One of my long term CP cats has not been too well for over a week now, I took him to the vets last week but apart from a temperature the Vet could find nothing wrong. A week of antibiotics has made no improvement in his condition, something is not quite right and he has not been eating well at all. Last night all I could tempt him with was a dish of a/d and this morning he did not want to know. Bank holiday again, it happens every time I always need to call a vet. Our vets use Vetsnow for emergency cover, fortunately as many of you know Eric has given me his personal number for 24/7 cover so before 9 o'clock we were on our way, the vet bless him lives quite a few miles away from the surgery. The vet can now tell a difference in the feel of Peewee's kidneys so he has been admitted poor boy he is the only patient in the hospital. Tomorrow he is having bloods and a biopsy taken.
P.S. That pen is now long gone from the lounge, it is just for emergencies.
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