Author Topic: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill  (Read 1681 times)

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2013, 05:23:20 AM »
Its a tough one, but yes being downstairs for the most part is best.
He needs to break out of his comfort zone!  :)

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Offline princesskasren

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2013, 11:06:22 AM »
...oh and so i thought with the whole stairs thing taht instead of me giving in and spending time with him throughout the day up there in his room I would spend more time downstairs and hopefully he will get curious and come will be a battle of wills I am sure! LOL

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2013, 11:03:50 AM »
So one more week in and all is about the same. I can lure Oscar down the stairs with a treat(sometimes) but he will turn around after he has eaten it and go right back upstairs. I caznnot imagine it's because downstairs smells more like Jezabel than upstairs does because she sleeps up their all the time plus Oscar will go to the end of teh hallway upstairs and sleep in the sun which is literally a foot and a half away from Jezabel's litterbox so surely if it were her scent that was stopping him from coming downstairs he wouldn't sleep there near her litterbox. i
I did sort of wonder if it's all linked to him starting the 3 week course of Metacam which the vet prescribed because his back and legs were sore and stiff so she gave it to him as an maybe instead of helping it's actually made it worse? Perhaps it was an old injury that stiffened him up but wasn't painful and maybe the Metacam caused swelling to go down so maybe things are rubbing or grinding against each other now? He doesn't seem to be in pain when walking normally he DOES huff as he goes both up and down the stairs but it sounds more annoyed than painful huffing! LOL
He is going to the vet on Friday for ythe last bit of his innoculations so i will mention it to her as well but I just wondered if anyone here had any ideas.
As for his relationship with Jezabel she just avoids him although n the last week if she comes across him coming around a corner she does lash out and then butter off.

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2013, 19:16:05 PM »
My friend has introduced a fair few cats to the household in the years I have known her. She says that the worst one took 6 months for one of the residents to accept the newcomer - but it did happen in the end.

Stick with it, I'm sure it will happen eventually.

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 19:01:21 PM »
Haha charming! That's yummy. :P
Good luck with your kitty sitting, I really hope it works out.

Just a waiting game right :)

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Offline princesskasren

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 18:45:57 PM »
...and after all that chat about scent Jezabel just threw up and oscar walked right through it!!! LOL

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 18:32:48 PM »
I don't want to have to give him up though as being blind it would be hard for him to get readopted plus I am sort of already in love with I am willing to wait and as long as he's safe he can hang out upstairs and being a cat even a blind one he will get bored and curious and make it back downstairs.

Offline princesskasren

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 18:19:41 PM »
Thank you. I do spend a lot of time with Oscar in his room and Jez will creep in and sleep in the sun at the winow but it is as if she is just ignoring he's there in the hopes he will just GO AWAY!!! LOL
I am thankful she is not aggressive with him and I always knew it would take a lot of patience and time. He was a stray for a while after being dumped so he;s just happy to sit in the sun and get food regularly.

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 18:10:13 PM »
Yep been doing the scent thing although neither is happy to sleep on anything that smells of thge other even now...Oscar won't even stay on my bed but I am sticking with it.
So do you suggest letting Jezabel into Oscar's room and me going in too then putting up the screen so no-one can escape the room(plenty of places to hide though) and hanging out for a while?

At the moment Oscar is on my lap and Jez is up at the window. She has no problem hanging out in here when he's I also did catch her sticking her nose up to his through the mesh screen this morning then running away.

...and you're so right about the visual cues. I think Jez is just perplexed that Oscar doesn't run away scared when she hisses and fluffs up her tail...because he just sits and stares at

Yes, I think that's the best thing you can do, get everyone together and just hang out. Try not to favour one or the other, just have a sit down on the floor and watch a movie or something, introduce some food that you three can enjoy, make it a twice daily thing, or daily thing if that's all you can do.
Try not to sit behind either of the cats, sitting behind him may threaten her, and sitting behind her may empower her.

The most important thing, is to show that you are relaxed, and nonchalant.
If you find yourself getting tense or stressed, work on your breathing. Hehe :D

Obviously when she hisses, and he stares (obviously he looks toward the sound, bless the guy!) she takes that as offence.
But she may get used to him, if you give them as much time together as you can.

IF after a few more months, no progress has been made, you may have to consider that it will never work between them.
Always here if you need anything!

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Offline princesskasren

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 17:21:24 PM »
Yep been doing the scent thing although neither is happy to sleep on anything that smells of thge other even now...Oscar won't even stay on my bed but I am sticking with it.
So do you suggest letting Jezabel into Oscar's room and me going in too then putting up the screen so no-one can escape the room(plenty of places to hide though) and hanging out for a while?

At the moment Oscar is on my lap and Jez is up at the window. She has no problem hanging out in here when he's I also did catch her sticking her nose up to his through the mesh screen this morning then running away.

...and you're so right about the visual cues. I think Jez is just perplexed that Oscar doesn't run away scared when she hisses and fluffs up her tail...because he just sits and stares at
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 17:24:52 PM by princesskasren »

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 14:37:36 PM »
That's a tough one indeed.
Its been a long time and they're still not settled, eh.

The problem with blind kitties, bless them, is that they dont/cannot monitor their body language and behaviour around other cats. Which they really rely on socially.
Sometimes its very difficult for a sighted cat to understand the intentions of a blind one, because much of the mutual understanding is missing. This uncertainty can certainly make it difficult to accept the other cat.

Have you been working with positive scent association?
One good way might be (if you have not already) to buy a liver paste, and start from scratch by rewardig her when she sniffs something that smells like him. To associate his scent with something marvelous.
And the same with the boy.

I'm not sure allowing him to flee/exist upstairs will benefit him, because he has no choice but to avoid the sound, he has nothing else to rely on after all. Cats that hiss, do this to warn other cats. But its not necessarily aggressive. Because he sees no body language, he will assume it is aggressive, because he's safer that way.
If she hisses, but is not aggressive, I do think you should give him that extra gentle force/encouragement by keeping him in the same room as her. The hissing may not stop otherwise, because she feels triumphant when he runs away.

By keeping him in the same vicinity as her, you are telling her that he is here to stay and that she must accept it. If she can accept him eventually, the hissing will stop, and he will be much happier.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 14:40:46 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline princesskasren

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Almost 7 weeks in now and at a bit of a standstill
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 14:58:34 PM »
So almost 2 months in and we're at a bit of an impasse. New kitty Oscar who is blind seems settled in and I can even leave the door free so he can wander in and out and explore upstairs rooms...but Jezabel my other cat is still hissing at him if he gets too close and her behaviour though not particularly aggressive is inhibiting oscar a bit because when i first got him he would come downstairs to check out what was happening but now because Jezabel sits by the room to his door and miaows at him if he gets too close I think he's a bit timid to come out unless I am up there with him. Even if I put her in another room she miaows so loudly he doesn;t want to come downstairs.
I obviously won't force him but I also cannot stop Jezabel from being curious and taht's why she hangs around outside his room. If he gets too close to her as he wanders around he will batt at him with her paws but she then immediately runs away so no outright fighting.
   I am being patient and I KNOW it will take more time but I just wanted again to make sure I was doing the right things etc and if not to get some advice. At the moment Jezabel is tucked up in bed under the covers so I left the mesh screen down on the door to Oscar's room and he's wandering around up there but seems to have no interest in coming downstairs even when i try to lure him with treats. He CAN do the stairs but he does huff out loud to himself when he goes down so i think he just doesn;t like them very much! LOL


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