I would agree that a separate section is a sound idea. I appreciate that it may seem like some of us are burying our heads in the sand if we don't know, but many of us and not only those in rescue are working flat out to help the little ones and it makes it worse when you have a love of all animal life and can do absolutely nothing about it.
Our branch of CP actually help and have helped over many years numerous dogs, ferrets, fish, fox, (1 baby who someone thought a kitten, having said that we would have helped anyway), hamsters, hedgehogs rabbits, terrapins, tortoise, & the odd bat or two at our own expense. Unfortunately we can only help the very local ones that come to our attention. Knowing the actual facts of all those in desperate need is just an extra pressure which we can well do without.
I trust this helps to explain were some of us are coming from.