Author Topic: Looking for an indoor cat(s) in Guildford area - (SORTED)  (Read 10457 times)

Offline Kate

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Re: Looking for an indoor cat(s) in Guildford area - (SORTED)
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2008, 22:17:15 PM »
Thanks Evina . We adopted a very underwieght stray from the RSPCA a week ago and what a week it has been! She stopped eating after 24 hours and was taken to vet 24 hours after that (thought it was heat putting her her food or I over-fed her) turns out she had HCM (heart condition can't spell it!!) causes fluid build on lungs. We nearly had to have her PTS as she was in a bad way but decided to risk bringing her home and giving her a last chance, as she survived on the streeets after all. We are just taking one day to the next, she could just go downhill very quickly. Chloe and Budda sound lovely though., fingers crossed for them.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 18:34:01 PM by Janeyk »

Offline catcuddles

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Hi Kate

I am fostering a lovely paid of not-so-golden oldies and they are happy as Larry indoors, they have so far not even ventured downstairs!

If you are interested in finding out more, please see my thread, their names are Chloe & Buddha and they are a healthy pair, very cuddly and sweet.

If you want to ask me any questions, you are welcome to PM me or post a message and I will get back to you.

We are not so far and if you and o/h are interested, we can sort the logistics out, I m sure.

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Mum to Tristan (greyhound) and Zouzouna (yorkie)

Offline Kate

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Hi Clare,

Yes it is a shame! I am meeting a cat through Woking RSPCa soon and have also been in touch with Gford CP. Hopefully I will have my new feline friend soon.


Offline clarenmax

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Hi Kate, I'm a Woking gal so very local to you  ;D

Good luck with your search, its a shame your o/h won't consider FIV cats, they do make absolutely puuuuurfect indoor companions, I've had my boy for 8 years now  :Luv:

I assume you've been in touch with CP Woking or Guildford?  If not, I can pass my contact at Woking your details if you like?


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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Kate

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Thanks everyone. Am meeting 2 cats (2 different one, not a pair sadly) this week so may have a new friend soon, if not I will try all your suggestions.

Offline Tagalong

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Have you been to Katzcastle as they have all kinds of oldies etc and will home check in your area
Valerie and all my pets

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 19:16:29 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline Kate

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Thank you Sam - I will have a look.

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Kate ... another place to check for a kitty is:
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline Kate

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Looking for an indoor cat(s) in Guildford area - (SORTED)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 18:38:53 PM »

This is a cross - post from the newbie area

I found this site whilst surfing catchat. Until recently (one month) I had a lovely cat called Rosie, I only had her for one year as she was a golden oldie when she came to us from cats protection and she very sadly got liver cancer and had to be PTS. I miss her everyday, especially when I come home and she does not run to the door to greet me. She was a very gentle loyal cat who loved the heater more than anything.

As I can't seem to bear a cat-less life I am looking for another cat (or cats). We live in a ground floor flat, just 2 adults. We could install a flap to give access to communal area but we are quite near a busy road, so indoor cat(s) probably best. Rosie had no interest at all in the outdoors, she ran away from the door if I opened it and cried and cried if I tried to take her outside. My OH is not keen on FIV+ cats, I would be happy to home such cats but I have to respect his feelings I guess so another golden oldie for me, I think. I know some oldies still like to go out but I think there are cats out there who are just as happy with love and and a heater and the odd tin of tuna :-)  Or I would be happy to take cats with problems such as blindness or deafness that meant the outdoors was not a good idea for them. No dogs or other pets.

I am in touch with local rescues but if anyone hears of a cat or cats that might be suitable please let me know, I am in the Guildford area, happy to travel and pay expense for you to home-check me. (And of course the donation, just saying happy to cover additional costs of home-check if I find my new friend(s) outside the local area).

looking forward to chatting with you all,

« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 18:34:28 PM by Janeyk »


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