Author Topic: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........  (Read 23422 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2016, 13:54:48 PM »
Sorry dont know Sheila you would have to ask them.

People can donate thro PAH VIP scheme, well not donate but a small percentage of purchase costs go to anominated rescue, set mine up years ago to go to Coventry cats but dont know if they actually get anything and they dont post on here any more

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2016, 23:45:39 PM »
Is PAH help still available. anyone know?

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2012, 09:42:42 AM »
 :thanks: Bunglycat and Mary

yes it is Haworth Cat Rescue founded by Sara over 20 years ago! and she still does do a fantastic job.  :)

:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline Tan

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2012, 19:44:48 PM »
[gmod]We are so very proud to have many wonderful cat rescue organisations with us on Purrs, we admire the courage and strength you have everyday to help the needy cats. You are what Purrs was created for to give you the support to carry on your dedication in cat Rescue. This bit on Purrs is for you, to protect your postings and help us all work together helping the needy cats :) Taken from The Feline Advisory Bureau:- There are many differences in emphasis between organisations and groups of caring people who want to help cats. Cooperation between organisations in invaluable and is in the best interests of Feline Welfare. Rescue organizations will be governed by their own constitution and objectives. Their rules and criteria may be completely different to other rescues and no organisation has any right to interfere in the way that another operates or applies it’s funds. Neither does any organisation have the resources to deal with every problem and must work within the constraints of it’s resources, facilities, finance and manpower. Disclaimer The posted messages from Rescues express the views of the that rescue, and not necessarily the views of other Rescues on Purrs. [/gmod]

Offline maryas

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2012, 16:45:37 PM »
What the hell is happening in this Thread????

Why oh why is SamMewl having to explain herself to Purrs in this fashion?

Never seen any other Rescue questioned in this manner and I am sickened by it.

SamMewl, not seen you on here before - are you part of Howarth Cat Rescue that Sara runs?  If so, I know Sara does a fantastic Job there as I used to work with Nancie at Bradford College and she always told me about the Rescue.

Well done SamMewl.  :hug:

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2012, 15:48:48 PM »
I have just been looking at your accounts as verified by charities commision and I have had to stop as I find it too upsetting, salaries £39771, vet bill only £19464 please tell me I am misreading,why is double the vet bill spent on salaries.
I do know one thing £39771 should be spent on neutering and volunteers brought in to replace paid workers.

But why does anyone in rescue have the right to question what another rescue does with it's money !?
Every rescue is run different from what I see and do not think anyone has a right to criticise  it unless the animals aren't being looked after properly which clearly is not the case.
Please stop imposing your views on others , everyone runs things differently !

I think the self cleaning litter trays are great idea for the rescue when there are so many and the staff can then concentrate on other important stuff, .

As reagarding only using volunteers, well that's not feasible as many people who volunteer could suddenly stop , be unreliable etc ,and I guess there are also people who won't work just for the love of it and no pay .
If paid workers are used there is more chance of reliability and not wanting to lose their jobs.

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2012, 13:48:23 PM »
It's frightening to see the overall costs involved in running a rescue  :Crazy: In an ideal world volunteers would be on hand to help but as we all know life is far from ideal  :shy: It seems that bringing in paid staff has allowed Haworth to carry on taking in huge numbers of cats and also increased the revenue of the rescue which can't be a bad thing!

Hope Haworth Cat does well on his torch run SamMewl  ;D

Thank you

Thats Haworth on Valentines day trying to get shoppers to find a new true kitty love!
:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2012, 13:37:40 PM »
Currently we have 4 paid staff and 497 listed volunteers with 42 fosterers. The majority of the money spent on salaries goes to the campaign manager the other staff are part-time and on near to minimum wage. The campaign manager has organised fundraising so that she brings in considerably more to us than her salary. Without her we wouldn't have the £19K to spend on vet bills. If you had continued to read you would have seen that the way we run leaves us with our expenses lower than our income.

Having the other staff members means that we always have somone that is in charge, this ensures everything gets done, all cats are looked after and given medication etc. It also means that there is somone to handle any difficult people here, we have had people threatening violence if we don't take their cat, people threatening to bring us dead cats. We also welcome people with special needs to spend time here and therefore we need somone who is utimately responsible for them and we also need somone who will ensure our volunteers are welcomed and appreciated. Our volunteers are wonderful and essential but they do not want to take complete responsibility for the cats here, not surprisingly as it is very stressful.

We neuter every cat that comes to us (and trap, neuter, return if apropriate) and give every cat all the vet care it needs. Our older cats will get dental treatment while they are here and we put no limit on what we will spend on a cat in vet fees. For example we have spent  £3000 on one kitten to try and find what was wrong with it, sadly we found he had found his organs were misplaced and there was no way he could survive.  We also offer lifetime veterinary support for cats adopted with medical conditions (eg diabetes) and pay all age related veterinary costs for cats rehomed who are over 10 years old.

Some of our trustees thought as you did that we should not ever have paid staff but compared to when we were just run by volunteers we are, with paid staff, rehoming more cats per year (last year we rehomed 540 compared to 200-300) and we have more a lot more income. The income that will ensure we have money for future vet bills and we hope, to continue to expand with an assured future. The way we work might not be the best but we ARE all trying to do our best for the unwanted, stray and abandoned cats of Yorkshire.
:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2012, 12:30:33 PM »
It's frightening to see the overall costs involved in running a rescue  :Crazy: In an ideal world volunteers would be on hand to help but as we all know life is far from ideal  :shy: It seems that bringing in paid staff has allowed Haworth to carry on taking in huge numbers of cats and also increased the revenue of the rescue which can't be a bad thing!

