Now that Joey has recovered from his previous fight wounds, he has been going out regularly. I think he is fighting every day. When I can I use a water pistol on the aggressor, but sometimes I don't know where he has been.He came in this morning, in a very low mood. Has been sleeping. I cannot see any wounds thankfully, but on his head what i just thought was wetness appears to be some goo ( saliva?). I am scared in case a dog got hold of him. If he is still subdued in the morning I will take him to the vets again. I am constantly anxious about him, but I can't not let him out.I understand he has to assert himself in he area as he is still new, but will it ever get better?

He was neuteured last month and he is 2 yrs , so his hormones may still be charging around his system? If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful of any advice