Author Topic: What is Rescue All About  (Read 7403 times)


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Re: What is Rescue All About
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 19:21:26 PM »
It’s a simple but important thing - It is vital that some form of ID is located on your animal.

a very simple but very important statement.
this website came to my attention and is well worth looking at,although its dogs sue(mymoggy) and I have managed to get the cats a mention.

what is the point of having microchips if only one third of vets scan unknown animals that come to their surgery.   

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What is Rescue All About
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2006, 11:54:11 AM »
Thought this might be of interest

Have you ever wondered what you could do to help make the world a better place for homeless pets and what is rescue all about? Why are we hearing more and more about animals in rescue centres that are needing to be rehomed?

Rescue can take many forms, from a single individual trying to make a difference by saving one dog to a group of people working together for the common goal of saving many animals. Some people specialise in certain fields because they are passionately devoted to a particular species. All across the UK, people are working to rehome animals into their forever homes so they can experience human love again – the love that put them their in the first place!

All types and almost any breed of dog, cat, bird or small animal can be found in rescue centres. But before you adopt you should do some research first and find out what kind of companion would be best for you. Are you active, do you like to jog, or are you more of a couch potato? If you like a really neat house would handfuls of shedding coat drive you crazy? Do you enjoy grooming? Should it be big or small? Quiet or a playful? Is this your first pet or are you experienced with animals? You should have a really good idea of what you are looking for in a pet before you call a rescue centre. Avoid making a quick emotional decision. The animal you select will be a member of your family for a very long time, so do not choose hoping it will fit into your lifestyle, rather chose one that does fit your lifestyle.

Why do animals wind up in rescue or on the streets homeless? Why do owners give up these wonderful pets? Why would a wonderful gentle Labrador, a Persian cat or angora rabbit for example end up in a rescue centre? The reasons will astound you. Typically people think only bad animals with really bad problems end up in shelters. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Most animals wind up in rescue due to circumstances over which they have no control, family moving, divorce, children who become allergic to them, lack of time and commitment on the part of the owner, finances don’t permit! Some just get "too big" or require more time than the owner originally planned. While it is true many rescue animals have not been taught any manners, or been well socialized, it is also true that this situation is easily remedied if the new owners will just invest some time with their animals.

Obedience classes for example are an excellent way to begin working on manners and focusing the energy of the dog. The classes also help to develop a bond between the dog and his owner and teach the dog how to please. Often dogs are not taught how to please their owners but are magically expected to respond in the right way. Humans and dogs are two different species coexisting together and unless dogs are taught how to react and respond to human expectations, they will respond in doggie terms. Many times older dogs end up in rescue centres. The general rule of thumb is the older the dog the more civilized it is because he has had more time to learn the rules!

People should consider why they want a purebred, as opposed to a mix breed. There is nothing a mix breed cannot offer you in terms of love, companionship and devotion that a pure breed can, plus there are thousands of animals already born, looking for homes. Some people only want a purebred because it conveys some symbol of status on them!

“My rabbit is vicious, it bites everyone who goes near it.”

“My guinea pigs have had babies could you please take them off our hands.”

These are the pleas most often made to rescue centres, who take in an awful lot of rabbits and guinea pigs but fortunately re-home a lot of them to responsible, kind homes also. Often when people go into a garden centre or shop and buy a pet it is impulse buying, if they contact a rescue centre looking for a pet they have given the matter some thought. Some of the rabbits and guinea pigs that end up in rescue have to stay there permanently.

We live in a mobile and disposable society. Too often getting an animal is an emotional spur of the moment decision and it is the new pet that ends up paying the price. Once we adopt a new pet, whichever species, we must be prepared to care for them for their lifetime. There is no other creatures on earth who as loving as our canine friends, all they ask is to be by our side and be a part of our family. No pet cares if we are rich or poor, thin or fat, we are all beautiful in his or her eyes, they just love us because we are theirs. Next time you are considering a pet, check out your local rescue centre. Now you know that good animals really do go to the pound or end up in rescue centres, there is one just waiting for you right now!

