Author Topic: Being a crazy cat person.... and wouldn't change it for the world!  (Read 1420 times)

Dark Moon

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Re: Being a crazy cat person.... and wouldn't change it for the world!
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 02:02:05 AM »
My Dear....... as you, and we all know - there is no such thing as "just a cat".

Nor, really, "just a pet".

How glad I am for you and Jameson. You have begun the trek that has taken me to greater depths of love and heights of joy than I could ever have imagined. Also deepest depths of sorrow. But, for all their passings have and continue to ache, given the chance ... I would only ever again say AGAIN! AGAIN! and MORE!

They are the greatest gifts. They love. The thing I love about them is that they do recognize when you are screwing up, and then love you anyway (while hoping for better!). They take what I have to give, and what I have to do to them (as in Winnie's morning medicine which he hates and it is a fight and all) and while not understanding why the one they love should suddenly do such a horrible thing, decide to forgive anyway (though with the occasional swipe of the paw!)

How GLAD I am that you have found your way to someone such as him. May you both live joyously in each others' spirits.

And let us know how it's going along. Life can be funny. And it can toss incredible gifts our way, when we least expect them. Glad Jameson and you got tossed into each others' paths!

Offline tigerbaby

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Being a crazy cat person.... and wouldn't change it for the world!
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 00:59:59 AM »
Just a lil topic dedicated to the love of my cat...
Life is funny, how it can suddenly change for good, out of your own control. I didn't plan on getting a cat, and especially not at this point where I was in my life.....and suddenly he just walks into it, the most gorgeous tabby in the world, and now I just can't imagine my life without him. I had never owned a cat before, I didn't know what I was in for.  and who would've thought how attached to him I would really get....
Well fast forward 7 months and here we are, I'm now a self confessed crazy cat woman, completely head over heels in love with my moggy.
There are so many very beautiful things about owning a cat, and forming that very special bond. Me and Jameson have a way of communicating, as I'm sure many of you have with your cats too. There are little things every day that amaze me, and I don't see him as ''just a cat''. He is a special little boy, like a little human; smart, affectionate, sweet, caring, playful and giving, but most of all: Pure.
The people around me have seen how I have changed since adopting him, and some of them do think I've gone a bit crazy. Like getting him insured, I remember people thinking I was mad and I was quite hurt by someone making a comment about him being ''just a pet''. He is more than a pet, he is this little special guy that brings so much joy into my life. I absolutely adore animals but I never thought I would feel just so much pure love for this little creature.
A lot of people seem to just ''get cats'' to have as pets, but they never seem to go that little deeper, to get to know the cat, their personality, needs, wants and what makes them tick. I used to volunteer at a place where they have Pets As Therapy, and I couldn't sum it up better. My cat is like therapy; although I am quite happy and content in general, he always makes me see things from a different perspective, and makes life seem a lot simpler. A greeting at the door after a hard day at work and that soft ''meow'' and a lil nudge and headbutt are the most heartwarming things in the world.
I probably sound quite soppy and I blame it on the fine rioja I have been consuming, but looking down on my sweet moggie snoozing away all peaceful knowing he is safe and happy is just wonderful and makes me feel so good. It is a simple yet unique kind of love.

Now it's your turn, go on, be soppy!!
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