Author Topic: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!  (Read 4685 times)

Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2008, 21:28:52 PM »
Quick update on Rolo: the blood tests came back and he has no problems with his thyroid. The biopsies are not back yet. Rolo is putting on weight and is very affectionate. I still haven't let Rolo see Merlin. I think I might try some Feliway and put them in another room together for a night once Rolo has got better to see what happened.

Thanks for your advice and thank goodness I didn't give Rolo away!

Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2008, 11:19:07 AM »
Thanks for best wishes.

Rolo has had a good night. He is purring now when we stroke him, a big improvement on the growling!, although he still growls if he hears Merlin at the dining room door.  Perhaps that will lessen as he gets better but for now I'm keeping them both apart.

Will let you know what the tests come back with.

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2008, 17:47:18 PM »
You must be very relieved, I am so pleased for you.  Now let's hope they can get to the bottom of the grass issue

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2008, 17:19:55 PM »
The vet said it was all a bit puzzling, but TBH I'm just really pleased that it doesn't seem as serious as I feared. Sounds like it could be a long road to diagnosis and recovery though. We are talking quite a lot of tests and she said they might have to do some exploratory surgery to find out what is going on. Boy, am I glad I didn't cancel that insurance (we had decided it wasn't very good value for money and were about to cancel it!)

I'm going to get Rolo a bit later tonight - can't wait to get him home!!

Big hugs to Rolo and I hope you can get to the bottom of the mystery sooner rather than later.
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Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2008, 16:37:29 PM »
My vet has just phoned me. Good news is Rolo is OK. Bad news is it seems really strange what is going on. His throat is fine, but in his stomach they found a large quantity of grass and hair plus an odd yellow pus-like substance (sorry hope nobody is having their tea). His stomach was also very red. They have taken samples and sending it to lab to find out what is going on. Strange thing is he had been kept in for nearly 3 days before the op so vet said grass shouldn't be there.

They think the strange neck movement was an attempt at retching although he was not being sick. I will be keeping him in for a while to monitor eating habits and his poo (nice job) and if he is sick.

The vet said it was all a bit puzzling, but TBH I'm just really pleased that it doesn't seem as serious as I feared. Sounds like it could be a long road to diagnosis and recovery though. We are talking quite a lot of tests and she said they might have to do some exploratory surgery to find out what is going on. Boy, am I glad I didn't cancel that insurance (we had decided it wasn't very good value for money and were about to cancel it!)

I'm going to get Rolo a bit later tonight - can't wait to get him home!!


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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2008, 15:28:23 PM »
Stephanie I've just seen this thread, any news?  :hug:

Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 19:54:19 PM »
Thanks for the best wishes. I will let you know how we get on. Been giving Rolo loads of attention today and he seems happier. Still hissed when he heard Merlin at door (we have shut him in the dining room with his own food, basket and litter tray).

Going to be emotional day tomorrow!


Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2008, 19:37:20 PM »
Try not to fear the worst until you know what is going on, Stephanie (easy for me to say, I know  :hug:).  I hope that Rolos visit goes well tomorrow: please keep us posted  :hug:

Ear tugs to Rolo.
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 19:36:02 PM »
Best of luck tomorrow, hope it is something treatable :hug:

Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2008, 19:12:50 PM »
Quick update: when Rolo came in to the house for one of his extremely short visits, I noticed he was doing a strange neck movement. I took him to the vets and it turns out he is not well. He is having problems swallowing and has lost some weight. She said he is definitely very grumpy (he was spitting and growling a lot). It could be a thyroid problem or something more serious. She has taken blood samples and he is going in tomorrow for X rays and a camera down his throat.

The vet said he may have been staying away because he is ill: some cats do that. She said it was lucky we had spotted that he wasn't behaving normally and brought him along. God, I feel guilty for spraying him with water when he hissed and struck at Merlin and for even considering re-homing him when all along he wasn't well. I only hope everything is OK tomorrow, from the way the vet looked at me meaningfully and said she was 'really worried about him' (but two children were with me so she couldn't be completely blunt) I think it may be cancer or something (surely not, he has only just turned five!)


Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2008, 07:57:02 AM »
You could try putting a note on his collar asking anyone he visits to phone you

Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2008, 23:41:26 PM »
Thanks everyone. We are with Direct Line: I would have thought if some insurers cover it, they would. They have seemed pretty good so far.

I was just talking to my husband and the last time Rolo came in, he seemed to possibly even be growling at us. It is as if he has found somewhere else he would just much rather be. He used to be quite overweight so we put a a comment on his collar saying 'Do Not Feed Me'. When he came in the other day we noticed he had lost some weight.

We've decided next time he comes in to keep him in and take him down the vets for a quick check-up. He seems completely healthy but maybe his bad mood could be caused by pain? Then again he doesn't seem to be in a bad mood outside the house. Anyway, I think a checkup is the next step and I've put out food in another bowl away from where Merlin eats and I'll get a basket to put in another room for him this weekend.

Just got to wait till he next comes in again, whenever that is. We were wondering where he is tonight. It's been pretty rainy here the last week and yet we've only seen him for about a minute. We may have to face the fact he has found somewhere else he prefers and perhaps they don't feed him because of the tag on his collar and he gets annoyed at having to come home to us?

But why? We love him?!!!

Anyway, will let you know when he next comes home and what the vet says....

Thanks for all your helpful comments.


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2008, 23:04:31 PM »
Most insurers cover behaviorist up to £200-£250

I hope you can get Rolo sorted out.  :hug:

Offline Daisydoo

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2008, 20:16:34 PM »
Who are you insured with? Many companies do cover a consult.

Thanks for this Milly's mum...something worth knowing :)

Offline Daisydoo

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2008, 20:15:01 PM »
Hi Stephanie,

Yes, the book is quite an interesting read   ;D

Sounds Rolo and Merlin get along some of the time.  I wonder what changes after him being out for a couple of days?

Tadi (my boy) often attacks Tia (his sister) for no apparent reason, I guess he is jealous of her.  His attacks are random and consist of pulling her hair out (she has long hair).   Most of the time they are ok.

Be interested to hear how you get on.


Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2008, 19:34:26 PM »
Who are you insured with? Many companies do cover a consult.

Could you set him up his own stuff in the garden, thats trying to keep him closer to home.

Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 19:15:37 PM »
Hi daisydoo,

Funnily enough, my vet's receptionist recommended that book and I'm about to order it from Amazon. Sounds like definitely a good bet.

I do only have one feeding site although there are two bowls. I can certainly get another bowl for food and put that somewhere else. I don't normally have a litter tray out unless we go on holiday and we don't seem to have the problems when the cats have been together at home for a few days, only when Rolo has gone out for a few days and then comes back.  I have two baskets in the kitchen which the cats use at night. During the day and the cats just tend to sleep wherever they want around the house: computer chairs, backs of couches etc.  I could try getting another couple of sleeping baskets for night but Rolo is never in at night in the summer and in winter when he is in, he happily sleeps in his basket right next to Merlin.

The vet suggested treating Rolo when he is close to Merlin but Rolo only likes his dried cat food. He turns his nose up at tuna, salmon and chicken - wierd cat!

Wish I could just sit down and tell Rolo he is loved and doesn't have to be mean to Merlin!! At the moment I am trying the 'making him feel special' approach and giving him lots of attention and cuddles. But he still only stays around for a few minutes to eat, swipe at Merlin and then go outside. Pesky cat!


Offline Daisydoo

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 18:40:42 PM »
Hi Stephanie,

I have a similar problem and read the following in Vicky Halls Cat Detective book:

"Aggression is often present when the individuals in the group become competitive over certain resources that appear to be in short supply.  It is therefore helpful to review the home from a feline perspective and ensure there are sufficient resources to satisfy everyone......

