Author Topic: Hello  (Read 5428 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Hello
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2017, 13:47:12 PM »
Lovely to ‘meet’ you – I just have the one cat Lucy, as she is very temperamental when it comes to other cats, she has drawn blood on me numerous times, and nearly blinded me (I ended up with a black eye, which is a first) by seeing other cats outside. She’s a very pretty tabby and white, yet ended up in rescue for 18 months because of her temperament!! I do foster cats though, and have 2 gorgeous longhaired boys at the moment, can’t understand why they haven’t snapped up, one is ginger, one is grey. Not sure what the difference between posting on an IPhone is to an Android, but I regularly post on my phone and can change the font size, as long as I don’t use the quick response.
Please spay your cat

Offline DorothyButton

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Re: Hello
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2017, 20:22:16 PM »
Hello Michelle!  A big warm Purrs Welcome to you, Dorothy, Pips and Esme.   :welcome: :welcome:

You're in good company here.  All of us love our cats like they're our children too.   :wow:

Your furbabes have a lovely range of ages and characteristics.   ;D  Not surprised that Esme keeps you on your toes.   :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  There are a few bengal owners on here,  and they definitely have the norty gene (the Bengals,, not their devoted slaves ;)).

Well done to you too for posting using your phone.   ;D   I end up with all sorts of "trypos" with an ordinary size keyboard let alone a phone keyboard.   :evillaugh:  Have you had all of yours since they were kittens?  How did they come to share their lives with you? 

Let me exchange cat data  ;)   Me and hubby have three in our furry family.

Moray is the eldest - he's just turning 4.  He's a floofy Norwegian Forest Cat lookeelikee, tabby and white with the ability to look angelic one moment, and like a gremlin the next.   :evillaugh:  He's very laid back, but he patrols his territory with ferocity and dedication.  He was a rescue cat - abandoned in a flat with his sister when his former addict owner did a runner.   He was just over 8 weeks old.  At present, he's curled up in a small cardboard toy box which is his current favourite sleeping place.  Of course, not all of him fits, but we don't talk about that.  ;)  When we adopted him, his sister had already been earmarked by another family.  They dont know what they missed.

Next we have Barley and Malt, two sisters from the same litter who were dumped in a cardboard box in an old lady's garden.  Again, they were only just 8 weeks.  They're both semi feral, as their experiences left them with an abiding terror of being trapped/handled.  Barley is a dark tabby with attitude and a propensity to go hunting, and Malt is white and tabby with prim little pink lips and blades on her paws which will have your eye out in an instant if she thinks she's going to be picked up.   :shify:  Both are just approaching 2.  They're actually quite loving cats on their own terms (a phrase I see you know well  ;)), and will come on to our knees for the odd cuddle (we call 'em snoozles) or in Barley's case, she will come and sleep with us in bed, and she adores being petted and fussed as long as we're lying down.

Barley is currently "froggling" by the pond.  It's also quite close to where the mouskies live under the neighbour's shed.  Malt is stretched out on the bed in the spare bedroom in a patch of sunlight. 

We wouldnt swap them for the world.  Am pants at posting photos though.  Looking forward to seeing piccies of Dorothy, Pips and Esme. 

And to add, I'm sorry that you had to part with Muppet.  It's hideous, isn't it, yet in time the happy memories come most often to the fore, and you learn to smile again.  You never stop missing the ones who you lose.  We've lost 4 cats in the last 5 years, one to old age (Paddy was 20 "anna bit"), and the other three were lost to the roads.  It's agonising.  I do understand why you keep yours as indoor cats.  Unfortunately, my OH doesnt share that view, so ours are indoor/outdoor.  Malt went missing last month for a week - she's a timid little cat and seldom ventures far, so when she disappeared for 7 days I was past myself with panic.  I'd done all of the usual stuff - posters, shops, vets, leafletting etc - I became convinced she was shut in somewhere and couldn't get out.  Sure enough on the 7th day she turned up in the early hours of the morning, thirsty, hungry and exhausted, but otherwise unhurt, thank goodness.  She didnt set a paw outside the door for almost two weeks after that.

I love those large cat trees.  We have two biggish ones (not quite floor to ceiling size, but sufficient to keep all three of them satisfied).   Do yours swap their sleeping places about, or do they have strictly "my spot" sleeping spots?

