Author Topic: How long should you wait for a cat before adopting another?  (Read 6195 times)

Offline andyturner

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Re: How long should you wait for a cat before adopting another?
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2008, 18:34:42 PM »
Hi Gill,

The unfortunate thing is she always defended her turf to the end and against much bigger cats! I have never seen her playing with any other cats, except her sister in the early days, so I don't think she would be compatable with any other Cat  :(

I think to be sure we would should wait at least 6 month, read this on another website.

We are in France at the moment. Because of jabs & pet passports its really now or when we get back to the UK which will be anytime next year but not before April  :(

thanks & regards

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How long should you wait for a cat before adopting another?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2008, 18:01:18 PM »
I think you have to consider what would happen if you got a couple of cats and then Gizmo reappeared.

If you feel that this would still work , I would fill the empty space until she returns.

This is hard of course and I have not been in this situation, only after my cat went to the Bridge and like you I could not stand the empty house and the space she had left behind and I knew the next day I had to have another cat......tomorrow!

Ok it took 5 days to sort but I then had 2 new friends and although I miss Kocka so much I just had to fill the gap and think she would have wanted that cos she knew how much I loved her.

I Think its Mary on here that had her cat go missing and another turned up out of the blue......sorry if thats not quite right Maryas..........and I think she was asking the same question as you and whteher she should keep the new cat.

We said yes  and sadly she did find her cat sometime after but he had passed to the Bridge.

its a very personal thing but I think I would fill the gap till she comes home  :hug:

Offline andyturner

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Re: How long should you wait for a cat before adopting another?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2008, 17:21:20 PM »
Hi Christine,

I find that very encouraging thank you. My logical head is telling me to move on but something else is telling me not to give in.

We are in France and there is not a local paper. My apologies for the inaccuracy, there are only 6 cats in total including Gizmo. I will edit the original post.

best regards & keep up the good work

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: How long should you wait for a cat before adopting another?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 15:59:08 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs, Andy.  I am sorry to hear that Gizmo has gone AWOL.  I would say that I myself found a cat, Zsa Zsa, who had been missing for three months a couple of years ago.  She just turned up in our garden one day: her family had given up hope and it was great to reunite them.  She was only a few hundred yards from home, but had been living out in the churchyard and gardens.

Your reference to cat tattoos and the space under houses makes me suspect you are not in the UK?  Nonetheless, is there a local paper that might be interested in publicising seven missing cats?
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Offline andyturner

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How long should you wait for a cat before adopting another?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 11:39:35 AM »

On the 16th of July 2008, during the day, Gizmo went AWOL. Since then we have searched the house & under it, the garden, neighbours gardens & under the houses of 3 of the closest neighbours, the neighbourhood, the town, put up hundreds of posters, conducted dawn patrols from 3am to 6am, put up posters in the next 2 towns and whilst normally I’m a rational professional engineer, under the circumstances, followed a recommendation to employ a reputed local Cat Dowser. Suspicious that he was part of a seedy plot we employed him to see what he had to say. I employed a 2nd Dowser because the 1st told me she was dead. We put up posters and knocked door to door in areas identified by the 2nd. As a result I cannot provide any positive evidence with respect to the effectiveness of Cat dowsers.

Today 06/09/08 is day 3 of week 8. So far we have found nothing except 5 other missing cats, all chipped, tattooed + sterilised, all went missing within a short time frame. Around the 12th of August we put up some posters identifying all the cats together. Since then no other cats have gone missing. Whilst I have my suspicions and anger, I have no concrete evidence to make any credible accusations.

Its coming up to 2 months now and Gizmo has not been found. Tragically I do not think she will ever show up because she is a vagarious cat who loves human attention and everyone in the town now knows her. If she was here & alive then I am confident she would be reported by now. Another extremely likely possibility is that she jumped into some ones car and hitched a lift to another town miles away, though again I am sure she would have befriended someone by now.

I fully appreciate that it would be impossible to ever replace Gizmo. However, my wife and I really really really miss her. Life feels like a pointless existence and the house is grey, cold and soulless without her. We are therefore thinking about adopting 2 cats in order to replace the daily relationship we had with Gizmo but we are unsure as she may hopefully pop up out of the blue in the future. We want to do the best for all the cats. How long then do you think is sensible to wait for her?

Thank you in advance for your time and advice
Andy & Caroline Turner
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 17:22:17 PM by andyturner »


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