Hope Haworth Cat does well on his torch run SamMewl  ;D

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2012, 10:21:48 AM »
 I have just been looking at your accounts as verified by charities commision and I have had to stop as I find it too upsetting, salaries £39771, vet bill only £19464 please tell me I am misreading,why is double the vet bill spent on salaries.
I do know one thing £39771 should be spent on neutering and volunteers brought in to replace paid workers.

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2012, 09:38:04 AM »
Teresa - we used litter trays for 20 years, I know because when I started here as a volunteer I was cleaning them 3 days a week!

We have gained a lot of support over the time HCR has been running although it is still a small shelter run from the back garden of the founder. To ensure the survival of the rescue after the founder can no longer work and also to try and help the hundreds of cats that are always on our waiting list (currently about 400) it was decided that we need a bigger, permanent shelter. So a campaign manager was brought onboard to promote us and try and secure funding. Initially there was concern that this would actually divert funds that were desperately needed for the day to day running of the rescue, however, the campaign manager has developed our fundraising side enormously. Most weekends we do supermarket or street collections (which can raise anything from £200 to £800), tombolas at shows, table top sales etc. This weekend we will have a big orange cat complete with money buckets to follow the olympic torch around our nearby town!

There is always so much to do and worry about on site that without a seperate band of fundraising volunteers properly organised by the campaign manager we would be struggling a lot more than we are.
:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2012, 20:20:41 PM »
Guess I`ve been doing it wrong all these years because I am still using old fashioned  litter trays and struggling to find funds to neuter every cat and more that needs it,good thing is we manage and volunteers are good and reliable but sadly will never be as gifted at fundraising.

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2012, 10:07:43 AM »
They have been really good to us too. We got a grant for over £6000 last year, so we could put automated cat toilets (cat genies) into each pen, much nicer for the cats and the volunteers (except now when the pipes freeze :doh:).
They also let us do collections and tombolas in their store  :)

How wonderful, though I cant help but think how many cat spays could be done for £6000,

True - but we get enough from adoptions and fundraising to pay to spay every female cat that gets near us  :)
The thing with Pets at Home as well as applying for money from other trusts and foundations is that they like to fund a 'project' with a start and an end rather than just running costs. We rely on volunteers for cleaning and although we do have many and they are a HUGE help, it is not a reliable workforce. With the cat genies in we know that if no-one turns up its still possible to clean alll the pens everyday.

The in-store collections are a regular sorce of cash that we pretty much just hand over to the vet  :)
:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2012, 21:17:37 PM »
They have been really good to us too. We got a grant for over £6000 last year, so we could put automated cat toilets (cat genies) into each pen, much nicer for the cats and the volunteers (except now when the pipes freeze :doh:).
They also let us do collections and tombolas in their store  :)

How wonderful, though I cant help but think how many cat spays could be done for £6000,

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2012, 09:42:15 AM »
They have been really good to us too. We got a grant for over £6000 last year, so we could put automated cat toilets (cat genies) into each pen, much nicer for the cats and the volunteers (except now when the pipes freeze :doh:).
They also let us do collections and tombolas in their store  :)
:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline Tan

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2010, 11:59:36 AM »
Thats brill  ;D

What i was impressed with it's not just funding they can help with but spreading the word about the cats that need rehoming and giving rescues the use of their stores to fundraise in  ;D

Offline Shirley

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 09:19:42 AM »
A (fairly) local rescue to me had an almost £16,000 donation from  PAH  and have built a new UPVC cattery with the money!  :wow:

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Re: Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2010, 23:38:34 PM »
That's really good info Tan :)

I'm at my local pets at home most week and they have been pretty supportive with my Petsearch work and I was telling the staff about my newly caught feral family when I was buying supplies and they suggested I speak to the manager for some proper support which I thought was really nice. I haven't *shy* but thought it was nice of them to offer and it shows they care :)
Stephanie Novell
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Help for Cat rescues from Pets At home ........
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 23:25:30 PM »
Pets at home have a charity to help cat rescues - Support Adoption For Pets

It’s a sad fact that thousands of pets end up homeless in the UK every year, through no fault
of their own. Support Adoption For Pets provides financial support to the many rescue centres which do a tremendous job of finding new homes for these deserving pets.  Thanks to their efforts, hundreds of animals are given a second chance of happiness every day.

Animal Rescues
How you can work with Pets at Home............

If you are an animal rescue or a re-homing centre, there are lots of benefits to working with Pets at Home, through our Support Adoption Partnering Scheme.

By partnering with local re-homing centres, Pets at Home aims to raise awareness of the number of pets which are looking for a new, loving home.

We will display posters with your contact details and pictures and information of pets which need re-homing
 You can hold events in store, to attract people to your centre and to raise money
 We will give you discount vouchers for Pets at Home, which you can give to your new pet owners

Applying for financial help
Re-homing centres and animal welfare organisations can apply for financial support from Support Adoption For Pets. All applications must be made on an official application form.

Please see their guideance on their criteria for funding applications


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