Hi Sue! Thanks for the warm welcome!
We have had Dorothy since she was 14 weeks, Pips since she was about 12 weeks and Esme we got when she was a few days under 8 weeks. We drove from our house in Dartford one Sunday afternoon all the way to get Esme who was in Lancing (West Sussex) she was tiny! They said they put the add up thinking it'd be weeks before they all went and in fact they all went within about 3 hours!! The little cow bag 'screamed' and I mean screamed the whole way home!! She hasn't even stopped 'bengal speaking' since we got her lol!

Awww Barley, Malt and Moray sound gorgeous!

Growing up I was always a dog person. But meeting Brian who had been bought up with cats we got Muppet and I turned into 'over night' a mad cat lady!!

Our girls mean the absolute world to us! We speak to them as if their human and even when I'm on my own and they meow at me I speak back lol

We lost Muppet from lymphoma, she was absolutely fine like 3 weeks before she died) and then one day boom she went downhill SO quickly. It started with us and the vets thinking she was just constipated. She had blood test after blood test as well as X-rays (she wasn't eating) they then decided to put her under to see if they could manipulate her rectum I think. We dropped her off on Thursday morning and on the Thursday evening when we collected her they told us the bad news that they'd found a hard mass just on the inside. We were offered the chance of trying a colonoscopy to investigate. But by this time she'd been through so much and was looking tired (the light had gone from her eyes) bearing in mind she had also gone through a whole year of twice daily injections because of diabetes. When we found out she had cancer she'd only been in remission of diabetes for just over a month!

What is so sad as well was that she passed away just before her 11th birthday!! She was born on the 04/04/2004 - 06/02/2015

We took her home, both absolutely devastated (everyone else was too that ever met her because she was such a happy little girl who when you said to her 'mups give us a kiss' she'd jump up and nudge you with her head. I think that's what we miss so much.

We decided we'd wait until the weekend but when we woke the next morning we both said why put her through the pain just for our benefit! So that afternoon at about 3:15pm our beautiful girl gained her wings! OMG just typing all that has bought it all back again! 

Sorry, very lost post!! xx

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Offline DorothyButton

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Re: Hello
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2017, 16:46:18 PM »
Hi Michelle and Welcome. :welcome:

I have five of my own, more in a bit and The Lodgers, our friend who is visually impaired, unfortunately had to have her foot amputated due to diabetes a short while ago, so we also have a lovely (most of the time :evillaugh:) Birman called Lupin, also referred to as Loopy as he is. :naughty:
 and two semi longhairs Sasa 19 and Misa 14, if you could type in enlarged text, Gill would appreciate it. ;D

Mine are Emo, a half Norwegian Forest Cat, very vocal and sweet. She is 7 now, Merlin a black and white shorthair stray who came to me as a foster as he had been caught in a snare and wrenched himself free losing the pads and a couple of claws on one forefoot. He was supposed to be with me for 8 weeks while we determined whether he would keep his leg, he did, and there was no way I was letting me Baby Boy go after that long. :naughty:He is about 5, then we have the 'kittens' Bob was born on New Years Day 2015, she is a very nervous cat, more like a feral than my ferals, she loves fuss on her own terms and is a very pretty black tortie and white. A lady at works cat had the kittens, another lady took her and discovered the hard way that she is violently allergic to them, she came into work after three days in hospital crying as she didn't know what to do,
 the rescues were all full, so I said "Okay, I'll take her." I thought my OH would do his nut, he looked, said "What is that?" I said "What does it look like?" and that was that. ;D Then came Pippa, a feral who could have gone one way or the other, she opted for soppy mog. :wow: She is the most beautiful muted silver tabby, her approx DOB is 29/06/15 so she is just over 2, as is Pirate, he was found, very thin and beaten up, he has a fair few scars as well as congenital deformities, he only has one ear flap, and one of his eyes has too small an orbit so his third eyelid covers about a third of his eye, he has a curly tail as well, but he is a sweetie, about the same age as Pippin and a mackerel tabby.

I lost my Trouble, a classic tabby, three days before Christmas, two years ago, I had had him since he was born, he was almost 18, it broke my heart, but he was going blind and deaf, his kidneys were starting to pack up and he had a heart murmur, as you said, the light had gone out of his eyes, when he stopped playing, I knew it was time. The vet said he could have blood tests and meds to keep him going for at least another three months, but I couldn't find it in myself to be that selfish, no matter how much I didn't want to lose him, so I said goodbye to my wonderful boy who used to walk to the shops with me and wait to escort me back home. My eyes are pricking as I type this. :'(

Anyway, that is my extended family for now until Gill can have her three back.

