Hi, I'd like to nominate Eight Lives Left Kitten Rescue in Gosport, Hampshire. Basically, it is me and my long suffering husband and we take in orphaned and abaondoned kittens in the surround area and further afield if necessary (we took some from Diddy Dawn last year) and integrate them into our homes and rear them until new homes can be found, which are then homechecked.
All my kittens leave with a full veterinary health check, at least their first vaccination and they are microchipped in the name of the Rescue so that if anything happens to them, I know about it and if people forget to change their microchip details, at least they Database can contact me so I can help. If the kittens or cats are older when they go, they also have their second vaccination and are neutered.
Although originally only helping kittens, we now take in cats of any age and mums with kittens and any feline that needs help basically.
The only funding we get is from the £60 donation we ask for when re-homing a kitty and money from happy owners during the year, and from the recycling of old electrical cable we dispose of through our electrical contacting business.
We have a re-homing page on CatChat and also a paypal account if anyone would like to make donations - lesleytiggersmum@ntlworld.com
At home, we now have 19 permanent cats, who are the disabled, dysfunctional, slightly still too feral, and terminally ill, who will spend the rest of their lives in comfort with us.
This started as an interest and assistance when I worked at a Veterinary Hospital (on the Admin side!) and has turned into a vocation and I wouldn't change it for anything. We will certainly never be rich but we are rich in the love that all our kitties show us.