Author Topic: Please sign to stop the cats in Florida being killed.  (Read 4890 times)

Offline bunglycat

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Please sign to stop the cats in Florida being killed.
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 17:42:59 PM »
Please sign to help the cats in Florida

Get Informed

Learn more about cats and wildlife.

January 27, 2011
Action Alert
Tell the FWS You Value the Lives of All Animals in the Florida Keys

Dear Gill,

Last week, we let you know about a dangerous plan proposed by the US Fish & Wildlife Service that would send cats in the Florida Keys to their deaths. Now is your chance to comment on the plan and voice your disapproval!

Intended to protect local threatened and endangered wildlife species, the draft management plan misguidedly targets feral cats instead of addressing the real threat to these species—humans.

The plan does not address the impact of human activities like urbanization and land development, but instead sends feral cats to a local shelter, where they will be killed according to shelter policy.
The plan wrongly dismisses Trap-Neuter-Return, the humane and effective approach that would stabilize the cat population, educate the community, and would offer a win-win solution.
The plan misinterprets and disregards scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of Trap-Neuter-Return all over the country and turns a blind eye to successful TNR efforts in adjacent areas of the Florida Keys.
The FWS plan cannot be allowed to move forward as written. Rejecting Trap-Neuter-Return and killing cats in the Keys is a cruel and costly mistake. Without addressing the human impact on wildlife, the plan is already doomed to fail—at the cost of countless cats’ lives.

You can comment on the plan, but only until February 3. Visit our action center now to tell the Fish & Wildlife Service that killing is not a solution—and that you want one that values and protects the lives of all animals.

For the Cats,
Alley Cat Allies

P.S. The US Fish & Wildlife Service is a national agency, so the outcome of this plan could affect cats nationwide! Tell your friends across America to voice their objections to the plan today!
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