Andrew has a thread called More Of The Boys with loads of pics of the lovely Hoolie Cats. ;D

So pleased to have you join us, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Paula xxx

One more thing Paula. This is/was our precious angel Muppet

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Offline DorothyButton

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Re: Hello
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2017, 16:20:44 PM »
Hi Michelle and Welcome. :welcome:

I have five of my own, more in a bit and The Lodgers, our friend who is visually impaired, unfortunately had to have her foot amputated due to diabetes a short while ago, so we also have a lovely (most of the time :evillaugh:) Birman called Lupin, also referred to as Loopy as he is. :naughty:
 and two semi longhairs Sasa 19 and Misa 14, if you could type in enlarged text, Gill would appreciate it. ;D

Mine are Emo, a half Norwegian Forest Cat, very vocal and sweet. She is 7 now, Merlin a black and white shorthair stray who came to me as a foster as he had been caught in a snare and wrenched himself free losing the pads and a couple of claws on one forefoot. He was supposed to be with me for 8 weeks while we determined whether he would keep his leg, he did, and there was no way I was letting me Baby Boy go after that long. :naughty:He is about 5, then we have the 'kittens' Bob was born on New Years Day 2015, she is a very nervous cat, more like a feral than my ferals, she loves fuss on her own terms and is a very pretty black tortie and white. A lady at works cat had the kittens, another lady took her and discovered the hard way that she is violently allergic to them, she came into work after three days in hospital crying as she didn't know what to do,
 the rescues were all full, so I said "Okay, I'll take her." I thought my OH would do his nut, he looked, said "What is that?" I said "What does it look like?" and that was that. ;D Then came Pippa, a feral who could have gone one way or the other, she opted for soppy mog. :wow: She is the most beautiful muted silver tabby, her approx DOB is 29/06/15 so she is just over 2, as is Pirate, he was found, very thin and beaten up, he has a fair few scars as well as congenital deformities, he only has one ear flap, and one of his eyes has too small an orbit so his third eyelid covers about a third of his eye, he has a curly tail as well, but he is a sweetie, about the same age as Pippin and a mackerel tabby.

I lost my Trouble, a classic tabby, three days before Christmas, two years ago, I had had him since he was born, he was almost 18, it broke my heart, but he was going blind and deaf, his kidneys were starting to pack up and he had a heart murmur, as you said, the light had gone out of his eyes, when he stopped playing, I knew it was time. The vet said he could have blood tests and meds to keep him going for at least another three months, but I couldn't find it in myself to be that selfish, no matter how much I didn't want to lose him, so I said goodbye to my wonderful boy who used to walk to the shops with me and wait to escort me back home. My eyes are pricking as I type this. :'(

Anyway, that is my extended family for now until Gill can have her three back.

Andrew has a thread called More Of The Boys with loads of pics of the lovely Hoolie Cats. ;D

So pleased to have you join us, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Paula xxx

Hey Paula!
Thanks for the very warm welcome!!
Unfortunately I only use this forum on my iPhone so can't change the font (sorry Gill)

I just wanted to thank you, I currently have iPhone eyes as I've been glued to it all day! Sorry Brian (I've ignored him)!

I will reply once I can see properly again! Everything is quite blurred right now. (Thanks predictive text) lol!

Michelle xxx

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Offline DorothyButton

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« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2017, 16:07:34 PM »

Hi Michelle and cat family. Welcome to Purrs

I'm Andrew. I have two black and white cats, twin brothers Astrophe and Zoonie. They are three and a half years old. I have had them since they were 11 weeks old. They are indoor only cats. I call them the Hooliecats as they are always causing chaos and destruction. They have 7 cat trees, two of which are home made. They are spoiled rotten.
Astrophe broke his leg a year ago this Sunday the 6th. It was repaired by the vets at the PDSA and he was confined to a cage for 6 weeks while it healed. Unfortunately his leg didn't heal so it was amputated last September. After a couple of tough months for us all, I thought I was going to lose him, he recovered. He now charges round on 3 legs, like the Hoolie that he is, as if nothing has happened

Hello Andrew!

