Author Topic: Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area (Sorted)  (Read 7149 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area (Sorted)
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2010, 19:11:54 PM »
That's great news  ;D I'll move this to sorted now.

It sounds like she's going to have a lovely home with you, it would be nice to hear more about her if you could pop a post in Cats Stories section  ;D  :thanks:
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 19:12:35 PM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline onyx

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Re: Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area - SORTED
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2010, 19:08:05 PM »
Hi -

We have, yes.

The RSPCA did have a cat that had been outdoors but was in an RTA, and they think she would be best as a house cat. Although, I have a harness waiting and ready for her if she would like to eat some grass!

We had her on trial for a week, and we've now adopted her.

She and the resident cat are getting along fabulously, and the resident dog certainly likes the new addition much more than the new addition likes the dog! However, we do still need to work on the new cat/goldfish relationship... she has certainly taken a shine to him above me, the boyfriend, the resident cat, and the resident dog!


« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 19:08:57 PM by onyx »

Offline suef

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Re: Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2010, 15:24:18 PM »
Hiya! Have you found a cat yet, or are you still searching?


Offline onyx

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Re: Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 11:16:24 AM »
:welcome: to Purrs onyx

Have you contacted your local rescues to see if they have any suitable candidates?  Here's a list of rescues in your area -

Fonzie & Amber are absolutely gorgeous btw  :Luv:


I spoke to the RSPCA yesterday (where we got Amber from) and today and I'm going to pop along and see what they have. However, most of the cats they have are RTA - so they have had previous outdoor lives and i think it would be really mean to make an outdoor cat an indoor one!

I've also passed the word out to my vet tech friends as well.

I forgot to mention that I am in a 3 bed semi, boyfriend works shifts so someone is usually home, and his 12 year old daughter visits every few weeks - but she has her own cat.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 00:17:34 AM »
 :welcome: to Purrs onyx

Have you contacted your local rescues to see if they have any suitable candidates?  Here's a list of rescues in your area -

Fonzie & Amber are absolutely gorgeous btw  :Luv:

Offline onyx

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Indoor female wanted - Newcastle Area (Sorted)
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 21:37:23 PM »

I am after an indoor female cat in the Newcastle area.

I currently have an 8ish? year old male whom I adopted almost 4 years ago, and a 3 year old female collie/lab/lurcher cross whom I adopted 2 years ago.

I'd love to give Fonzie another feline friend to help him keep Amber in check! :naughty:

I am happy to consider taking on a disabled cat (blind or deaf, but i probably couldn't cope with blind AND deaf with my dog!), 3 legs, thyroid, or FIV/FLV etc if there are any out there.

One with a bit of attitude (but still very snuggley) would be preferable.

Fonzie has daily supervised access to our garden and enjoys eating our grass (then puking it up!), sitting in the doorway, and watching flies. 

Happy to have home checks/vet references etc as necessary.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 19:12:19 PM by Janeyk »


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