The Adoption Process

Before you adopt, an application form must be filled out, possibly requiring both personal and vet references. (If this will be your first time owning a pet it is understood that you do not have a vet reference, and that will be taken into consideration.) It may also be mandatory that animals are signed up with a veterinarian of your choice within two weeks of adoption, and seen each year by a licensed veterinarian for routine vaccinations, as well as kept up to date on heartworm medication and flea/tick medication.

Spay or Neuter Your Animal

Unwanted pregnancies and uncontrollable breeding continue to keep rescue centres overcrowded with animals. By pro-actively spaying or neutering, this will help reduce the number of animals that end up stray, abandoned, or surrendered which ultimately reduces the number that have to be euthanized.

There are other benefits to spaying and neutering. Animals that have been spayed/neutered are less likely to be territorial and are often less aggressive. Spayed/neutered pets usually roam less, and therefore are not as likely to get lost or get "into trouble".

Keep an ID Tag on Your Pet

Every year thousands of animals end up in UK rescue centres and seldom are they wearing any form of identification. Without an ID, your pet could be lost forever, could end up in rescue, and could be euthanized when the centre becomes crowded. Even if an animal-friendly person finds your pet, there’s slim hope of them finding YOU unless your pet has ID.

I know of too many heart-wrenching stories of families who’s pet never wanders or runs way, so they don’t feel they need an ID tag. Then, comes the freak storm or firework sends the animal running over the fence and down the road, for the first time ever. Or, the home-repair worker who sees a calm, couch-potato dog and forgets to close the gate. Many of these pets with no ID get lost or disoriented and become stressed and do not ever see their loving families again.

It’s a simple but important thing - It is vital that some form of ID is located on your animal.

A huge amount of all horses and ponies offered for sale on the open market in this country go for meat? There are a lot of horses in this country and a lot of people buy them who do not know how to look after them properly. Horses and ponies end up in rescue because they have been cruelly treated, sometimes because they have been neglected usually through ignorance or because they have problems, but on most occasions because their owners cannot keep them anymore and are terrified that if they sell them they will end up on the meat market. Rescue centres thoroughly assesand sort out these problems then the animal is offered for adoption. People who adopt them have to sign a legal agreement and if for any reason they cannot, or do not wish to keep them, or if we think they are not looking after them properly the animal is returned to the rescue centre.

With cats and dogs once an animal turns five, it is nearly impossible to place quickly and if turned into a rescue centre is almost certainly guaranteed to be overlooked. Most centres are so overcrowded, the only practical solution for them is to destroy the 'unadoptable' animals. How many animals were destroyed last year for the crime of being over five years old? Last month? Last week? Today?

We've often heard people who are animal lovers say that they don't want to adopt an older animal because they will be heartbroken too soon when the pet dies. I agree that it seems that our older animals don't live long enough to suit us and our hearts are always aching. However, it also seems that no animal lives long enough, regardless of the length of time we've spent together.

It is also quality of time together that matters more than quantity. It does takes strength to make a commitment to loving an animal that may not be with you very long. Not everyone has that kind of strength but in the end we ask ourselves, if we don't adopt the older ones who will?

There is a sad story that most people don’t want to hear. It’s the story of too many animals being born and not enough homes – it’s a story that all rescue people relate to.

They trust us

They have no choice

Too often they fall between the cracks



After all, we are so busy with our lives

And without us

It’s a cruel world




They are taken off the street

But their troubles are not over



And despair

For most it is a sad ending hidden from public view. They were our family members, trust has been broken. A failure of the human spirit. So we euthanize to put them out of our misery.

But we are their hope..

Rescue centres work tirelessly to save lives, the funds to run and expand their work can only come from you – an act of love and support from your heart.

Posted by MBll in the general section


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