Does TJ like Hills wet K/d as mine did prefer it to the RC pouches. Online buying will be cheaper, even allowing for the p&p. I mostly used vet uk but there are others too.
Tanya's CRF website is so brilliant when things get more difficult in the later stages and UK vets are usually behind the pace on what to do to be honest. There's a yahoo group linked to it, which is mostly but not exclusively americans, and you may like to join that to get advice for TJ and a lot of emotional support for yourself too. I don't know what I'd have done without both it and of course Purrs.
I would second the binder in food thing but Renalzin may be better if TJ doesn't like Ipakitine and/or if his calcium is a bit on the high side as it's made from shellfish and has calcium in it. Renalzin's a pump that you squirt into the food, doesn't seem to taste bad (not that I've tried it
). There's also aluminium hydroxide which (I think) is the cheapest binder that a lot of americans use.
The key to CRF it seems is diet and adequate hydration so wet food seems a better idea than dry as it's mostly water and you can add water to it too. When you next see the vet, ask him or her to show you how to check TJ's hydration - the scruff of the neck skin fold should go back quickly if it's fine.
I found I couldn't read the whole of Tanya's site at once but what I did was use the 'search' facility for anything I was worried about at the time. It's also a very comforting site as shows you just how much can be done to slow and control the disease.
I'm sorry TJ has CRF but don't panic Nikki as he could do well for a very long time yet.