I spent a lovely day at the Inn yesterday and yes, I did remember my camera and even put a memory stick in it this time.
Trouble is , I was too busy cuddling to take many pics.
I can report that Teresa’s chest is indeed giving her ‘some jip’. Hospital was threatened but she insisted she had to stay home to look after the dwarfs and on seeing them the respiratory team who were assessing her agreed. So, nurse and physiotherapist come regularly to rough her up (literally – ouch) to try to clear things and she is staying positive and doing a wonderful job looking after not just the dwarfs but all the other inmates too.
And the cats……………Re-homing has been slow, as evidenced by the fact that 10 kittens are now old enough for spay/neuter and are being ‘done’ this week – another bumper vet bill. Kentucky (
want , I want) and Flora, the 2 remaining muckspots will then go to their forever home along with Grace. Fingers crossed that it works out for her after the last disappointment when her prospective slave failed to show. It will be a big upheaval for her what with the move and getting used to the muckspots and the 2 resident dogs. The couple are very experienced cat people though so they’ll take it slowly.
Sol and Serena, Sophie’s 2 short-haired tabbies will also go to their forever home after the vet visit. They too were ‘homed’ previously but the new parents changed their minds after a couple of days and swapped them for 2 of Lucy’s so fingers crossed it works out this time.
Sophie has been homed and the really good new is that Sunshine, Lucy’s lovely CH kitten has been rehomed with her sister Summer so that’s all of Lucy’s brood gone. Lucy herself is still waiting bless her – I was tempted to pop her in my bag she’s such a friendly little soul and only a kitten herself.
That leaves Annabel and her 3 ballerinas and 3 of Sophie’s litter, plus Chelsea and her 3 kittens who need special homes. Then there’s the long timers and the ferals…. it never ends.
And now the bit you've been waiting for ............................. the dwarfsWhat can I say? They are utterly, scrumptiously, gorgeous and
so grown up – unrecognisable from the scrawny little waifs T took in less than 4 weeks ago. Sadly, the little grey boy Pin Cushion didn’t make it,
(he got his name as a result ofinjections on his numerous vet visits) but the others are thriving and a tribute to her dedication. I don’t normally ‘do’ very young kittens but I’m seriously in love with all of them.
They used the litter tray from an early age and they even eat cleanly too – apparently they have never needed a bath (contrast with the muckspots
). Don’t know whether you can tell from my lousy pics (they move too fast for me
) but most have ‘ghost’ stripes which are getting more prominent, especially Big Boy c-ock-a-leakie Niagara.