Author Topic: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read  (Read 1660 times)

Offline Catjane

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 15:17:21 PM »

Rescue has to have restrictions thats fair enough but each case should be looked at on his own merit.

EXACTLY!!  Much of what I hear about the RSPCA gives me to mistrust them deeply.

It's all about common sense, isn't it?  Even letting cats out at night.  Sometimes the conditions are right - like in the sticks with little or no traffic and a healthy wildlife population that isn't starving.  In fact, I would let my lot out at night here in Bristol because they are road-shy, except that the local fox population is known to sometimes catch cats when they are starving. 

Only a proper home visit and assessment (of the people as much as the location) will tell anyone whether or not they should keep an animal, and under what circumstances.  It's ridiculous that so many animals are desperate for homes, but face being put to sleep or years in cages because of such beaurocracy.  >:(

Offline Dawn F

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2008, 12:50:00 PM »
two of mine came from the rspca, I find the housing of the cats a little odd in my local one I have to say and the pts sleep policy is a bit odd, my amber nearly got the chop for being a bit "ugly" according to them

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 12:45:52 PM »
My coworker has gotten all 5 of his indoor cats from the RSPCA in York. The latest two he got 2 years ago and the lady who did the follow up check on them was thrilled on how well they adjusted into the new home (and got to watch one open the fridge door for a snack).

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2008, 12:43:39 PM »
Funnily enough we went to an RSPCA centre on Tuesday and i was going to post about it.

Have to say that i wasn't very impressed with it at all.

Also was speaking to somebody in work and they worked for a door to door sales team that "sold" direct debits for the RSPCA, disgraceful practice.

Offline Leanne

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2008, 12:34:41 PM »
Personally the only dealings I've had with the RSPCA was to report a cruelty case (dog left in the car on many occasions during the summer) and they did nothing at all! I certainly wouldn't rehome from them.

I know someone who has just lost her cat sadily it was ran over, they went to the local RSPCA to look at taking on another and was told as they couldn't look after the one they had they won't rehome anything to her!

Rescue has to have restrictions thats fair enough but each case should be looked at on his own merit.

Well I must be a mad mad owner then as my boys only go out on their harnesses  :rofl:

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2008, 08:30:50 AM »
The children under 5 thing annoys me. Why do some rescues not only the RSPCA have this rule? Children don't suddenly become good on their 5th birthday. Also I think the younger the child the more likely the parents are to keep an eye on that child. To us it depends partly on the child but much about the parents attitude.  In about 19 years of rescue I can only remember 1 (I think) case where a child under 5 tried to hurt an animal and that case to be honest with you I knew about the owner and would not have homed her a dying flea as she could not look after herself let alone a child. The hundreds possibly thousands of other cases I know about have involved people much older and usually adults.

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 23:21:09 PM »
Oh dear - i am an obsessive - keep my cats in all night -look for them if one dare to disappear out of my sight for more than 3 minutes , not keen on a lot of humans , don''t like children much - makes me completely bonkers  :rofl: :rofl:- but my cats are very happy, better fed than me  and i am okay too ( only short on money ,just like most people ).
I have a tv, dvd player, roof over my head , nice big garden , don''t really starve and a comfy bed , go to the cinema once a year -what more is there ! ;D

Offline maryas

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 23:00:33 PM »
I know a lot of people on here do not have nice things to say about the RSPCA but I must say that the RSPCA in Halifax, West Yorkshire is brilliant.

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 16:48:51 PM »
And yet I went to the Dogs Trust last summer to donate some huge bathsheets (that were never used) and they cheerfully asked me to feel free to have a look round and it was very impressive (but also sad  :'( ) I hadn't even made an appointment  :Crazy:

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Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2008, 16:31:56 PM »
Have just heard a little Rumor that the 'local' RSPCA spent a small fortune on thier rescue centre only to then not be able to afford to keep the animals.....insanity reigns at the RSPCA  :Crazy:

Offline Cathryn87

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2008, 16:30:03 PM »
Afraid I disagree with much she has said! Especially regarding the school pets. I myself own two adorable guinea pigs who get the very best care, have heard many a horrid story of a poor classroom guinea pig being kept as a pet in a tiny glass tank with maybe a soggy carrot to keep itself amused with. I don't personally think school should have animals kept as pets - especially with the way most schools are today!

Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2008, 16:27:58 PM »
Its' the bit about about 'morose animal obsessives' that  :censored: me off!
Perhaps 'Dave' had been buttered around by an idiot earlier that day?
I mean yes the RSPCA really get my goat but typical newspaper reporting....all those in animal rescue have to run up against the pig ignorant and downright cruel every day it can put a slight tarnish on your faith in humans, just like it would for a reporter  :evillaugh:
If that 'Solent Branch' does indeed have £3.8 million tucked under the mattress then shame on them for their attitude!  >:(

Offline Bryony84

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 16:24:15 PM »
Just saw your pm Lesley, it sounds like it could be this one, I'm not sure how many others there are in the 'Solent' area. Seems the general treatment of people by the RSPCA adoption centres is the same though. Reading that article did make me think of what I had to go through to get the girls. I remember after all of it, when I collected them the lady at reception dropped in a 'thank you for adopting them' quietly into the conversation - it took a lot for me not to turn round and explain that adopting them is a pleasure but dealing with the sh*tty staff and regimental rules took a lot of doing. But I had 2 carrying boxes with precious kitties in them and I wasn't about to have them taken off me!