Aww Astrophe and Zoonie sound beautiful! Our 3 are indoor only cats too. You beat me to it with 7 cat trees though WOW! We have just the one but its pretty much floor to ceiling. I think that's great that 2 are homemade though.

Oh bless little Astrophe with his 3 legs! I saw Paula has mentioned about your post with the pictures, I'll definitely be checking that out! x

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« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 16:09:29 PM by DorothyButton »

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Hello
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2017, 15:47:03 PM »
Hi Michelle and Welcome. :welcome:

I have five of my own, more in a bit and The Lodgers, our friend who is visually impaired, unfortunately had to have her foot amputated due to diabetes a short while ago, so we also have a lovely (most of the time :evillaugh:) Birman called Lupin, also referred to as Loopy as he is. :naughty:
 and two semi longhairs Sasa 19 and Misa 14, if you could type in enlarged text, Gill would appreciate it. ;D

Mine are Emo, a half Norwegian Forest Cat, very vocal and sweet. She is 7 now, Merlin a black and white shorthair stray who came to me as a foster as he had been caught in a snare and wrenched himself free losing the pads and a couple of claws on one forefoot. He was supposed to be with me for 8 weeks while we determined whether he would keep his leg, he did, and there was no way I was letting me Baby Boy go after that long. :naughty:He is about 5, then we have the 'kittens' Bob was born on New Years Day 2015, she is a very nervous cat, more like a feral than my ferals, she loves fuss on her own terms and is a very pretty black tortie and white. A lady at works cat had the kittens, another lady took her and discovered the hard way that she is violently allergic to them, she came into work after three days in hospital crying as she didn't know what to do,
 the rescues were all full, so I said "Okay, I'll take her." I thought my OH would do his nut, he looked, said "What is that?" I said "What does it look like?" and that was that. ;D Then came Pippa, a feral who could have gone one way or the other, she opted for soppy mog. :wow: She is the most beautiful muted silver tabby, her approx DOB is 29/06/15 so she is just over 2, as is Pirate, he was found, very thin and beaten up, he has a fair few scars as well as congenital deformities, he only has one ear flap, and one of his eyes has too small an orbit so his third eyelid covers about a third of his eye, he has a curly tail as well, but he is a sweetie, about the same age as Pippin and a mackerel tabby.

I lost my Trouble, a classic tabby, three days before Christmas, two years ago, I had had him since he was born, he was almost 18, it broke my heart, but he was going blind and deaf, his kidneys were starting to pack up and he had a heart murmur, as you said, the light had gone out of his eyes, when he stopped playing, I knew it was time. The vet said he could have blood tests and meds to keep him going for at least another three months, but I couldn't find it in myself to be that selfish, no matter how much I didn't want to lose him, so I said goodbye to my wonderful boy who used to walk to the shops with me and wait to escort me back home. My eyes are pricking as I type this. :'(

Anyway, that is my extended family for now until Gill can have her three back.

Andrew has a thread called More Of The Boys with loads of pics of the lovely Hoolie Cats. ;D

So pleased to have you join us, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Paula xxx
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline hollycat

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Re: Hello
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2017, 14:03:52 PM »

Hi Michelle and cat family. Welcome to Purrs

I'm Andrew. I have two black and white cats, twin brothers Astrophe and Zoonie. They are three and a half years old. I have had them since they were 11 weeks old. They are indoor only cats. I call them the Hooliecats as they are always causing chaos and destruction. They have 7 cat trees, two of which are home made. They are spoiled rotten.
Astrophe broke his leg a year ago this Sunday the 6th. It was repaired by the vets at the PDSA and he was confined to a cage for 6 weeks while it healed. Unfortunately his leg didn't heal so it was amputated last September. After a couple of tough months for us all, I thought I was going to lose him, he recovered. He now charges round on 3 legs, like the Hoolie that he is, as if nothing has happened
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 14:13:27 PM by hollycat »

Offline DorothyButton

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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2017, 09:17:04 AM »
Hi and  :welcome: to Purrs.

That is quite a little family you have there, they clearly keep you on your toes  ;D

We currently have 2 cats -

Alf is a large, black neutered male. He came to us when he was just under a year old and had got himself lost when following his slave up the road. He is now almost 6. We did find his slaves but Alf had already claimed me as his so we  (actually hubby) were able to persuade them to let him go. He is a big softy but not a lapcat. He usually lies either on or near my legs on the bed at night. I'm afraid he is quite predatory - which is something of a surprise considering he is such a wuss!

