Author Topic: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?  (Read 6217 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2007, 09:54:13 AM »
I expect that you'll do this anyway

Please keep the kitten in until about 6mths old. This will enable her to bond to the house and you, and also give her plenty of time to learn the skills she'll need before going outside - and the size.

I've always found this helpful, even when taking in adult cats.
Your first nights will be full of pitiful mewing. Personally, I'd break all the 'rules' and let kitty sleep on my bed. Ensure there's a litter tray nearby!

Good luck and lots of purs.
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Offline NatalieMT

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2007, 18:14:45 PM »
I have a blue bsh kitten aswell! He's adorable so I'm sure yours will be too. They have such a nice nature, I'm so glad I chose that breed. I've haven't had him long but he now follows me like a shadow, loves cuddles, being around people and is very vocal!

First night I got him home he spent about 3 hours hiding behind the sofa but soon came out for some food and was happily playing after that. I think the best thing to do on the first night, from experience, is leave the kitten to hide/be on its own and wait until they come out and explore for themselves because obviously they're pretty frightened and somewhere new and need to adjust. I put mine in the lounge with the litter box, food, toys, bed etc and waited basically.

Good luck, hope you enjoy being a new cat owner and never look back!

Offline Kezza

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2007, 12:07:52 PM »

Awww how exciting a new kitten!!! LOL I was the same as you in September as Barney was our first cat and I have to say this place was a godsend!

Well when we got Barney he was a very chilled out kitten, he came out of his carrier, went straight to his food, ate, used his litter tray and then curled up in his cat basket and fell asleep!!! I think we were really lucky!!! He didn't meow once during the night and he's stayed a very chilled out kitten since!!!

I think the best thing to do is make sure you have one room that you let her into first off and make it her home with toys, bed, litter tray and scratchpole... let her stay in that room for a week so she feels safe in that environment... introduce things slowly and I'm sure she will fit right in at home!

Good luck and don't forget we need to see pictures!

Offline Gemma H (Akandra)

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2007, 23:31:20 PM »
When I got my two, we had one of each.  Hestia made herself right at home, but Bacardi hid under a cupboard for several days.  We were really worried about him at the time, but we now know hes just a bit of a wimp!  When my cats first went to my parents as we were laying a wooden floor, Bacardi actually hid in the most ridiculously small gap behind the sofa.  And he is not a small cat.  My mum took ages to find him as she never thought he would fit!

The advice I read was to keep the cat in one room at first, and not to bother it too much.  Make sure it has food, water, litter and a hidey hole (a cardboard box with a blanket in would be good, somewhere it can hide in/under).  Best you choose this place yourself, and block up any other small places it might get into.  Also, some toys are good - a cat has to be comfortable to play.

With Hestia, I used to sit in the kitchen, where were kept them the first few nights, on the floor so she could climb on my lap, which she did.  Bacardi, we just used to stroke a little if he looked like he would let us.  Try not to force attention on them, as they are probably pretty scared.

Gradually, we let them in more rooms.  First the living room during the day, then overnight, then upstairs during the day, then overnight, etc.

Both cats are now totally comfortable in the house.  They climb everywhere.  Bacardi is a complete cuddle cat and likes to come and sit between me and the OH in bed and purr like a tractor (thats how he wakes us up to get the fuss made of him).

From my limited experience (and the Kittens for Dummies book!) - don't overwhelm them, let them find their own way out and about.  From my own experience with Bacardi - don't panic if they hide somewhere small and dark for several days!

Hope that all helps.

Offline bagpussarah

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2007, 13:32:19 PM »
My hubby has taken to sleeping in the spare room some nights as the cats, especially Casper, like to snuggle on the bed (and quite often in it). I don't mind though, get to share a king size bed with the cats, and hubby snores anyway!

Offline Team Svartalfheims

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2007, 11:45:27 AM »
Beware once you let the cat sleep in your bed you can't stop it!!! I decided when Bilbo came home that he was not going to sleep in the bedroom to start with and so on his first night home I shut him out into the hallway and Tigger was in the bedroom with me (she didn't sleep in the bedroom at all for the first 4 weeks I had her) however he howled so pitifully outside the door that I just gave in and let him in where he snuggled up right under my chin, causing Tigger to get very very cross as I was *her* mummy (she doesn't like sharing me). Was lovely and cute at the time but now he's a 7.3kg cat trying to share the bed it's not fun. My OH refuses to move for Bilbo so Bilbo ends up pushing me right to the edge of the bed as he knows that I won't move him if he looks comfy. The things we put up with to keep our cats happy!
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Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2007, 11:05:54 AM »
Take her to bed with you ! (well you might as well start as SHE will mean to go on LOL )

All joking apart, just remember that she will have been used to cuddling down with her Mummy and siblings so the first night night be a little scary for her.

