Author Topic: Antibiotics precribed to slave for scratch - does the scratcher need to see a vet?  (Read 1610 times)

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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They dished out anti b's for swine flu without seeing the patients because of it being highly contageious. I had it in 2009, OH did the NHS online questions thingy for me and had to go to the special quarantine place to pick up the anti b's. It was madness, I was quite poorly though and not really with it for the first few days *yuck*

I think GP's now have standard anti b's to treat certain common ailments like infected wounds, water infections etc. They will give you the standard/generic one which clears most cases but you have to go to see them if they don't work and usually have to get a different lot of anti b's. Double the expense and a double dose of anti b's which isn't great!

I can understand their thinking but not sure if I 100% like it...especially if the first set don't work!
Stephanie Novell
Lost & Found Coordinator
Petsearch UK - Bedford HQ

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Thanks for your reply Gil - one of the downsides of small village life I guess!

I seem to have come out in a slight rash today on the affected hand which I'm hoping is from a new shower gel (although I've not had a reaction from that ever before) - will see how it goes and perhaps ring the doc on Monday.

The cats are all still fine - and still full of Dreamies  :rofl:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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My doctors do the same thing and have prescribed at least 3 lots of abs without seeing me, I also live in a small village.............sigh

So pleased that the wound is improving..............becareful of your feet cos prolonged numbness could cause a problem when walking  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Aw, thanks all - I was just more concerned for my furry than myself - you know how it is!  :rofl:

I've kept cats all of my life and, being a scampish little oik as a kid, was used to getting a few swats from cats showing me who's boss and I've never had a problem before so maybe it's a coincidence that I've had a reaction to something at the same time as suffering a scratch. The scratch was on my lower palm and was a little painful and sore but 48 hours later three of my fingers had gone red and swollen. But it's much, much better now so all good!

Tiggy's Mum - I can assure you that cause of my troubles is well and truely 'doped up' on Dreamies now. So much that she's asleep on my feet and they're about to go dead now  :rofl: (my feet that is, not the cat!).

On the subject of being given antibiotics without seeing a GP - I think I may have heard of it happen for people suffering from swine flu. It seems to ring a bell somehow. Maybe it's just an oddity of my GP practice - the main surgery is in a village about 10 miles away and our village has a small 'satellite' surgery where there's only a Dr there a couple of hours day and a small dispensary.

Thanks again all!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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:get well:

I think the scractcher will need a weeks course of 'Dreamies' treats (three times daily)  :naughty:

Hope the anti-biotics are doing their job, have to say I do find it a bit worrying that the Doctor didn't even see you before dishing them out  :Crazy:
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 21:01:00 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Sorry - should also have added glad its on the mend.  :doh:

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Firstly, I'm glad the cat in question is suffering no ill-effects.  :evillaugh:

As regards the doctor prescribing without seeing you, that is bad practice.  I'm a bit out of date on these things but certainly in the past it was also illegal.

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Cheers for your response Gill.

Thankfully the inflamation has gone down today so hopefully the antibios are working - will defo keep an eye on it though! Somewhat concerning is that I was prescribed the pills without seeing or even speaking to a GP - I spoke to the receptionist enquiring about an appointment (and gave the most basic of symptoms and situation) and was rang back an hour later saying that the doc had emailed a prescription straight to the pharmacy. I can't decide if that's a good or worrying service to be honest.

At least puss is ok though!

Thanks again :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Your cat will be fine but its you that is at risk.................if the abs dont seem to be working get back to doc or hospital asap cos often docs think bites and scratches will just get better but if you get an infection it can kill.   :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Hi all,

One of my cats scratched me at the weekend and yesterday I was prescribed antibiotics as I seem to have suffered a bad reaction to it.

Some internet advice says that in situations like this there is no need for a cat in question to see a vet but I wanted the opinions of the experts on here.

All of my cats are strictly house cats and fully vacinated. The cat in question scratched me during an out of character panic but she is completely back to normal now. All cats are eating and pooping well and appear in sound health.

I have tried searching on this site for an answer but can only find info regarding cats being scratched by others and antibios prescribed to cats by vets.

Thanks all!


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