Thank you all so very much for coming back to me. I just want to say what a wonderful bunch you all really are, i am really touched and so grateful for all your advice and help. Thank you thank you thank you.
Penny is absolutely fine. She does not really know what is going on bless her, its her mum thats going a bit crazy! The vet has put her on Feline MD but its a low calorie diet because its used to treat obese cats which develope diabetes. Penny is so small is amazing. The thing is she has food down all day and she eats when she is hungry. I then give her what i call her 'posh pukka tucker' when i get home from work as a little treat. She geneally drinks the gravy and maybe the odd lump will find its way in, but generally she does not have a big appetite at all, so i am going to have my work cut out trying to get her to eat more, hence why i want to be able to keep the diet and meat selection varied, and hopefully it will be so exciting she will woof it down.
I will keep you all posted, but thank you again.
Natalie xxxx