Author Topic: chicken and upset tums  (Read 6527 times)

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2010, 10:34:39 AM »
I took Neko in beginning of oct, only he knows how long he was like this before  :hug: so pleased medication is working.

The joy of a normal poo can never be appreciated by those who haven't had a pet with chronic diarrhoea!
its only here that i can share good news like this!  :evillaugh:

If there was ever an appropriate time for the overuse of the dancing chicken icon it's now!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2010, 10:25:59 AM »
If there was ever an appropriate time for the overuse of the dancing chicken icon it's now!

 :wooooo: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:

The joy of a normal poo can never be appreciated by those who haven't had a pet with chronic diarrhoea! Just a shame the poor baby has had to put up with it for so long :care:

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2010, 09:04:57 AM »
  :cheer: :yayyy: :narna dance: :chicken:   Solid poo!  :chicken: :narna dance: :yayyy: :cheer:
and a normal adult cat sized volume of it too!! Medication arrived last thursday and is a 2 week course so not bad for half way through

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2010, 09:03:28 AM »
No warnings on them. I have used them for years. It dries in seconds anyway.I was wondering if you could try surgical spirit? - I think it kills most things and dries in no time. Not 100% sure.

Back to the drawing board for us. My vet phoned and said the standard tests and the t-foetus all came back negative. I told him that there has been no blood or mucous since I strictly cut wheat out of her diet 2 weeks ago. Some of her poos are quite soft still. He said if if does flare up again, the are other tests such as testing cobalamin (B12) for malabsorption  etc.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 09:09:16 AM by Mark »

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2010, 19:26:54 PM »

Alice also gets the poo/mucous spots. I keep the parazone toilet wipes handy (it says they kill e.coli etc) - they are great. The new Orange ones smell nice too   :evillaugh:

oOoOo are they ok for cats? or any special instructions (totally dry before walking in etc) im using the PAH microbiobial ones but theyre quite pricey. ive given up on ever being able to clean the duvet (covered by throws ) so ill just bin that and buy new (and protector :evillaugh:)

Re immodium,im not sure it would help anyway as its this parasite causing the problemsnot IBS or low good bacteria etc?
there are different tests some you can incubate to be a few days,one takes over 2 weeks as its sent back to Dr Gookin
this and the articles it links too was quite good.As everything goes through my coordinator i dont know when they tested (theyve had numerous samples)

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2010, 08:52:56 AM »
Great about the liver results  :) - hopefully the t-foetus can be treated easily. As for imodium etc, I always heard that it isn't a good idea to use things like that for infections/parasites, as the diarrhea is the body's way of trying to flush them out.

How long did you wait for the t-foetus results?, Alice's sample was sent off 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting. I phoned on Friday and again yesterday. They said they will chase it up and phone me back

Not sure if you saw this link

Alice also gets the poo/mucous spots. I keep the parazone toilet wipes handy (it says they kill e.coli etc) - they are great. The new Orange ones smell nice too   :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 09:00:08 AM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2010, 08:19:29 AM »
Good news about the liver results  ;D Just need to get his tummy probs under control now  :hug: Poor boy will feel soooo much better once he's not having diarrhoea. It might take a while for his insides to settle down even after the parasite has gone as he's been like it for so long  :hug:

The boys are fine now thanks *touch wood repeatedly*, Riley seems to have turned the corner after the steroid jab a week or so ago and *touches wood again* has been doing normal poos for over a week  ;D

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2010, 22:02:06 PM »
Liver test came back good so it is just the Tri trichomonas Foetus to treat.  :happy dance:
the one day he was on RC sensitive pouches and/or the antibiotic jab after op has caused his stomach to really flare again. Poo like soup again for friday,sat,sun but hes been back on chicken only since sat lunchtime which has reduced volume of poop substantially but hes so sore now that its like a constantly dripping tap  :( he did have control before but quite clearly does not now. hes also producing (and leaving spots of) blood and mucus which from the internet is a typical symptom. So Poor boy is restricted to spare room again :( which he tolerated well for the first few days and is now openly irritated by. Parasite is thought to die outside the body within an hour unless in 'wet poo' in which it is thought might be able to survive for a 3-4 days. so not horribly contagious but ive got too many little feline hidey holes to supervise him properly or clean up after him quickly enough in the main house. Medication will take 2-3 weeks to arrive, treatment course seems to be a standard 2 weeks but vet hasnt said yet.

Although hes not fully well yet, ive asked if i can just adopt him now and pay for the treatment for this myself. its what id be doing if he were mine/i was his   :Luv: which is how it feels, just need the paperwork to catch up! too impatient to wait another 5 weeks anyway!