Sky is fully grown but tiny (2.5kg). She is black with a white patch on her throat. We got her from RSPCA about a year ago and were told that she is 'shy'. What they didn't say is that she is absolutely terrified of most things. She will come for some fuss when I am lying down but runs and hides under our bed if I make the slightest movement. She will not go near my hubby, even though he feed them more often than not. We were told that she is about 5 years old but the vet thinks she is possibly much older than that. Sky is currently confined to barracks as she is rather unwell. We don't know exactly what the problem is but have been warned to expect the worst  :'(

We moved house at the end of April and both cats have settled as well as we could have hoped.

Please forgive the large font. One of our members is visually impaired so I try to remember to make my messages easier for her to read.

Hi Lyn,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I can see already I'm going to love being here!

Alf and Sky sound lovely!

So sorry to hear Sky isn't well. I'll be thinking of you.

That's ok about the large font (I don't mind) in fact it shows how much you all care about each other which is lovely!


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Offline DorothyButton

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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2017, 09:14:39 AM »
Hello Michelle!  A big warm Purrs Welcome to you, Dorothy, Pips and Esme.   :welcome: :welcome:

You're in good company here.  All of us love our cats like they're our children too.   :wow:

Your furbabes have a lovely range of ages and characteristics.   ;D  Not surprised that Esme keeps you on your toes.   :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  There are a few bengal owners on here,  and they definitely have the norty gene (the Bengals,, not their devoted slaves ;)).

Well done to you too for posting using your phone.   ;D   I end up with all sorts of "trypos" with an ordinary size keyboard let alone a phone keyboard.   :evillaugh:  Have you had all of yours since they were kittens?  How did they come to share their lives with you? 

Let me exchange cat data  ;)   Me and hubby have three in our furry family.

Moray is the eldest - he's just turning 4.  He's a floofy Norwegian Forest Cat lookeelikee, tabby and white with the ability to look angelic one moment, and like a gremlin the next.   :evillaugh:  He's very laid back, but he patrols his territory with ferocity and dedication.  He was a rescue cat - abandoned in a flat with his sister when his former addict owner did a runner.   He was just over 8 weeks old.  At present, he's curled up in a small cardboard toy box which is his current favourite sleeping place.  Of course, not all of him fits, but we don't talk about that.  ;)  When we adopted him, his sister had already been earmarked by another family.  They dont know what they missed.

Next we have Barley and Malt, two sisters from the same litter who were dumped in a cardboard box in an old lady's garden.  Again, they were only just 8 weeks.  They're both semi feral, as their experiences left them with an abiding terror of being trapped/handled.  Barley is a dark tabby with attitude and a propensity to go hunting, and Malt is white and tabby with prim little pink lips and blades on her paws which will have your eye out in an instant if she thinks she's going to be picked up.   :shify:  Both are just approaching 2.  They're actually quite loving cats on their own terms (a phrase I see you know well  ;)), and will come on to our knees for the odd cuddle (we call 'em snoozles) or in Barley's case, she will come and sleep with us in bed, and she adores being petted and fussed as long as we're lying down.

Barley is currently "froggling" by the pond.  It's also quite close to where the mouskies live under the neighbour's shed.  Malt is stretched out on the bed in the spare bedroom in a patch of sunlight. 

We wouldnt swap them for the world.  Am pants at posting photos though.  Looking forward to seeing piccies of Dorothy, Pips and Esme. 

And to add, I'm sorry that you had to part with Muppet.  It's hideous, isn't it, yet in time the happy memories come most often to the fore, and you learn to smile again.  You never stop missing the ones who you lose.  We've lost 4 cats in the last 5 years, one to old age (Paddy was 20 "anna bit"), and the other three were lost to the roads.  It's agonising.  I do understand why you keep yours as indoor cats.  Unfortunately, my OH doesnt share that view, so ours are indoor/outdoor.  Malt went missing last month for a week - she's a timid little cat and seldom ventures far, so when she disappeared for 7 days I was past myself with panic.  I'd done all of the usual stuff - posters, shops, vets, leafletting etc - I became convinced she was shut in somewhere and couldn't get out.  Sure enough on the 7th day she turned up in the early hours of the morning, thirsty, hungry and exhausted, but otherwise unhurt, thank goodness.  She didnt set a paw outside the door for almost two weeks after that.

