Author Topic: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)  (Read 4263 times)

Offline Ela

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2007, 16:08:29 PM »

Cheyletiellosis is a mild dermatitis caused by the Cheyletiella species of mites. Very nice. I have only seen it a couple of times in 16 Yrs and it has been on cats that have been very neglected.

Offline schuey100

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2007, 15:35:14 PM »
Thanks for all the replies everyone, you've all been very helpful. I definitely think it's dandruff or dry skin. I'll leave it for a couple of days and see what happens. He's due in for his second vaccination in a week so I can always get him checked out while he's there for the injection.

Thanks again. I'm off to look for some dry food :)

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2007, 15:22:50 PM »
Just in regard to your point about him being an ex-stray and wolfing food - I have had a few cats do this, and I just split each meal into 2 or 3 portions with a minimum of 10 mins break - have been doing this with Finn for a week now, and he hasn't been sick, so I am putting him up to normal portions. He also needs fattening up, but small regular meals are better than 2 large meals.

I call this the "Scarf and Barf" because they scarf the whole lot down so quickly, it has to come back up again!  :)

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2007, 13:54:45 PM »
Lice can be mistaken for dandruff but can be distinguished from dandruff the fact that they cannot be removed from the hair or by their distinct oval shape. dandruff scales vary in shape.

Had to go and dig out my book and look it up -
Walking Dandruff is Cheyletiellosis. It looks and appears as dandruff and is mainly down the back on the cat.
It is very common and often over looked as "just Dundruff"

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2007, 13:25:25 PM »
It'll take him time to settle in and realise there's always going to be a next meal, although Sooty never stopped whingeing, he was a very insecure boy after being a stray/student cat for many years. A few drops of rescue remedy on his food or in his water might help. We used to give soots pilchards or sardines too, as a Sunday treat, they're very oily (good for skin and fur) and if you don't chop them up they have to work a bit to eat them - be prepared for it to be a messy meal though!!

If you feed him just before you eat he should be distracted enough to leave you alone... but be prepared to guard your food for the forseeable future, Sooty never fully stopped stealing and you could safely put a plate on the floor - he stole pizza crusts and ran behind the sofa with them, and being an ex-student cat (we think) he even ate curry!!

Desley's advice is great too, we did that for a while and he gradually got used to proper food.
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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2007, 13:20:29 PM »
Just in regard to your point about him being an ex-stray and wolfing food - I have had a few cats do this, and I just split each meal into 2 or 3 portions with a minimum of 10 mins break - have been doing this with Finn for a week now, and he hasn't been sick, so I am putting him up to normal portions. He also needs fattening up, but small regular meals are better than 2 large meals.
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Offline Ela

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2007, 12:44:23 PM »
Lice can be mistaken for dandruff but can be distinguished from dandruff the fact that they cannot be removed from the hair or by their distinct oval shape. dandruff scales vary in shape.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2007, 11:46:46 AM »

The dandruff could be something called "Walking Dandruff", there is of course a "proper" name for it but i cant remember it - Its a parasite and i think Stronghold kills it but check with your vet.

Got to agree with everyone else Re the dry food, Go-Cat, Whiskas etc are over flavored and over colored and can lead to Cystitis and urinary problems. They are ok if used as a treat now and then. Try and look for something that is free from Artificial flavours, colours etc.

Some of mine walk on the kitchen work surfaces but as long as you use a good cleaner before you cook etc there shouldnt be too many problems. I use TriGene on work surfaces and also for their Trays etc

Michelle x

Offline schuey100

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2007, 11:12:33 AM »
He he :)

He also seems to like the dishwasher. He knows that's where the tasty plates go and we can't open it without him diving in.

I think part of the problem is that because he used to be a stray he tries to get as much food as possible because he doesn't know when the next lot is arriving. It doesn't matter how much we give him to eat, he eats it as quickly as is cat possible, licks the bowl clean and then starts whining for more. I'm sure he'll get better. He was very skinny when we got him so he needs a little bit of fattening up. The vet told me how much I should feed him for a few weeks so I'm sticking to that for the moment.

