Author Topic: Urinary tract problems in male cats - Arty is ill, again :(  (Read 11375 times)

Offline Starpixie

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2009, 20:18:21 PM »
 thank you for the replies
He's been on the tablets for two weeks now so it might need more time to kick in.
The fish is normally plain white fish although my dad sometimes brings them mackerel from his fishing trips. I alternate it with chicken and rabbit.

At the end of August my other cat was hit by a car and on cage rest for a month, then house arrest so things have been a bit different around here than normal. He's not really seem phased by it though, as you can see :D

I've been wracking my brains and there are some things that have changed that might bother him. I'm usually home most of the time as I am ill with fibromyalgia but I started back at university a few weeks ago so they are left on their own more. He is a total mummy's boy so maybe that has upset him.

Also, Tescos seem to have changed their litter which both of them seem to be annoyed by but I can't find any other brands that are the same as the old tescos one (the wood based litter)

I plugged the feliway in when he got ill again so maybe that will help.

I am sure he is in great pain but the fact there are no crystals means that he isnt actually blocked.
There were lots of crystals in his urine on Saturday. It is the other tests that he had that were clear. The vet says he may have to go on a prescription diet for it.

Thank you all for your helpful replies, nice to be able to pick your brains!

Arty is currently curled up on my lap getting cuddles. He seems ok but he's definately not 100%

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2009, 20:05:56 PM »
I am sorry to hear of his problems and there is someone on Purrs although not here very often, who has a cat who had the problem so badly that he had to have a op to change his sex, because he was so badly ill it was the only way to save him.

OMG!! That is both shocking and amazing!  :wow: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2009, 20:00:28 PM »
I am sorry to hear of his problems and there is someone on Purrs although not here very often, who has a cat who had the problem so badly that he had to have a op to change his sex, because he was so badly ill it was the only way to save him.

I am sure he is in great pain but the fact there are no crystals means that he isnt actually blocked.

I do hope that he will improve quickly and he can relax and be happy again  :hug: :hug:

If after speaking to your vet and if he doesnt improve, if you pm me I will try and find the onfo for you but am sure the other cat was blocking up with crystals.

Sadly it was on a site which has erased all the old posts but seeem to think that somewhere there is some info still

Lots of luck for the next vet trip and hope that this can be resolved  :hug: :hug:

My boy Misa had a minor problem after getting very upset cos one of my other cats was getting all the attention cos he was very ill,  and Misa couldnt use the tray. Got him to the vets very quickly and on the way he used the carrier but on lifting the blankies there was blood and thankfully a jab sorted him out and I try to make sure he has as much attention as his little enemy  :shify:

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2009, 19:55:16 PM »
How long has he been on Cystaid? if he's only just started on it I think it takes a while to have an effect. What sort of fish and meat does he have? There is some thought that fish can contribute to urinary tract probs.

My Ben had a blockage some years ago now, luckily just the one occurence and he's had no probs since. He's eaten a raw meat diet plus some of the higher meat content wet pouches etc since. Think his was partially stress related, although I didnt reallise it at the time - it was only looking back, leading up to a house move and the move itself. Stress is different things to different cats, so while your boy may not appear stressed, there may be something thats upset him recently - can even be just something like a new cat in the neighbourhood. Have you got Feliway diffusers plugged in? A couple of those might be worth a try too.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2009, 19:14:32 PM »
 :luck: with his check up on Thursday!  :hug:

Offline Starpixie

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2009, 19:13:19 PM »
Ooh thank you, I will have a look into that.
The vet took a sample directly from his bladder whist he was under anesthetic yesterday and they are testing it for bacteria but it takes a few days.
He has a check up on Thursday so we should find out more then.

Thanks again :)

Offline Mark

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Re: Urinary tract problems in male cats
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 19:07:32 PM »
Sorry I only have experience with one of my females having stress-related cystitis but apparently it is far more dangerous for boys due to having a much narrowing urinary tract.

I have heard good things about d-mannose which stops certain bacteria adhering to the urinary tract. It is a type of sugar (an isomer of glucose)

Apparently less than 1% of cystitis cases is cats is bacterial but yours sounds like one of them.

btw - I am a mature student and only last week, during cell biology, I asked my lecturer about it and although she wasn't familiar with it as a treatment, she thought it would work with certain bacteria. (stops it sticking and so it is flushed out)

One of the places you can order from
(click on the pic of Chessie the cat for dosage etc)

Apparently, it is the sugar found in Cranberry juice but without the acid.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 19:18:41 PM by Mark »

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Offline Starpixie

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Urinary tract problems in male cats - Arty is ill, again :(
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 18:55:43 PM »
My poor boy has had to stay at the vets twice in the last month because he keeps getting problems.
The first time he was just about able to pee but it was full of blood. On Sunday night he couldn't pee at all.
He's on painkillers, cystease, something to stop spasming and antibiotics.
His urine tests showed crystals. They sedated him and scanned him to see if there were any problems with his insides etc but that was all clear (and £500, I'm so glad I have insurance!!)

The poor little guy gets so worked up when it happens.

I don't feed them dry food, just a variety of meat and fish (not processed tinned food although the odd can of tinned tuna)
I add water to all their food
I put glasses of water all over the house - they will both only drink from glasses  :innocent:
He's happy and content, a very relaxed cat who gets on well with my other cat
I have 3 litter trays (for two cats)
I've ordered a water fountain to encourage him to drink more

Does anyone else have an experience of dealing with these kinds of problems in boy cats?
It's really worrying me as it can be really dangerous for them, I'm constantly monitoring him in the litter tray to make sure he's going ok (he must think I'm nuts)

If anyone else have any advice and tips that might help I would be very greatful, thank you :)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 20:22:00 PM by Starpixie »


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