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Visualisation - Help Yourself and Your Animal friend when they go missing!

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When Tosca was missing, a lady from a Dutch cat forum told me she was in a place that was dark, even in the daytime, and she could see a window with a rounded top and 4 panes, like this.

She also told me she was injured on the left side of her face, and she smelt a rotting stench.
When Tosca came home, she had a festering, stinking wound under her left armpit and along her chest to the neck.
I never found out where she had been, but the wound and the smell were bang on.

visualisation is a wonderful too!.....

please visualis your catrunning up the garden path and waltzing in starving hungry!!! :wow: and then sleeping for a week like he has jsut returned form teh holiday in a million!!!

be psoitive....the not knowiing is heeart wrenching....but worry makes you feel bad...visualise and try to keep positive! :doh:

When I was little our cat, Felix, went missing (I was 11 at the time - he was 5).  Obviously I was distraught (to the point I stopped going to school).

I remember that I kept having this dream (daydream and proper sleep dream), about him walking across the garden, and jumping up onto the window sill.

I have no idea whether there was anything in it, whether I had a connection with him and knew he was on his way, whether there was a connection that kept him going, or whether it was complete coincidence, but he arrived back on the window sill on Christmas Day (disappeared in mid Nov).  A lot worse for wear (treatment took nearly a year and cost over a grand in 1986!! - not that that mattered, of course - vet said it looked like he'd been tied up with rope that he'd gnawed off, and possibly deliberately harmed in other ways), and very hungry, but safe.  I (much) later discovered that there had been a ring operating in the county taking black and white cats for their fur.

As I said, no idea if there was anything in it, but I figure anything's got to be worth a try when a loved pet is missing.

Bonkers Mad!!!:

--- Quote from: Bazsmum on May 01, 2008, 15:10:17 PM ---Have to confess to using dowsing rods and a pendulum (needle on cotton!) when I lost my Baz....the amazing thing is that the dowsing rods were pointing in the right direction to where he was found in a lock up....so anything is worth a try!  ;)

--- End quote ---

i lost a little rescue (Dolly) a few years ago and spent weeks knocking on doors with 3 or 4 recruits.  we leafleted a square mile of houses and were out every night for weeks looking for her.  i ended up turning to witchcraft and after some study i really got into Paganism.  we didnt find Dolly (i believe she was a victim of next doors dog and that they "disposed" of her) but since then i have tracked 3 missing cats using my pendulum.

visualisation is great if you are going to be home later than expected.  imagining yourself stroking the cats (and/or dogs) and telling them you'll be home soon could be the difference between coming home to a mess and sulky pets and coming home to calm and happy pets.  i'm convinced there's something in it.

Have to confess to using dowsing rods and a pendulum (needle on cotton!) when I lost my Baz....the amazing thing is that the dowsing rods were pointing in the right direction to where he was found in a lock up....so anything is worth a try!  ;)


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