Cat General > Our cats stories

Twinkle, Missy and Meg


They are lovely.
Good on you for fostering too.

Hi - I foster for Anim-Mates but also have 3 wonderful cats of my own.

I always had cats when growing up and then when my sister and I bought our own flat we got 2 kittens - Teddy still lives with my sister and is 18 years old now.? I moved into my own flat and couldn't have a cat as it was on the top floor, no garden etc, so one a half years ago when I moved into my house I got my cat, Twinkle.? I got him from Battersea at Brands Hatch - he was 10 at the time, half bald, and with deformed front legs, but I fell in love with him.?

After that I began fostering cats for anim-mates and then adopted Missy and Meg - who are lovely - they are both just over 1 years old and spend most of their days out in the garden and exploring!




And not forgetting Alfie, the most patient dog I know!!


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