Ps: I'm absolutely bonkers too
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 16:25:12 PM by Bryony84 » : Casper's tripod blog and sponsorship page

Offline LesleyW

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2008, 16:09:43 PM »
Interesting about the RSPCA Solent Branch that has £3.8M tucked away, that sounds like it could be the one down here, that is always stating how poor it is and the one that Bryony had so much trouble with. :censored:

It's alright Dawn F, I'm obviously a bit "nuts" as well. :rofl:
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 15:46:47 PM »
oops so depriving night time hunting makes you a bit nuts! 

Offline Canterbury_cats (Sharon)

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From the Times..paper A bit about RSPCA...? Have a read
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 15:34:37 PM »
Was pointed to this in the Times about the RSPCA.. have a read

The joyless bureaucrats of the RSPCA
The organisation may look after animals, but its record on people looks pretty weakAlice Miles
The lady looked up at me sourly. “You're ten minutes too late”. They said it would be OK, I pleaded; ten past three - I did ring to check. You see, it's quite hard to find the time and I don't know when...

“3pm”, she said sharply. “There's no one available to speak to you now.”

I looked at the bevy of staff loitering around behind the desk, doing nothing much. One woman caught my eye sympathetically. “You can have a quick look round”, Ms Timetable said. “Then come back another time.”

And then what? “Then you fill in a form.” Could I do that now?

Surge in dog fighting and dangerous breeds
Cuddling class pet is cruel, says RSPCA
Comment: William Kay
Dog for rent. Price: £279 per month
“No, because there's no one available to interview you.”

I glanced again at all the staff behind her. Maybe I could fill in the form and leave it? You know, cut out another visit? It was a three-hour round trip, after all.

“You have to fill it in with us.”

Then what?

“Then they come and visit you at home, see if your house is suitable. And then you can come back and see the dogs...”

I gave up. This was the second RSPCA animal shelter that I had tried to adopt from - the first being unwilling even to let us look around. And three three-hour trips to this joyless centre of bureaucracy, where animals might be tended, but humans are treated with disdain, without the promise of so much as a hamster at the end of it, was more than I could bear.

Then there was the child problem. I had a four-year-old. And the RSPCA will not allow any child under 5 to have a dog; not even if she'll be 4 by the time that it arrives. Except in special circumstances.

Which were? No one would tell me. I had to jump through their hoops first, with the almost certain promise of rejection at the end of it.

It's funny how many RSPCA refuseniks you come across once you become one yourself. There was the man who was told that he could have a cat only if he built platforms under the skylights in his London flat - in case the cat climbed across the roof and fell through the window. Or the woman in a rural area who was advised to heighten her fence to 20ft, because some cats like to jump high.

And a mother (the owner of two happy dogs) in Norfolk who simply screamed: “RSPCA? Forget it!”

When you see the “Pet Adoption Week” campaign being launched by the RSPCA next week, with Badger the starving terrier who was rescued by a television presenter, remember these stories.

I wouldn't normally have bothered to remark on this. If the charity wants to put down more animals than is necessary, that's its business. Its, and the people who fund it: the RSPCA has an annual income of more than £100 million, and about £200 million in assets, plus many millions more in its 174 branches around the country (the one that I looked up, Solent, had £3.8 million tucked away). The British give more to animal charities than to charities for the disabled. One donkey sanctuary in Devon has higher income than all the main charities fighting abuse against women combined. Still, your business. Give money to what you like.

But now the RSPCA, in its joylessness, is telling schools that they can no longer have pets. Research by the charity has found that a quarter of schools own pets, ranging from a hermit crab to a horse. Hurrah! A small piece of chaos, of life, amid the regimented drilling that we call school.

Not for much longer - the RSPCA believes there is a danger that the kids might be too noisy, or the lighting conditions could be wrong, and that the classroom pet may receive variable care from different families at evenings or weekends.

If the RSPCA has its way, no more generations of kids will be taught to care for the school guinea pig or rabbit, or hermit crab; no more learning responsibility and respect for animals, no feeling the joy of holding a live thing in their hands. Laughably, the charity suggests that schools should get a soft toy instead to teach children about animal welfare.

This is no joke. They really do want to stop it. The charity has sent all schools a letter warning them of their duties under the draconian Animal Welfare Act introduced at its own urging two years ago. That Act imposed a duty of care on any adult in charge of a pet, or any adult responsible for a child who is in possession of an animal.

Now the RSPCA has told schools to name a single person responsible for the rabbit's welfare, so that they can hold that person to account. The 2006 Act gave uniformed RSPCA officers the right to enter non-domestic properties without a warrant (they can enter your home only with a warrant, but they like people to believe otherwise) to check for animal rights abuses. Find a hamster being teased by Harry and the nominated teacher could face up to a year in jail. We must not let these people bully the life out of schools.

I went to a different animal sanctuary in the end. They sent over Dave to see whether I might be able to have a cat (I was running with the cat idea by then).

A morose individual, like so many animal obsessives, Dave carefully checked for feline dangers, telling me to be sure to keep the cat shut indoors at night in case it got run over. Isn't depriving a cat of the night a bit like depriving a human being of light? Night-time hunting is what a cat does.

But then, I'm just someone who likes animals. I'm not an obsessive. I think that's healthy. I like humans too. There seems to be a distinction between being a human and being an “animal lover” akin to the difference between riding a bicycle and being a “cyclist”. The militants are similarly at a loss for any sense of humour or humanity.

In the end, we bought a puppy. Please don't tell the RSPCA.

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« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 15:36:57 PM by canterbury_cats »
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