Author Topic: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?  (Read 7103 times)

Offline Claire_smc

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 22:52:30 PM »
Like people on here, some people might be on benefits and will go without themselves to make sure their cats are well looked after, and no-one could say that they're bad owners or they don't deserve to own pets simply because they're not working for whatever reason. Personally I was looking at cats when I was on Jobseekers but wouldn't let myself get one because I wasn't in the financial position to (had myself and OH to support from one claim = no money to spare!) so I decided to wait until I had a job and had a bit more wiggle room with our finances. If you have enough money to provide adequate care for the cat, then it doesn't really matter where the money comes from.

If you're on benefits, adopt a cat even though you don't really have enough spare money, and then expect charities like the PDSA to pay for everything like chipping, neutering etc then that's a completely different matter and I think that that's wrong.

ETA - I've just read the thread on MSE that you're referring to Fire Fox. I can't help but say that it annoyed me, the lady has just adopted the cat and she already thinks she's entitled to a whole bunch of freebies as she's on housing benefit. I try not to rant too much about things like this, but it's just taking the mick and abusing what the charity is there for. If she can't afford possible vets bills, then she shouldn't have got the cat in the first place. Fair enough if a person's circumstances have changed and they find themselves needing to use the PDSA, that's what they're there for, not as a 'get out of paying' free card!
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 23:04:01 PM by Claire_smc »

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Offline KrazyKatLady

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 22:14:19 PM »
If only people took so much consideration when having more children!!!
Cat Mom to Aussie & Kiwi, and non furry child Caleb.

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 22:02:32 PM »
I reckon its a pretty safe bet to say that 99% of people who post on here, who have been or who are currently in receipt of any sort of income support or "benefit" are going to be responsible pet owners, and make damned sure their companion animals dont go short!

Ive been on various benefits over the years - firstly income support when my then husband decided hed like to go off to pastures new and left me and my daughter with no income at all!  :tired:  We already had two cats .......

Then later in my life I had a work related accident and was on Incapacity benefit - again I had cats.

We always made sure that they didnt go short - we dressed from charity shops, hand ons whatever and I dont think either myself or my daughter felt we went short - the cats were as much family as us. 

And the unconditional love those little cats gave us - we were truly blessed to have them in our family!

There will, sadly, always be the feckless who could work but cant be bothered.   And who will take on pets (and have more babies) without considering the consequences. ....  But I cant think of one person on Purrs who falls into that category  :hug:

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Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2010, 22:00:25 PM »
I am not on benefits but not a great earner. I would give up and do give up lots so my cats have what they need.

Likewise the benefits my 2 cats have given me healthwise is amazing. Suffering stress and anxiety the have been a lifesaver when i down.

I also very rarely buy clothes and stuff and have gor loads from Charity shops, getting different clothes and helping a charity at same time :)

There is many people who spend their benefit money on drink and drugs so why not people on benefits have a cat, far better than drink and drugs. Just my opinion

I would live on beans and toast for a month if ui meant my cats got something they needed

Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline zoe (tiggy + pipins mum)

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2010, 21:56:47 PM »
When we first got kitty (rip baby) i was working 12 hours a week & OH was on benefits we then got Tiggy & Pippin i insured them all so that i knew if they needed emergency care i could afford to pay for it as the little bit a month i paid on insurance would save me alot in the long run, since then oh is working full time & im doing a few more hours at work xx

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2010, 21:47:46 PM »
I've been on benefits due to health issues for a while and I do take other animals on. But other than food, obvious other necessities and bills that's where my money goes. When I need new jeans or suchlike I go to a charity shop and get them for a small sum of money.( That doesn't really bother me at all.) I haven't bought brand new clothes for a long time except for when I'm given money as a present and told explicitly it's for me not the cats.

The reason I take on the animals I do is because I can give them quality day to day care which when it comes down to it is better than them not getting that. ;)

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Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 21:27:41 PM »
I think if like yourself and me we find ourselves on benefits through no particular fault of our own then that's what the PDSA are for and I personally will not add to my furry family until I can afford all of those costs out of my own pocket. I also have mixed feelings about animals being takwn into consideration with benefits. At the end of the day I chose to have pets and if I have to go without to to feed them then that's a sacrifice I am happy to make. It would be nice to get a little extra for them though!

As for those taking on new adoptions when finances are stretched already and expect another charity to take the burden of veterinary costs I think is not on. If you can't afford to cover all costs yourself when taking on the adoption then I don't think it's right, working or not.

Offline KrazyKatLady

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Re: Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 21:24:55 PM »
Hi FF, I post over on MSE too but under a different name. I am on benefits and have 2 cats. I think the choice is purely personal, its a matter of what you are willing to go without yourself and if the animals are well cared for, then hopefully they will not need the services of the PDSA. My cats have only ever been for essential treatments (ie worming when I first got them, jabs, spay/neutering) The jabs have to be paid for, and I paid in full for the other stuff, just not the consultation fees (which is usually the most expensive thing!!) This is because it is my choice to have them and I am a responsible pet owner. I also try to make donations to the shop whenever I can, because I don't expect to get help for them for free.

They are also a great source of comfort and companionship, as I have said elsewhere, I suffer from depression and the cats have got me through many a dark hour.

Cat Mom to Aussie & Kiwi, and non furry child Caleb.

Offline Fire Fox

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Moral Dilemma: New Adoptions when on Benefits?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 20:46:26 PM »
I have seen a few threads on other forums where those already on full benefits have adopted a kitten via Freecycle/ Gumtree or a cat from a rescue. At an early stage there has been a discussion about what the PDSA can offer, not always started by the OP to be fair. I have mixed feelings about this - on the one hand a much needed rescue space may be freed up, on the other PDSA resources presumably only stretch so far. How do others feel about this scenario from either a lay or rescue perspective? Should people on benefits take on a new animal? Should there somehow be more allowance for pet costs within benefits or debt management?

Please note I am newly on Jobseekers Allowance so am not in a position to judge anyone who finds themselves in difficult circumstances, and I hope I do not offend anyone by discussing this here.  :scared:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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