How are Lu and Riley doing?

quite informative link on tri-trichomonas-Foetus for anyone interested.

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2010, 21:24:35 PM »
How's Neko doing Snarf? Any change?

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2010, 21:30:28 PM »
have you asked the vet about using some immodium ?

nope, do you think it would help? theyve given him pro-kolin again but tbh on the boiled chicken breast diet hes passing very little of anything. his weight is continuing to rise and hes not dehydrated so i think the vets are waiting for this new medication.
im not sure for definite what the situation is with his liver- results early next week- would immodium be a problem if his liver isnt functioning properly?

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2010, 21:20:46 PM »
have you asked the vet about using some immodium ?

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2010, 21:15:40 PM »
it is such a relief that its something we can treat. there was mention about letting him go on the table  :'( if theyd found some of the worst case scenarios. tiny risk but still terrifying. cant believe how much i love this lad already :Luv2:

How are lu and riley?

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2010, 17:53:08 PM »
Hey that's brilliant, well not brilliant that he is still having tummy troubles but brilliant that they have found out what's been causing it and can treat it  ;D

Glad the op went well, onwards and upwards for Neko!  :Luv:

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2010, 13:42:24 PM »
Neko was booked in today for blood tests, endoscopy and cryptorchid neuter. he has seemed to be drinking more recently and they were worried that it might be indicative of liver failure as they were previously worried his head tilt etc could be a symptom of poisoning  when he first came in. he is fairly obsessed with playing with the water fountain (and dropping chicken in it  :tired:) so it could be behavioural. hes an odd boy :Luv2:
endoscopy because with his other anotomical issues it wouldnt be unfeasible for things to be wrong digestively and the Diarrhorea has been going on for way too long now, esp as hes been on plain food for weeks

i didnt post as ive been  so worried but neko had his op today, and missing testicle located in groin (so not big wound) endoscopy not needed as they tested him for this T-foetus infection thats been mentioned on here and thats his problem. massive relief its something we can fix. apparently it will take 2-3 weeks for medication to be made up as its not standard? 2nd blood test (?) is being done now so cross fingers that his livers ok! they arent sounding worried abot the tests anymore so i think its a confirmation test? they werent planning to operate if his liver was failing.

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2010, 10:43:29 AM »
I use natural yoghurt rather than something like Lacto B because Buster will always eat, so giving him a spoonful on a saucer twice a day (separate to his meal) makes him think he is getting more food than he really is, and it does still work.
Please spay your cat

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2010, 09:26:50 AM »

 :rofl: Laughing at the comprehensive poo diary!

You should have been around to read Pedros  :rofl:

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2010, 20:18:50 PM »
It's significantly cheaper per kilo to buy whole fresh free range chickens or frozen chicken portions than it is to buy fresh Value breasts. Either you can butcher off most of the meat then make stock with the rest or roast the portions and pull off the meat. If you have a slow cooker, set the entire thing to cook on low all day then simply fish out the meat which should be falling off the bones. :wow:  I am now craving homemade chicken, sweetcorn and noodle soup ...

 :rofl: Laughing at the comprehensive poo diary!
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2010, 11:45:38 AM »
Poor baby :care:

If you mean do a wee and poo in the same 'sitting' (rather than both coming out at once?!) then in my comprehensive poo diary from the last few weeks both my boys seem to do a wee and a poo in the same visit  :shy:
i mean they are in the same puddle  :sick: so could potentially have been different sittings with very particular aim. Thank you helen its reassuring to know it could have been in the same sitting. i supose he might not have as much control as its been dodgy for so long.  :hug: Lucifer and spare cat will leave and reenter the tray if they wish to do both :Crazy:

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2010, 11:25:47 AM »
Just been up to see him (hes seperated in spare room as still introducing) and hes had a wee with what looks like a drickle of diarrhoea over the side of the tray and then wiped on the wall where hes tried to bury the floor :tired:
is it normal for a cat to do both at the same time? ive never seen that from the others? its either that or theres alot of liquid coming from the wrong place.

Poor baby :care:

If you mean do a wee and poo in the same 'sitting' (rather than both coming out at once?!) then in my comprehensive poo diary from the last few weeks both my boys seem to do a wee and a poo in the same visit  :shy:

Offline snarf

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2010, 11:15:41 AM »
Vaseline is totally safe I use it on lots of kitty bums when needed.
Thanks Teresa

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2010, 11:09:27 AM »
Vaseline is totally safe I use it on lots of kitty bums when needed.

