Author Topic: Sponsored Walk - 9th May - For Chestnut Cat Santuary  (Read 5874 times)

Offline Catcrazi

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Sponsored Walk - 9th May - For Chestnut Cat Santuary
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 10:00:27 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I am taking part in a sponsored walk on May 9th to raise funds for Chestnut Cat Sanctuary. My fiance, best friend, her partner and another volunteer from the Sanctuary are also taking part. We would all welcome your support  :hug:

Just Walk is a sponsored walk that anyone can enter and you fund raise for the charity of your choice. Last year over 400 people took part, and this year promises to be even bigger. There are 4 distances you can choose from and rather ambitiously we have opted for the 40KM. None of us are remotely fit, we don't go to the gym or do any exercise but we do like a good challenge!  We aren't aiming to finish the walk in a set time, just crossing that finish line will be an achievement in itself!

If anyone would like to sponsor us, you can do this on line by going to

If you are not comfortable with donating on line, please contact me and i can email you a sponsor form and you can make a pledge that way.

Any amount you can spare and is greatly appreciated, every penny really does help. You can be confident that your generosity will be put to excellent use in support of Chestnuts important and valuable work.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and for visiting my sponsor page. And an extra big thank you to all those who choose to sponsor us  ;D


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