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2007, 11:06:17 AM »
Should only need one finger... always use a verbal command at the same time. If you put him on the floor, say 'get down' firmly, if you pat him on the nose say 'no'. After a while you should find you can use the verbal command on it's own, or being a cat there's always the chance that he'll just look at you... even after 12 years of training my boys still sometimes just give me a funny look as they stick their paws in my coffee or lick the marmite off my toast... sigh... :rofl: :rofl:
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Offline schuey100

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2007, 11:01:03 AM »
Thanks everyone.

We got him from Battersea Dogs home so he had his initial vaccination, worming and tests for eveything under the sun. The vet there gave him a final check too. When I registered with the local vet surgery I also took him in and the vet gave him some antibiotics and another quick check and she seemed to think he was okay. I was going to take him in again if he kept being sick.

Thanks for the advice on the biscuits. I'll try those.

As for keeping him off the table and kitchen work surface, grrrrr...he's a naughty little fella :) I'll see what I can do. I've tried spraying him with a little bit of water (doesn't work), blowing him, (doesn't work) so I'll try patting him on the nose.

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 09:10:59 AM »
 :rofl: :rofl: My sis' and I had a stray called Sooty who used to steal food off our forks!! Don't let him on the table/settee etc where you're eating. If putting him gently on the floor doesn't help, pat him on the nose or flick his ear. Saying 'No!' a bit more forcefully might help, too.

As for food, I'd go with Desley's list - I know that James Wellbeloved stays down my Sammy cat and I think there's a special offer on at PAH at the moment.

I'd also have to agree with Ela, take him to the vet asap, you'll be able to get a good idea of how old he is and get anything he's got sorted out straight away. Also they can worm him for you if you haven't already done it, and show you how to give him tablets if you're not used to it (although some cats will let the vet do things that you couldn't do without losing limbs).

Good luck and well done for taking him in.
Ah, summer - the season for a daily mouse...

Offline Ela

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 08:49:20 AM »
As the cat is a stray I suggest that you take him to the vet for an MOT, sometimes what appears to be dandruff isn't but a tiny mite.

I agree  that most of the 'normal dried foods available from supermarkets and pets shops are not the best you can give a cat and the brands mentioned by Desley are much better. I assume you have treated the little one for fleas and worms with the preparations that are available from the vets or on-line pharmacies. I expect you know that the stuff from pet shops and supermarkets is as much use as a chocolate teapot.

Online Desley (booktigger)

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Re: New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 07:32:52 AM »
Welcome to Purrs, you are in the best place for advice here!!
Biscuits like Whiskas and supermarket brands are known to make cats sick - they have a high cereal content which some cats can't tolerate. You might want to look into things like James Wellbeloved, HiLife, Hills, Royal Canin, Burns - they are more expensive, but you do feed less, and they have rice rather than cereal, which is easier on the cats stomach, and they dont have all hte colourings etc that some of the supermarket brands have.
The dandruff may just be his skin adapting to being in a home environment with central heating etc, the majority of cats that come here get it initially but it soon dies down. There are supplements you can get for that though, I just tend to give it some time first.
As for your toast, no tips there I'm afraid, none of mine do it!!
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Offline schuey100

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New Cat owner, a couple of questions (diet and dandruff)
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 01:06:31 AM »
Hi there

I've just re-homed a stray cat, he's about 18 months old. My family have owned cats before but this is my first 'personal' cat and I now have to deal with the health issues myself! :)

Anyway, two questions.

First, our cat (Henry) tends to be sick once every few days. We've had him for about 10 days and my guess is that it's down to the biscuits we've been feeding him. I tried putting him on just a diet of tinned food and he seems to be fine. The biscuits he seems to have issues with are both the Whiskas biscuits and Sainsbury's own brand. My guess was that they were a little rich for him and as I say, he's been fine since we've stopped feeding him them. Is this a common problem? Are there any biscuits out there which might aggravate him less?

Second, he's an all black cat and he's got pretty bad dandruff/dry skin. I thought this might be down to stress as he's in a new home but he seems content enough, he's settled in well. Any suggestions on his flaky skin? He washes himself regularly and there don't seem to be any sore points on his body. I've been brushing him but it doesn't seem to help.

Oh, and finally, how do I stop him from eating my toast!!??!!?? He's a little terror :)


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