I love those large cat trees.  We have two biggish ones (not quite floor to ceiling size, but sufficient to keep all three of them satisfied).   Do yours swap their sleeping places about, or do they have strictly "my spot" sleeping spots?

Hi Sue! Thanks for the warm welcome!
We have had Dorothy since she was 14 weeks, Pips since she was about 12 weeks and Esme we got when she was a few days under 8 weeks. We drove from our house in Dartford one Sunday afternoon all the way to get Esme who was in Lancing (West Sussex) she was tiny! They said they put the add up thinking it'd be weeks before they all went and in fact they all went within about 3 hours!! The little cow bag 'screamed' and I mean screamed the whole way home!! She hasn't even stopped 'bengal speaking' since we got her lol!

Awww Barley, Malt and Moray sound gorgeous!

Growing up I was always a dog person. But meeting Brian who had been bought up with cats we got Muppet and I turned into 'over night' a mad cat lady!!

Our girls mean the absolute world to us! We speak to them as if their human and even when I'm on my own and they meow at me I speak back lol

We lost Muppet from lymphoma, she was absolutely fine like 3 weeks before she died) and then one day boom she went downhill SO quickly. It started with us and the vets thinking she was just constipated. She had blood test after blood test as well as X-rays (she wasn't eating) they then decided to put her under to see if they could manipulate her rectum I think. We dropped her off on Thursday morning and on the Thursday evening when we collected her they told us the bad news that they'd found a hard mass just on the inside. We were offered the chance of trying a colonoscopy to investigate. But by this time she'd been through so much and was looking tired (the light had gone from her eyes) bearing in mind she had also gone through a whole year of twice daily injections because of diabetes. When we found out she had cancer she'd only been in remission of diabetes for just over a month!

We took her home, both absolutely devastated (everyone else was too that ever met her because she was such a happy little girl who when you said to her 'mups give us a kiss' she'd jump up and nudge you with her head. I think that's what we miss so much.

We decided we'd wait until the weekend but when we woke the next morning we both said why put her through the pain just for our benefit! So that afternoon at about 3:15pm our beautiful girl gained her wings! OMG just typing all that has bought it all back again! 

Sorry, very lost post!! xx

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Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2017, 01:10:40 AM »
Hi and  :welcome: to Purrs.

That is quite a little family you have there, they clearly keep you on your toes  ;D

We currently have 2 cats -

Alf is a large, black neutered male. He came to us when he was just under a year old and had got himself lost when following his slave up the road. He is now almost 6. We did find his slaves but Alf had already claimed me as his so we  (actually hubby) were able to persuade them to let him go. He is a big softy but not a lapcat. He usually lies either on or near my legs on the bed at night. I'm afraid he is quite predatory - which is something of a surprise considering he is such a wuss!

Sky is fully grown but tiny (2.5kg). She is black with a white patch on her throat. We got her from RSPCA about a year ago and were told that she is 'shy'. What they didn't say is that she is absolutely terrified of most things. She will come for some fuss when I am lying down but runs and hides under our bed if I make the slightest movement. She will not go near my hubby, even though he feed them more often than not. We were told that she is about 5 years old but the vet thinks she is possibly much older than that. Sky is currently confined to barracks as she is rather unwell. We don't know exactly what the problem is but have been warned to expect the worst  :'(

We moved house at the end of April and both cats have settled as well as we could have hoped.

Please forgive the large font. One of our members is visually impaired so I try to remember to make my messages easier for her to read.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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  • Paddy's Mum (Ginger Imposter) [Nov 90- April '11]
  • Slave to: Moray & Malt + my beautiful lost babies - Barley, Mac, Ross, and Tinks RIP babies.
Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2017, 18:02:48 PM »
Hello Michelle!  A big warm Purrs Welcome to you, Dorothy, Pips and Esme.   :welcome: :welcome:

You're in good company here.  All of us love our cats like they're our children too.   :wow:

Your furbabes have a lovely range of ages and characteristics.   ;D  Not surprised that Esme keeps you on your toes.   :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  There are a few bengal owners on here,  and they definitely have the norty gene (the Bengals,, not their devoted slaves ;)).

