Hi, my name is catherine and i live in Nottingham. I own 3 cats, 2 boys and a girl...here they are...
this is Katie

She doesn't like other cats and hates going outdoors, she'll only go out on really sunny days with a lot of encouragement. She's 15 years old now but still not slowing down, well not too much. She hates cat food so we have to feed her chicken and cat biscuits.

He's 13 years old and is the noisiest cat out of the three. He constantly meows for attention or food! He's got a very friendly personality and enjoys lazing around the house.

He's the youngest at only 2 years old. He never meows except when he really wants something. He can be very playful sometimes, attack my legs when i walk by. He likes affection but hates being picked up.
I also have 2 corn snakes with 20 odd babies hatching at the moment, 1 Leopard Gecko and 2 rabbits with 1 baby.