I think Ducha slept OK but not me, very little sleep. One large black and white sleeping like a log down one side and Franta messing around on the other..................I am shattered.
Ducha has produced one little nugget and hope this is the start of normal service.
Overnight he drank the rest of his watered down condensed milk and he has now drank two lots ands a bit, so have left him some more and hope that will finish off the trick.
Has had his metacam today and eaten a bit, guess with his lack of mobility he doesnt need to eat as much?
Puppy pads are working well and now waiting for the vet to ring to answer loads of questions.
Sadly his cat flu has returned and hope its not going to get any worse, guess its the stress of being in the cage, he is not sneezing but blowing through his nose and snuffling so am putting the bisolven in his food again to try and break up the catargh before it goes solid.
Poor little man really needs some sort of stimulation but without causing him to move!!