Well done to you too for posting using your phone.   ;D   I end up with all sorts of "trypos" with an ordinary size keyboard let alone a phone keyboard.   :evillaugh:  Have you had all of yours since they were kittens?  How did they come to share their lives with you? 

Let me exchange cat data  ;)   Me and hubby have three in our furry family.

Moray is the eldest - he's just turning 4.  He's a floofy Norwegian Forest Cat lookeelikee, tabby and white with the ability to look angelic one moment, and like a gremlin the next.   :evillaugh:  He's very laid back, but he patrols his territory with ferocity and dedication.  He was a rescue cat - abandoned in a flat with his sister when his former addict owner did a runner.   He was just over 8 weeks old.  At present, he's curled up in a small cardboard toy box which is his current favourite sleeping place.  Of course, not all of him fits, but we don't talk about that.  ;)  When we adopted him, his sister had already been earmarked by another family.  They dont know what they missed.

Next we have Barley and Malt, two sisters from the same litter who were dumped in a cardboard box in an old lady's garden.  Again, they were only just 8 weeks.  They're both semi feral, as their experiences left them with an abiding terror of being trapped/handled.  Barley is a dark tabby with attitude and a propensity to go hunting, and Malt is white and tabby with prim little pink lips and blades on her paws which will have your eye out in an instant if she thinks she's going to be picked up.   :shify:  Both are just approaching 2.  They're actually quite loving cats on their own terms (a phrase I see you know well  ;)), and will come on to our knees for the odd cuddle (we call 'em snoozles) or in Barley's case, she will come and sleep with us in bed, and she adores being petted and fussed as long as we're lying down.

Barley is currently "froggling" by the pond.  It's also quite close to where the mouskies live under the neighbour's shed.  Malt is stretched out on the bed in the spare bedroom in a patch of sunlight. 

We wouldnt swap them for the world.  Am pants at posting photos though.  Looking forward to seeing piccies of Dorothy, Pips and Esme. 

And to add, I'm sorry that you had to part with Muppet.  It's hideous, isn't it, yet in time the happy memories come most often to the fore, and you learn to smile again.  You never stop missing the ones who you lose.  We've lost 4 cats in the last 5 years, one to old age (Paddy was 20 "anna bit"), and the other three were lost to the roads.  It's agonising.  I do understand why you keep yours as indoor cats.  Unfortunately, my OH doesnt share that view, so ours are indoor/outdoor.  Malt went missing last month for a week - she's a timid little cat and seldom ventures far, so when she disappeared for 7 days I was past myself with panic.  I'd done all of the usual stuff - posters, shops, vets, leafletting etc - I became convinced she was shut in somewhere and couldn't get out.  Sure enough on the 7th day she turned up in the early hours of the morning, thirsty, hungry and exhausted, but otherwise unhurt, thank goodness.  She didnt set a paw outside the door for almost two weeks after that.

I love those large cat trees.  We have two biggish ones (not quite floor to ceiling size, but sufficient to keep all three of them satisfied).   Do yours swap their sleeping places about, or do they have strictly "my spot" sleeping spots?

Offline DorothyButton

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  • Slave to: Dorothy, Pips, Esme. RIP Muppet x
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2017, 16:59:08 PM »
Good afternoon all, I'm Michelle, 36 and live in Kent
We have the greatest pleasure in owning 3 very beautiful cats who are like our children to us. They are indoor cats but they have a huge (almost floor to ceiling cat tree)

We have Dorothy who is a tabby and will be 10 in September she is a very nervous little girl but loves nudging, licking and being around me and my husband

We have Pips who is a tortoiseshell and was 7 in April. She is quite confident but also hates the vet and being picked up! Everything is done on Pips's terms or else lol

Then we have Esme who is a part bengal she was born on Christmas Day 2015, what can I say about Esme apart from she's very demanding! Very vocal (bengal side in her)! She hates people in 'her' kitchen and screams at you, she used to also get on top of the kitchen sides, open the cupboard doors and pull tea towels out! We put child locks on them - she got through them! Then we resorted to parcel tape!

We did have Muppet but unfortunately we had to do every pet owners worse nightmare and have her put to sleep just over 2 years ago. She is massively missed every single day!

I will try and get some pictures up in the next couple of days.

Look forward to seeing all your pictures and hearing your stories

Michelle xx

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