I have never had any problems with any of mine, i have just given them extra cuddles and then taken them up to bed with me.

Good luck and post us some pics xx

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2007, 09:04:30 AM »
Y'know, I'm really lucky in the fact that when I got my cats, none of them had any trouble settling in. My oldest girl was about 5 when I got her, I think she was just grateful to be away from the rescue shelter! The next cat I got,( my oldest tom) was a kitten when I got him and so Old Mog kind of took on a surrogate role. My second boy is a people person, and because they're all pretty much allowed anywhere just slept on the bed with me at night, which helped him to feel safe. The next girl to arrive is pretty confident and so after about a week of staring through a glass door at the other cats, decided she wasn't bothered by them. And the most recent arrival just thinks it's tremendous having this many other cats to play with! :)

Good luck with your new kitten. I think it's a good idea to decide some of the main things(like whether you want her to share your bed space!)before you get her. Saves trying to figure it out as you go along. Although, if you're anything like most of us, you'll cave under the cute kitten stare anyway! :evillaugh:

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Offline bagpussarah

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2007, 01:54:03 AM »
When we brought Casper home, he looked so tiny and helpless that he slept on my chest all night. I remember my hubby waking me up at about 5 in the morning saying "shall I take him from you so you can have some proper sleep?". It took me back to when my children were babies! Casper continued to sleep in our room with a tray and food etc in our en suite. I know friends and family thought I was too soft with him, but I didn't care!

Good luck with your kitty. Hope she settles in well.

Offline Déborah

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2007, 20:02:29 PM »
Mia was always very easy-going, and she didn't cry at all even though she was kept in the living room for the first 2 weeks we had her. Mind you, I've just remembered that my partner spent the first 2 nights sleeping on the couch with her so she wouldn't be lonely!  :rofl:

Other than that, all the advice given here is great. Cuddle her when you're around and let her seetle down on her own as well. Even if she is a bit upset at first really shouldn't last.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2007, 19:45:49 PM »
She may be fine.  Mine have all taken about 0.1 seconds to make themselves at home!  Jaffa was shut out of the bedroom at night from the start - he was in the living room with his brother but as they came from a rescue centre where they were in a pen I suppose it was just like being there except bigger and they had loads of toys.  They didn't cry when I left the room.  Mosi came from a breeder and was used to a family environment.  He spent the first night tucked up under my chin in bed - no crying.  What sort of environment is your kitty coming from?  If she has brothers and sisters she may miss them.

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2007, 19:30:06 PM »
One other tip .... most cats love towelling ... therefore you can give her an old (or new) towel in her bed to sunggle up in.
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Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2007, 19:26:50 PM »  Check out wizz's advice :)
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline Team Svartalfheims

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Re: New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2007, 19:24:16 PM »
Bilbo did meow a lot on his first night away from his 6 brothers and sisters and his mummy but he settled down quite quickly. Your cats breeder will be able to give you plenty of advice as well but personally I'd say just give her plenty of cuddles and reassurance when she gets home as it will be strange for her not to have her mummy and siblings around. If her breeder gives her some toys to come home with then make sure to give her those as they will smell familiar to her. If the breeder lives nearby then maybe drop a little blanket round so that by next weekend when you bring her home it smells of her and her feline family so will help her settle in your house.
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Offline kittykat

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New kitten - how did you help your new kitten/cat settle into your home?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 19:14:29 PM »
Hi there, i'm a newbie!

We're going to pick up our new blue bsh kitten next weekend.  She'll be our first cat!

As a new cat owner i'm a litte bit clueless on some things, so i'd really appreciate all of your advice.

Firstly, how can i help her to settle into our home?  I'm especially worried she may not settle on her first night.

How did your kitten/cat settle in on their first night?  Did they meow alot? 

Looking forward to reading your replies  :)


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