I am trying to rehome him although nothing yet, even the woman at cp said nobody wants a cat like that-what chance do i have

Well he has been here since just before new year, for about 2 months he would only ever stay upstairs in the bedroom. Its only been since he started moving around the house/ back garden that hes been doing it, so marking his terrotry obviously.
He's 11 Tan and likes to spend most of his day lyed on top of the rabbit hutch, he dont do much else and has finally agreed he is happy with being in a cat proffed garden-all of my others have to so why not him

I couldnt put him at risk and wont ever

Dawn my oh is none extistant.
Its just me I cant take the horrid smell, and now actually getting sprayed on

what makes this harder is- I know it would stop if he was rehomed, obviously cos he wouldnt be here but i think thats whats best for him more than anything.
Hes really chilled here- lays flat out in the living room, eats when he wants, goes out the back when he wants. Its just he dont like the others here and Im sorry but they were here first.
I have never resitriced any or my animals from doing what they want (cept the cat profing) but I feel thats more for their safety, I just dont know what else I can do to make him more happy? My others aint going anywhere.