was labelled an "immune deficiency eosinophilic granuloma dermatitis" but not FIV which he was also tested for.

There are different types of eosinophilic granuloma and a biopsy can be done. But there are also a range of other things as well that can cause skin problems  :hug:

Attaching a link of the index of skin problems from feline advisory board which you may find useful. Warning some of the pictures are quite graphic and are worse case scenario with the skin problems particularly the eosinophilic granuloma.

Continue to be guided by your vet and ask for a referral if needed. Good luck on wednesday  :hug:
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 11:53:55 AM by Edd »

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2011, 10:25:55 AM »
I know of 2 cases similar to this through work  -

1) Had the swelling of the tongue and scratching - this has now been controlled with diet

2) Cat pulling fur. Had allergy tests and is on a desensitization injection course which seems to be working

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2011, 09:13:32 AM »
Thanks for all the comments.

Allergies were briefly discussed, but the vet said that he would have to go to Edinburgh for allergy testing and the results mostly come back inconclusive. And, as he seems to be managing and not in a great deal of pain, it was probably easier to just come in once in a while for a shot. 

We haven't tried an exclusion food diet yet, but we have switched foods of the years - originally on GoCat/Whiskas before I knew better, than JWB and Natures Menu, and now a combination of Meowing Heads/Hi Life/bozita/ applaws etc.

It's your cat and you know best but it seems strange for your vet to brush it off when a young cat has lost most of his teeth, regularly needs injections of a potent prescription drug (= long term effects) and is about to have a general anaesthetic. Which allergy testing is your vet referring to - York tests, skin prick tests? You need neither of these to work on food allergies, only environmental ones. Are there any digestive issues, even minor ones?

Unfortunately switching food brands won't prove or disprove anything as each of the foods will have a long list of ingredients, probably including the most common allergens. Most dry foods contain cereals and most wet foods contain chicken and/ or fish - all of these can be allergenic. This is a separate issue from the quality of the foods you use. Vets seem to be as bad as GPs at trying the natural route before the medical route (says 20 years in human healthcare  :doh: ).

Hope everything goes well tomorrow, it's always good to read of a rescue mogster that has such a caring slave. :hug:
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 09:14:15 AM by Fire Fox »
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2011, 08:20:50 AM »
Thanks for all the comments.

Allergies were briefly discussed, but the vet said that he would have to go to Edinburgh for allergy testing and the results mostly come back inconclusive. And, as he seems to be managing and not in a great deal of pain, it was probably easier to just come in once in a while for a shot. 

Personally I think it must be a combination of some sort of feline acne and gingivitis.  Fonzie is also experiencing some 'regrowth' in his gums, so I'll ask the vets to see if they can dig out any remaining teeth roots while he is under.  Sometimes we go in and his gums are in perfect condition, and other times they are quite red.  that thread and link are quite informative - thanks.

We haven't tried an exclusion food diet yet, but we have switched foods of the years - originally on GoCat/Whiskas before I knew better, than JWB and Natures Menu, and now a combination of Meowing Heads/Hi Life/bozita/ applaws etc.

we have pet plan covered for life insurance, and I'd prefer him to be happy and healthy than worry about money issues.

it was cute though yesterday, when we came back from the vet. Chloe immediately went over to him and started sniffing and licking him. all concerned that he had gone away and came back smelling different!

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2011, 23:48:18 PM »
Sorry no help from me either except to say there must be specialists dealing with issues and I agree sticking to a single vet and if the vets dont know, there are so many places they can ask!

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on Wednesday  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2011, 23:38:25 PM »
My first thought was food allergies. I'm no expert on felines, but the only way you can definitively rule out food allergies in humans is an exclusion diet - I believe others have used a single novel protein source (meat from an animal never eaten before). Has this been tried? Or indeed non-food allergies; I knew a dog who had severe problems within his ears - had most of it removed and sewn up - which turned out to be due to Shake'n'Vac.  :doh:

The teeth being removed rings a bell too, I'll post again if I can dig up the thread I am thinking of. ETA: it was this, which I see has already been suggested by your vet. Interesting that it is linked with food allergy/ intolerance tho.,35725.0.html
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 23:44:49 PM by Fire Fox »
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: GA and Skin Biopsy on Wednesday
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 23:28:57 PM »
Have food allergies/intolerances ever been discussed with the vet? I remember someone on here describing similar issues with their cat and I think the outcome was that it was food related.

Best of luck for Wednesday  :hug:


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