Tan - of course you can use the pics for the shop, will try to get some better ones in natural light, those were taken at 1am as I couldn't wait til the morning to set it up

Thanks for the buds (am surprised that the package didn't get stopped and seized

), they haven't tried them yet as it was too late to whip them up into a frenzy so will save them for another day but judging on how much they liked the catnip infused packing slip I think they'll enjoy it

Just wondering how sturdy this is, are the cats able to break the track apart with rough play ?
I was wondering the same as Teresa ref the sturdiness of the track - I wonder if it is Bengal proof?
Hmmn, I think if it was given a really good thrashing it might separate but it pieces together with a big tooth either side of the underneath, one comes up and the other goes down and they sort of lock in so it wouldn't be separated by a bash alone, they'd need to twist it at a certain angle
and bash so I think overall it's sturdy and will withstand rough play