Cat General > Cat welfare Issues and News

declaw - legislation???

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Thanks so much for the links - very informative and say it all really - just no excuse for doing it.

Susanne (urbantigers):
Here are a few

Christine (Blip):
Here you go (definitive or what?):

Christine (Blip):
I posted an excellent link about this from the BBC.  I will have a search for it and come back.

I hope this is the right section for this - if not please move and apologies.

I would like some recommendations for links to sites showing how cruel declawing is and why its absolutely unnecessary. Does anyone have any links they would be happy for me to use. I need them to be from very reliable sources. I moderate on a couple of other pet web sites none of which are specifically cat related but on which cats are often discussed. This subject has come up a few times now and as staff we have taken the decision to post some reliable links to dissuade anyone thinking about putting a cat through this horrendous operation. I am the one looking for the links and as so many of you here are involved with cat care and welfare I thought you might know some very reliable ones that it is permissible to link to.

Any help in educating against this practice would be very welcome.


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