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declaw - legislation???
Desley (booktigger):
WEll, unlike the US equivalent, a search on the RCVS website doesn't come up with any matches for declaw.
rcvs is not a law-making organisation, only the government can do that. However the Defra legislation may only talk about livestock, so may not be relevant. What is it called fourfurballs?
Millys Mum:
I thought the RCVS decided it was illegal unless for medical purposes
Desley (booktigger):
As far as I am aware, it is just frowned upon in the UK, rather than being illegal, and vets could be struck off for doing it, unless for medical reasons, although last time this came up, someone said it might be covered by the new RSPCA law. i haven't read it to know for certain though.
I need some more help on this subject please....I am going round and round in circles and getting nowhere fast. I read the World Small Animal Veterinary Association's Convention on Companion Animals and as far I understand it the UK and Ireland are signatories to this Convention whereby vets have agreed not to declaw. I keep seeing all parts of the UK and Ireland on lists as having made declawing illegal but I can't find any legislation which specifically makes it illegal. I checked the DEFRA site and I read through the The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) Regulations 2007 - it doesn't permit declawing so by omission did that make it illegal? I am supposed to be doing posts for a couple of other sites showing why this horrible procedure should be banned everywhere and have said would check the UK legislation for one but am really struggling. If anyone has any more info on this would very much appreciate it. Thanks.
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