Author Topic: Scabs!  (Read 3977 times)

Offline Schmew

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2007, 19:55:58 PM »
Thanks Becca. It was awful rehoming Mitten, it was the last option after much trying but the best for all. I can't believe there's a similar problem with the next new one!

I thought at first when I saw the scabs that it might be where Buffy had whacked him, but it's definitely not, it's more uniform than a clout and on both sides. Seeing as it's only been two months they've been together I think I will do some separating again and swapping rooms etc and see if it helps, although a part of me still worries that will stress them too! I really just find it hard to believe I'm having the same problem, and part of me is hoping it's a physical thing, while another part of me is leaning towards the stress thing. I know lots of folks have many cats and they find a tolerance level, I find it hard to believe I'd be so unlucky to have another personality clash, when Buffy has always lived with other cats!

Anyway thanks again. I'd still love to know if anyone else has any experinece of this kind of thing, or is it just me and my scabby mews?! Also I was hoping to start fostering FIVs again this year, but this kind of puts the mockers on it, at least for now anyway.


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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2007, 19:25:47 PM »
Could it be that Buffy has/had been biting/scratching/overgrooming the newcomers and causing scabbing that way?

In other words, see if seperating them when you're not there to supervise helps, maybe.

I'm so sorry that you've had such problems - it must be heartbreaking to give up a loved and wanted cat and its really clear how much you care about them all.
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Offline Schmew

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 19:19:24 PM »
Hi again,

vet wants to rule out flea allergy, so everyone and the entire house is getting done, and we'll see if it makes a difference, and if not move on to trying something it's wait and see. The feliway plug ins are recharged too so if it is stressy that should help to calm things again. the cat run is almost up! Anyone know a builder who can knock me a few bricks out of a wall?!

Offline Schmew

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2007, 15:02:22 PM »
Must be Gill. Either that or the dogs! I thought Mitten's main issues were with Ben, but now I've only got Buffy and Bobby - Buffy did live with Mitten too. I've had Buffy for five and a half years, since she was a kitten, and she was brought up with 2 residents and a long term foster, then was one of the three when Mitten was with us. Buffy seems unaffected physically, and her behaviour is normal other than the odd scuffle with Bobs which I hadn't been massively concerned about seeing as he's only been with us for 7 or 8 weeks.... I hope the vet has a solution! The cat run should be up by the weekend which will provide some outdoor access, so that may help if it is a stressy thing. We'll see eh? Will let you know. Thanks again

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2007, 14:55:18 PM »
Well what a mystery, will be interested in what the vet about a daft idea, could it be something to do with your other cats? Cos they are one of the constants if you have moved house.

Offline Schmew

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2007, 14:13:08 PM »

thanks you two. Yes Gill, Mitten is now scab free, so would point at stress in that case. Bobby's scabs aren't as bad and he hasn't lost as much hair, but it is def there and in same place. The strange thing is is that you never see him (or Mitten in the past) rubbing that part of their head on anything. As far as allergies go - this is a different house, and I can't think of anything I use that might upset them. I'm keen to see what the vet says (we're off there tomorrow), so I'll let you know. Everyone is up to date with flea treatment so it shouldn't be that. It's just so odd that it's the last two newcomers! I thought the previous problem was between Mitten and Ben, but now Ben's gone to Devon so it must be Buffs............she's grown up with other cats and is used to fosters coming and going. Feliway is renewed anyway so will monitor.

Still interested to know if anyone else has come across anything similar? I'm mystified!

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2007, 02:20:45 AM »
Hi there,

Like Gill says it could be stress related. On the other hand it could be a skin condition. It might be worth asking the vet to do a test called a DTM. This is very easy to do and involves taking just a few hairs which they then culture on an agar plate. It shows up any fungal infection such as ringworm. Have you gone down the root of fleas although they wouldn`t normally loose so much hair if this was the case. Other than that skin scrapes might be an idea. I have seen a cat with ringworm that sounds a bit similar to your situation. Humans can catch ringworm but it makes me wonder how infectious it is as the owner of the cat i`m thinking of didn`t catch it so who knows!!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Scabs!
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 02:13:23 AM »
Did Mittens scabs go when she went to her new home?

if they did it sounds a lot like stress but very strange for a different cat to have exactly the same prob which makes it sound like they are allergic to something in the house........very very odd.

Wish I knew the answer, sorry.

Offline Schmew

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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2007, 19:43:26 PM »
Hi folks, Happy New Year!

I'm looking for a bit of feedback, see if anyone has come across this (I'll try to keep it brief!)

The other year I took on a kitten (Tortie female mad thing!) to live with my other two (all FIV+ so house cats with access to outdoor run). Ben was an older male and Buffy 4 yrs female. Did all the intros properly etc etc. Mitten (the kitten, 5 months when I took her) was a very highly strung little thing (poss semi feral stock) and was always very bristly/ hackly tail puffed up. After she was spayed, Ben started spraying in the house and Mitten started losing the fur on he head between her eyes and her ears, both side, which scabbed up. Vets tried injections and creams but no change. All cats up to date with flea/worm treatment etc. Anyway, vet suggested could be stress....feliway made a difference to an extent, and gave high up places for Mitten to chill out, burning lavender.......but while scabs would clear up for a while, they always returned and I really couldn't find a reason, although the cats didn't really get on, there was still some scrapping and this was after she'd been with us 18 months. No skin scrapes were done as vet was convinced it was stress related. in the end vet suggested putting them all on tranquilizers. (I posted on this on someone Else's query thread recently) I decided this route wasn't for us for all sorts of reasons, put it down to personality clash and after much agonising Mitten went to a new home (an amazing one I have to add! But they wouldn't take me!) Instantly the atmosphere in the house relaxed, and the other two were fine again. It was definitely only me and one of the dogs that she played with who miss her!

The point of this is coming!

I recently lost Ben :( and have moved house. Some of you may remember the FIV cat Bobby from the CC forum, he came to live with me and Buffs (and the dogs). Again, intros made sensibly etc etc and all seemed to be going well (although madam is still a bit reluctant to let him upstairs and onto the bed with us). Bobby is fab by the way he's a proper babe and settled well with the dogs and in general, he's very outgoing and loves cuddles from me and visitors that come. I had feliway plug ins in from the beginning as it was a new house and all that.

Anyway, recently I've noticed scabs starting on Bobby in the same places as Mitten had them. At first I thought it might have been where Buffs had clobbered him, but the scabs are on both sides. It's not as pronounced as with Mitten, his fur is still there and it's just little scabs. He'll be off to the vets this week to see what this new vet says.

What I'm after is anything from anyone who might have come across this before? I've been involved with rescue etc for the last 6 years yet when I've spoken to catty people about Mitten no one seems to have any experience of this. I know you lot on here are great and I really hope someone has some knowledge of this and/or some advice. Those couple of you I've spoken to know I love my little family and only want the best for them. I really hope it isn't stress related (incidentally the feliway has run out....will be replacing it to see if it has any effect) as I don't want to have to go through the agony I did with Mitten. Is it me?! Is there something in my house that doesn't agree with newcomers?!!!! Is it an FIV problem I just haven't come across in the 8 years I've had positive cats?! Both cats generally seem settled, although there's still the odd bust up (particularly upstairs) it's still fairly early days I suppose but they eat together and share litter trays and will both come and chill out in the front room with me and the dogs.

So, I hope someone can help, I look forward to reading any replies or similar experiences. There's no spraying going on by the way. Will also have to see what the vet thinks.......

Thanks all. Take care



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