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2010, 10:02:38 AM »
yup have baby wipes and it is at least less of a worry now that i know hes not got anything lucifer or spare could catch so i dont have to worry with the constant microbial cleaning  :tired:
he was on clindacyl, just googled and sound like it was more aimed at preventing infection in his various wounds and scrapes.

Just been up to see him (hes seperated in spare room as still introducing) and hes had a wee with what looks like a drickle of diarrhoea over the side of the tray and then wiped on the wall where hes tried to bury the floor :tired:
is it normal for a cat to do both at the same time? ive never seen that from the others? its either that or theres alot of liquid coming from the wrong place.

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 23:56:21 PM »
Quote from: snarf
aye, it feels like a minefield- when to give up and try something new and when to stick with it and see? im sure Neko would eat the rice (hed have the plate if he could  :evillaugh:) but if hes sensitive to cereals would rice still upset him?

Well the RC sensitive foods are Duck/Rice and Chicken/Rice so would have thought it would be suitable, my vet did recommend adding it to the plain chicken before I started them on the RC stuff (initially Riley refused the RC Chick/Rice so had no option but to continue with plain chicken, they ordered some RC duck/rice for him and he now eats that and the chick/rice as I think he realised I wasn't going to cave in!) but obviously we are talking about two different cats/two different cases so maybe not suitable for Neko but I don't see why not if he was eating the sensitive stuff on vets advice.

Do you know what antibiotics he had? I was reading up on Metronidazole and apparently they have anti-inflammatory properties too so two birds/one stone and all that! The snag with anti-b's is that they wipe out the good bacteria too but your using a probiotic so that angle is covered.

Quote from: snarf
i will look into it when the chickens finished. time wise- if it puts an end to the endless cleaning up and foot washing im a happy bunny

I know how you feel, I was getting really stressed with all the mess  :hug: I found baby wipes really useful as Riley kept treading in it in the tray and Lu's was projectile so I had a pack in every room to catch them!

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 22:47:07 PM »
 :thanks:  guys

He is beautiful but thin bless him. Maybe Vaseline will help soothe his sore bottom. Is there a reason the sensitive pouches werent supplemented with the dry sensitive? You may find that plain live yoghurt is just as good as prokolin and at a fraction of the price.
From the weight gain it sounds like you are feeding him the right amount.
To be honest I think you are making a lot of work for yourself with boiling chicken breasts, I recently had similar problems with a rescue and solved it by feeding Whiskas Simply ( cereal free).
Good Luck , hope things soon improve.

is  vaseline ok? didnt want to before incase he licked it off? no dry because the vet said 2 pouches a day and nothing else (mean vet  :P)
Lacto- B is another probiotic- as reccommended by firefox and helen before as cheaper/better than prokolin. i didnt know whiskas simply was cereal free, i will look into it when the chickens finished. time wise- if it puts an end to the endless cleaning up and foot washing im a happy bunny  ;)

I confess to buying value chicken breasts (was getting through 4 a day with both cats so couldn't afford free range  :-[

Neko is eating value too  :( feel like an absolute heel but free range is too expensive for this sort of thing.

Riley in particular still had a runny bum while eating a pure chicken breast diet and it was only since I switched to RC sensitive that things firmed up completely. There's a Duck & Rice RC sensitive which was more popular than the RC sensitive chick pouches to begin with but now they are equally favoured although as the boys seem to have been fixed with a course of oral antibiotics I'm now weaning them back on to Bozita and their normal dry.
Neko is not at all fussy. in his first week he tried to steal a doughnut (wasnt mine honest)

My vet also suggested adding plain boiled rice to the chicken but Riley just picked round it  :tired: As Neko is a grateful foster cat he might eat the rice if it's mixed in and it will help to bulk it out. I know that you would never compromise on care for finances alone but as chicken breast and the prescription foods are very expensive, if fed exclusively, I wonder whether it's worth trying a grain free food such as the one Teresa recommends? That said, I think once you start a particular food it's best to stick with it for a decent period of time to see if you can settle him down.

aye, it feels like a minefield- when to give up and try something new and when to stick with it and see? im sure Neko would eat the rice (hed have the plate if he could  :evillaugh:) but if hes sensitive to cereals would rice still upset him?

Also, has your vet mentioned steroids at all? If he's being having diarrhoea for months before being rescued then his insides have got to be pretty inflamed/sore so maybe a steroid jab would calm the inflammation while you settle him down? The boys' faecal results came back negative but the vet put them on oral antibiotics, Metronidazole, and *touch wood* they both seem to have firmed up completely in conjunction with the sensitive food.

