Author Topic: Scavenger Cat  (Read 2284 times)

Offline moiramassey

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2008, 15:13:48 PM »
I have had Flynn from a small kitten. He has never been deprived. I have done eveything like I have with all my other cats: no human food, no treats except in the cat bowl. He is the WORST food thief. He will eat almost anything, including peas and fruit smoothie. He will lick plates left in the sink. He climbs into the fridge, freezer or dishwasher given the chance. He tips all unattended glasses and mugs to check if there is something tasty to lap.

We have become very, very tidy about food!!!

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Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2008, 17:27:26 PM »
I have had Charlie for 7 months almost now and he still scavenges and pinches anything he can get his hands on.  Vet said it could be a throwback to when he was a stray or he might be just a greedy cat (personally I think it's the latter)

Offline kris

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2008, 14:35:14 PM »
Time will probably do it, all three cats I have had have been strays, two came via a cat shelter and one directly off the street and all three scavenged in the first few weeks until they realised dinner comes twice a day regular as clockwork... the most recent one will still eat anything left out... including fat from the frying pan and we've had him a couple of months now... at least it makes sure I tidy the kitchen to an extent each night but if I forget, the kitchen counter top will have greasy law prints, the pan will be licked clean and he will smell like a deep fat fryer for a couple of days  :sick:

Offline tiga

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2008, 14:26:39 PM »
I rescued two boys in Feb this year and at first they were very scared anytime I moved too quickly. But I just took it slowly and let them come to me. They are both really chilled out now and are very curious even of visitors - although one is still scared of strangers with shoes on.

It's amazing how much they change and they continually surprise you with a bit more trust. One of mine has just started sitting on my lap. But it just takes time when they have been in bad situations.

I am now introducing another cat and she is very wary, but I will just take it slow. I would let her come to you on her terms. It is good that she is confident with the children, they must give off good vibes!

We had a rescue dog who never seemed to forget that he had once been hungry - he was always on the lookout for food even when he was on his last legs at 17! He once ate a whole box of sugar-free sweets we were selling for fundraising and he had the runs for a week!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2008, 13:46:54 PM »
My two birmans are scared if I cough, and I thought it was because they were scared of previous owners dogs but I dont know. They also dont like if I have giant sneeze.......but then I would be scared too  :rofl:

Sasa my semi feral will run if I walk near her but hopefully your cat will become less scared the longer you have her.

Offline smegs1978

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2008, 13:43:35 PM »
Thanks both for the replies, i am hoping that she will learn that she will be fed on a regular basis and stop the scavenging.

We only have to move suddenly and she scarpers, where as our other rescue cat is so laid back i think we could stand on his tail and he would still lie there.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2008, 13:37:15 PM »
poor thing, it takes a while for them to get used to the idea that food will be available, if she's been living on the street I would imagine that she got very used to taking food where she could find it - one of mine came from an abused background and took a while to settle, always thought that hands raised to stroke or whatever were scary she is over that now but is still so scared of people who cough, she runs a mile - its good that she has settled in with the kids

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Scavenger Cat
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 13:33:48 PM »
How long have you had her and is she neutered?

The best way to stop her scavenging is to ensure that items are securely kept away from her so she cannot get access.

I have a semi feral and another rescue cat who are terrified of people due to their past. The semi feral will not let me touch her and she has been here 3 years now. The other one is the most adorable affectionate cat with me but will hide if the doorbell rings and if someone comes into the house he will not come out again until they have gone.

When he was new here I put on a hat and he was terrified, back on his back legs snarling and hissing , teeth showing, ears flat back and I really thought he was going to attack me. He doesnt do that any more thank goodness but I suspect an element of her past will always stay with her.

time and love and affection tothe point where she will not tolerate it is the best you can do ( try never to take to the end of her tolerence), dont push her too far and take things at her pace not yours.

Offline smegs1978

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Scavenger Cat
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 13:25:42 PM »
How can i stop our new rescue cat being a scavenger.  She is well fed, having 3 to 4 pouches a day plus biscuits.  This morning we have found she had ripped open the bin to get last nights remains of chicken out, and then the day before it was the bread of all things.
Also she is very scared of my husband, and will just about tolerate me, however has taken very well to our 3 children, is there anything i can do help her trust us?
We don't have much history of her, other than she was a pregnant stray, but i think she may have been badly treated due to the way she is with us.


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