Food stations
Water sites
Private areas
Scratching posts
Litter trays

A good formula to apply to all resouces seems to be 'one per cat, plus one, in different locations'. "


Offline ald100

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 18:36:14 PM »
Thanks MaddiesMum and Millysmum.

I'm not sure exactly where Rolo goes but several (3+) of my neighbours have said they find him in their kids bedrooms and have to chuck him out and he wanders around the local shops - he really is very friendly (when he is outside our home at least). There are no reports of him having any fights locally with any cats in fact he seems to have made friends with one of my neighbour's cats.

When he does come home, it tends to be because he has spotted me, my kids or my husband and followed us home through the front door. He seems perfectly happy as he is walking next to us outside and will accept strokes. He doesn't come in through the catflap in the back door.

My only thought is that he senses that Merlin is our stay-at-home-cat and he feels less loved than Merlin because Merlin is so at home inside our house. The problem is we do love Rolo, if only he would spend time with us! When he does spend more time with us either in winter or when he is kept inside for illness/holidays, he does seem to calm down and is happy.

I talked to my vet about seeing a behaviourist and she said she could recommend one but it would cost £200 for a single consultation. Can that really be right? TBH don't have £200 to spend. I do have pet insurance but I doubt it would cover this situation. Last year Merlin had to have an operation on his eye due to a deep cut which we think Rolo inflicted when he was in a bad mood.

The daft thing is Rolo is a beautiful affectionate loving cat. One option might be to keep him indoors for a while until he mellows again like he does in the winter but it seems cruel to keep him indoors when he can look outside at the garden and yet not go outside.


Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2008, 18:07:21 PM »
I read something about cats doing this just the other day and can't remember where or what.  What it said is that quite often when cats are out and about they get into conflict situations which gets their dander up.  When they come in the other cat just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 17:43:51 PM »
I would try having a consult with a behaviourist before rehoming. Your vet can give you the details of people  ;D
Do you know where rolo is going for days at a time?

Good luck

Offline ald100

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Help: One of my cats keeps beating up my other cat!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2008, 16:31:18 PM »
I have two cats, both males, both spayed and both now five years old. I got them both as rescue kittens when they were about eight weeks old. Although not brothers, they had been rescued at a similar time and had been kept together from just a few weeks old and got on well. Everything was fine for the first few years. Merlin my gorgeous little black cat is very affectionate and stays at home most of the time, enjoying cuddles and being picked up. Rolo is a lot more independent, out quite a lot, very friendly. Out in the street he will follow you about looking for pats and attention. He wanders quite a bit and everyone knows him. He is a silver tabby with the cutest face.

About a couple of years ago we started to notice that Rolo didn't seem to like Merlin. The problem seems to be in the summer when Rolo is out most of the time. He will stay away for up to five days, then come in hiss and growl at Merlin, usually swipe at him. He will then go into the kitchen, eat his food (he has dried cat food), then immediately go out again.

Poor Merlin just sits in a corner cowering while Rolo is in the house.

It breaks my heart to see poor Merlin looking so frightened  :'(. I have tried all the usual psychological tricks. I tried spraying Rolo with water when he was attacking Merlin, I've tried making a big fuss of Rolo when he comes in to show he is loved and I've tried ignoring it. With all this I must be sending him the most confusing set of mixed messages! But I did try each option solely for a few months but saw no improvement.

The problem seems to be more in summer when Rolo is away for days at a time. In winter he is in the house a lot more and there seems to be very few problems. Also, when I go on holiday, I keep the cats in the kitchen/diner and a friend comes to feed them and by the end of the holiday both cats seem to be OK.  It's almost like in the summer he finds other things to do, wants to come home for a quick feed every few days and finds Merlin's presence annoying.

I really don't know how to solve this. The vet recommended Feliway to calm Rolo but as he is only in the house for a few minutes at a time, I don't know how much difference this will make. It has become much worse recently to the extent that we dread Rolo coming home.

Does anyone have any advice? I really don't want to have to give Rolo away as he is a very affectionate cat, but it seems he would be much happier in a one cat household.

Thanks for any help.



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