Author Topic: a kitten and a cat!  (Read 2353 times)

Offline Susieh

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Re: a kitten and a cat!
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2007, 15:21:02 PM »
I fostered some 6 week old kittens a couple of years ago and my Paddy (then 9 months old) was very sweet with them.  He growled and hissed at them for a couple of days but then started to play with them ever so gently.
Here is a really short mobile phone video of them playing outside. He really missed them when they went off to their new home.

My other cat at the time, Maddy (same age as Pads) was less impressed and even after 2 weeks, wouldn't come near the little ones but would watch them from a distance from a high place without growling until they came near her.

I think that different cats just take different amounts of time to adjust to a new kitten and as long as they are supervised for a while yet, I'm sure they will be great friends.

Offline suzi

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Re: a kitten and a cat!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2007, 09:56:13 AM »
He was 7 and half, nearly 8 weeks when we got him last he'll be 9 weeks this week..if that makes sence. He and his litter were seperated from thier mum the week before we got him, the rescue folk kept him for the week to ensure he was settling ok..eating and drinking well and using his litter tray. All three in the litter were doing really well so they were happy for us to take him home.

Glad u think it's normal too Milly's mum....they r both doing better together each day.But i still keep them seperate if we're out..or through the night just to be on the safe side.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 09:57:45 AM by suzi »

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: a kitten and a cat!
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 20:12:05 PM »
That sounds normal to me  ;D
How old was he when they released him to you? Its very young for a rescue to be letting such little ones go.  :(

Offline suzi

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Re: a kitten and a cat!
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 10:45:12 AM »
Thanks Susanne, Pleased to hear that its not abonormal behaviour! After a whole day of being together yesterday.there seemed to be a bit les biting! They both cuddled in together for a snooze then Bailey cleaned Cody while he purred! So cute! Just taking each day at a time..but theres a wee improvement every day  :Luv:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: a kitten and a cat!
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2007, 11:11:48 AM »
That all sounds normal to me.  Just keep an eye on them to make sure Bailey doesn't go too far and Cody doesn't get hurt or distressed.  Also bear in mind that as Cody matures, Bailey may see him as more of a threat, esp if he's a dominant cat, and the relationship between them may change.  adult cats tend not to see kittens as much of a threat but as they grow up into adults that can change.

Offline suzi

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a kitten and a cat!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 10:13:05 AM »
Hi all!

Have recently brought home our gorgeous baby kitten who is 7 weeks old from a rescue centre. He was one of an unwanted litter of kittens. He's very boysterous and affectionate and just adorable really!
He came home to us 5 days ago now. We also have Bailey who is now 1 and a half years old...very dominant and boysterous and adorable also! I read up loads on introducing a new cat to your home...and followed the advice of keeping the seperate initially, then gradually introduce them to one another. I also have a dog cage set up as a wee home for Cody (The baby) so that they can get used to being around each other without fighting...

So far..i've been realy impressed with the progress they have made. Bailey (older) hissed and growled at Cody intially...but now makes it little play noise (Brrrrrrpp!!!!!) and they play fight. Cody (wee one) gives back just as much as he gets. And I should mention they are always supervised when they together. Bailey sometimes starts to clean Cody and they have slept together briefy once! So generally its getting better...which is fab!

My concern now is that when they are play fighting..and the play noise (brrrrrp) is going on...Bailey has started to bite Cody and i jump to stop him and Cody sometimes gives out a wee squeel! Can anyone help me with this normal? is bailey becoming more aggressive towards him ? Is this a stage that is likely to pass with time?

Just to say again...they are never left together unsupervised so no harm will be done...and Cody keeps going after Bailey immediately after...he doesn't become scared and hide. Is Cody still fighting in a playful way for dominance?

Any advice on whether this is normal? Should i be jumping in when Cody Squeels? Should I be giving Bailey time out when he gets too rough?

Thanks all!


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