Author Topic: Two girls looking for homes (Uknown Outcome)  (Read 5107 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Two girls looking for homes (Uknown Outcome)
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2017, 07:32:11 AM »
As there’s been no update will move this to sorted now.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Two girls looking for homes
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 07:31:20 AM »
Any news please?
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline motherclanger

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Two girls looking for homes (Uknown Outcome)
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 14:16:15 PM »
I am looking after two stray female cats at the moment but need to find them both permanent homes as my own three are not at all happy with the current arrangement.  :shify: :innocent:  I live in North Birmingham.

I did post them both on here back in January, but at the time it was to ask for advice re vets fees as they both needed a check up and I was worried it might be too expensive for us. 

The first girl, Snowflake, is 2/3 years old, white with one green eye, one blue.  The vet treated her for a severe case of ear mites that had been ongoing for a very long time but I am glad to say is now cleared up.  Unfortunately, as she had been scratching constantly for months, maybe years, her ears have become damaged.  She has a hematoma in one, the other is not quite as bad but a little wonky.   Apart from that she has no other problems.  She is quite timid at first but once she gets to trust you she is the most affectionate little girl, quite happy to sit on your lap for hours and be fussed.  She is very playful, all our cat toys have suddenly become very popular for the first time in ages, my three are in their twilight years so not so interested anymore.  Great fun to watch her running and jumping around, such a sweet little thing.   :Luv:

The second girl, who we named Bobtail due to her lack of a tail, is quite a sad story.  She has to live in our outdoor cat bed due to incontinence problems.  Bladder and bowel.  Some days she will be fine, others I will have a major cleaning up job in her bed and around the garden and on the windowsill/wheelie bins etc.  The vet said her tail injury has left her with loss of feeling in her sphincter and there is nothing he can do to fix it.  So sad, she is very friendly and would love to come indoors with the others but it's just not possible.  I did let her in a few times because I felt so bad leaving her outside but I had to stop as it's just too unhygienic.  Every local shelter I have spoken to has said the chances of rehoming her are very slim because of this.  I think the only place she could possibly live is on a farm.  If I can't find anywhere for her very soon we will have to consider putting her to sleep, which of course really upsets me but I don't see what else I can do.  It's a dreadful situation to be in.   I'm just hoping someone on here might know of somewhere suitable but I realise there is a small chance of this.

I tried to attach some photos but the file size is too large.  They are currently on Catchat (via Team Cat Rescue in Birmingham) here:-

Any prospective new homes will be checked out by them first.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 07:31:50 AM by Janeyk »


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