I am disturbed by a comment you made about the brand of the dry food and it not being important MK.
It is very important if you are only feeding dry, or are wanting to.
As everyone has kept stressing the quality of the food is important and in certain cheaper makes of dry food that have been advertized very recently as being good, we know not to be the case and are likely to give health problems....................I know most everyone on Purrs knows which food I am referring to and the tv advert I found amusing cos it was saying that it used less cardboard

It was referring to the packaging not the food but guess many here would laugh and say true, the food has the nutritional value of cardboard.
The other little horror story is that a number of vets recommend dry food wrongly in many cases and vets seem to know far less about this subject than many on Purrs, who have made great studies of the subject due to eating or health problems with their cats.
My 4 cats are fussy eaters and to get them to eat I have to pander to their ways and my old late cat went against all the rules, ie cats will not starve themselves, well she would if she didnt like the food!
I was hoping for a dustbin or two amongst my 4 but only Misa likes to have a taste at every bowl but none of them will eat treats or human food and I know that Misa and Sasa eat far too many biscuits and seems their weight has now levelled out now at around 6.5 kgs..........sigh, Misa is a giant cat and Sasa only slightly smaller. They have wet food to and food stays out all the time.
I hope you accept that peeps here are just trying to help you with all their vast knowledge, nobody is trying to put you down and I have seen no posts slating you at all.