He's an absolute stunner btw  :Luv:
she hasnt, ill ask when hes in for his next check up. tis a good point about the inflammed insides. he has to put on abit more weight before he can be neutered but last check up, vet said that if hes not settled down by then she wants to have a look while shes looking for his missing testicle  :tired: i can see her point but i worry. hes already had a course of antibiotics (before the scans)

hes not bad is he for a cat thats been appears to have been discarded as 'broken'  >:( he is quite clumsy though and does seem to end up somewhere other than he meant to sometimes. it might be that this stomach is just how he is, in which case we'll find a way of dealing with it
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 22:49:47 PM by snarf »

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 22:07:25 PM »
I feel suitably qualified to comment on this! Firstly, I was feeding a chicken breast each per meal, so two chicken breasts a day. I confess to buying value chicken breasts (was getting through 4 a day with both cats so couldn't afford free range  :-[) and each pack was 300g so that ties in with how much Neko is currently eating.

Riley in particular still had a runny bum while eating a pure chicken breast diet and it was only since I switched to RC sensitive that things firmed up completely. There's a Duck & Rice RC sensitive which was more popular than the RC sensitive chick pouches to begin with but now they are equally favoured although as the boys seem to have been fixed with a course of oral antibiotics I'm now weaning them back on to Bozita and their normal dry.

My vet also suggested adding plain boiled rice to the chicken but Riley just picked round it  :tired: As Neko is a grateful foster cat he might eat the rice if it's mixed in and it will help to bulk it out. I know that you would never compromise on care for finances alone but as chicken breast and the prescription foods are very expensive, if fed exclusively, I wonder whether it's worth trying a grain free food such as the one Teresa recommends? That said, I think once you start a particular food it's best to stick with it for a decent period of time to see if you can settle him down.

Also, has your vet mentioned steroids at all? If he's being having diarrhoea for months before being rescued then his insides have got to be pretty inflamed/sore so maybe a steroid jab would calm the inflammation while you settle him down? The boys' faecal results came back negative but the vet put them on oral antibiotics, Metronidazole, and *touch wood* they both seem to have firmed up completely in conjunction with the sensitive food.

He's an absolute stunner btw  :Luv:

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2010, 21:56:09 PM »
Freeze-dried probiotics, providing they are stored and dosed correctly (in fridge/ with food), contain far higher amounts of live bacteria than dairy products. Sorry Teresa.  :-[

Dont apologise I`m always happy to learn, where do I get them from?

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2010, 21:50:27 PM »
Freeze-dried probiotics, providing they are stored and dosed correctly (in fridge/ with food), contain far higher amounts of live bacteria than dairy products. Sorry Teresa.  :-[
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Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: chicken and upset tums
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2010, 21:26:38 PM »
He is beautiful but thin bless him. Maybe Vaseline will help soothe his sore bottom. Is there a reason the sensitive pouches werent supplemented with the dry sensitive? You may find that plain live yoghurt is just as good as prokolin and at a fraction of the price.
From the weight gain it sounds like you are feeding him the right amount.
To be honest I think you are making a lot of work for yourself with boiling chicken breasts, I recently had similar problems with a rescue and solved it by feeding Whiskas Simply ( cereal free).
Good Luck , hope things soon improve.

Offline snarf

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chicken and upset tums
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2010, 21:03:34 PM »
back story-Neko (foster) has had a dodgy tum since he arrived almost a month ago he was on antibiotic, pro-kolin (probiotics) and sensitive pouches (but vet would only allow 2 a day) on the last day of the pro- kolin course he had one solid poo and than back to poo more like soup.
hes had full faecal scan which came back clear and vet thinks its just stomach getting used to regular meals, said normal food was fine as long as he kept  eating and drinking and if it didnt settle theyd review in 2-3 weeks when hes in for his neuter. he has somehow managed to put on weight  ;D
 since then hes had another pro- kolin course and is now on Lacto-B. (vet said it was fine)
ive had him on boiled chicken breasts for a few days now in an attempt to catch this as although hes a bright happy lad its obvious that his bottom is sore and he keeps standing in it :sick: and then trying to climb onto my head :sick: :sick: which is his fav game at the mo so

how long should it take for poos to be solid if its going to happen? volume of poo is currently much reduced and less like soup but not formed at all
how much should he have a day? hes a tall boy, vet thinks will be 5.5kg when fully grown and weight on (hes currently quite thin) Neko never thinks hes had enough to eat so i cant use him to gauge but i dont want to overload him as thats not going to help his tum? ive been going with about 300-350g a day so far

this is my beautiful monster (you know its love when theyve with wiped cat food or poo over you pretty much every day and you still cant wait to cuddle them :Luv2:)

« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 21:11:39 PM by snarf »


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