Author Topic: UPDATE: Help to raise funds for our poorly farm cat  (Read 2916 times)

Offline heather sullivan

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UPDATE: Help to raise funds for our poorly farm cat
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2020, 22:42:50 PM »
Update:  Tiggy didn't have a hernia after all, but she had 7 teeth out, and chest x-rays showed lots of inflammation. She is on a high dose of steroids at the moment, and vet still not sure what it is - could be chronic bronchitis, inflammation due to some sort of allergy, COPD, pesticides inhalation, aspiration pneumonia................  she had a bronchial wash and that came back with lots of eosinophilic cells. Have to wait and see how she is for another month or so and then hope to re x-ray. Vet bills already have come to over £600 :(

I have started a GoFundMe for our poorly farm cat who is currently diagnosed with pneumonia, calici virus and an ulcerated mouth :( She needs a chest x-ray to check her lungs and heart and surgery to remove most of her teeth. Please read her story on my link and if you are able to donate anything, please do. I will keep you informed on how she is. I have never done one of these fundraisers before so  hoping a few people will support it.

Thank you very much.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 23:29:49 PM by heather sullivan »


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