Gill its so hard to know what to do, (touch wood and all that) his been fine for a month now, especally on Zyklene his almost a different cat, so in a way I feel happier leaving him for 3 nights now than I would to leave him for a week, I guess we need to leave him at some point to see what happens when we return (he usually blocks around 2 weeks after being left)
I've spoken to my vets so they are on alert should ANYTHING happen, they know he'll be brought straight in, Katie will be going in twice a day and if she isn't happy with him then she is to take him there ASAP, my mum and dad are also going to go in and check on them!
Much as I don't want to go I know that we need to in a round about way just to see what happens (what my vet said as well). I hate leaving them on any occasion anyway it just feels worse this time round, in a way I just want to go now and get on with it so then we'll be on our way home!
Sorry to go on, most people think I'm mad for not wanting to leave my boys