Author Topic: Cat urinating on furniture  (Read 1926 times)

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2013, 21:57:56 PM »
No not yet. If the weather is ok I'm going to try and wash the curtain on Saturday. It's a big heavy long curtain!

Milo is currently having a mad half hour with is da bird lol trying to tire him out :)

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2013, 20:04:58 PM »
I don't think bringing them in will stress them but if you are stressed you could be passing it on to them.

Did you manage to get the curtain clean because they will wee in the same place if they can smell wee from the last time?

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 19:30:28 PM »
Update: vet gave milo a full checkup, even humiliated him with a thermometer up his bum, and he's fine. She told me he's overweight though. Apparently he shouldn't be anymore than 4.5kg but he's 6kg (good job I didn't take Lou as he's even bigger!) and she suggested he might be stressed. She said some cats just don't like living in a multi cat house, even litter mates like my two. What am I supposed to do about that?
My mum suggested I might be stressing them by bringing them in when it goes dark and locking the cat flap. I can't settle if they are out at night though. I need to know they are safe. They are out all day from about 7.15am until 8pm at the moment so its not like they are stuck in the house all the time. Is it me? Am I stressing them out?

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2013, 12:31:30 PM »
Thanks for that Sam.

Milo is going to the vet tonight to rule any illness out as he was adamant he was peeing on my curtain again last night! I had to chase him around the house with a litter tray. He finally relented and peed in the tray!

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Offline Laurensimm

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Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 15:41:42 PM »
Hi Susanne, I think I must have the only cats who feliway doesn't affect! I've got two of them plugged in plus a pet remedy. I think milo is one of this odd cats who stands up to wee ... I'm going to call the vet and see what she suggests when I've finished work. I can't seem to get the smell off so it may be that what is attracting him back to the curtain as fingers crossed he hadn't weed on the bed since! Maybe he's having his terrible two's a bit early! Like a human child lol. He's so cute though with his little pink nose, I can't stay mad at him :)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 13:35:30 PM »
It sounds to me as though Milo is a dominant cat?  In which case I would guess he is marking his territory and leaving signals for Louis along the lines of this is MY bed, MY human, MY curtain etc.  The standing up posture indicates he's spraying rather than urinating (although some cats do wee standing up just to confuse matters!).

It's always a good idea for a vet check whenever a cat suddenly starts doing this, but I would guess it is dominance related marking.  Not sure what to suggest apart from feliway etc. and, of course, thoroughly cleaning the affected areas.  I believe urinating on bedding is quite common as it smells of you.

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 13:13:43 PM »
Hi I think I might book him into the vet but he does seem fine. Nothing else has happened lately and milo hasn't had any other scraps that I know of. Having observed them I think milo is trying to play with Lou but Lou doesn't want to play anymore as milo plays too rough and bites.

The litter trays are both clean and its the same brand I've always used - catsan.

No they aren't insured and he is weeing freely. Doesn't appear to be in pain and the urine is normal.

I wondered about rehoming one of them with my mum and dad as they are used to them and their house but then I don't think I could because they are both my babies and really which would you re home? I wondered if they could have decided that they want to be only cats now rather than live together. They do seem calmer when the other one isn't around ... I would much rather find out what the problem is though as I don't want to go down this route. I feel whichever one was re homed would be upset and that's not fair.

This weeing on stuff is a new development though! I've heard of orange peel to put them off objects?

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 12:01:47 PM »
Hi, have you changed your cat litter recently to another brand? As cats feet are quite sensitive to touch and this can make them go and toilet elsewhere nice and comfortable. I'd fill one of your litter trays with soil or compost just to see he goes in there with something that feels like outdoors......

Another reason is that he could have the beginnings of cystitis, keep a close eye on him to see if he starts to strain or any blood specks in his urine. If you do see any of this a visit to your vet is recommended.... :hug: :hug:

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 11:55:02 AM »
I don't think he's naughty, all these problems are probably caused by the same thing. Has he been checked out at the vets in case it's a medical problem? I think some of these questions were asked on your other thread - Has a new cat started to hang around or coming into your house because cats do suffer from transferred aggression? Has anything changed in your house or circumstances that could have unsettled them?

Do you have insurance because it might be worth getting a cat behaviourist in?

Biological washing powder is good for getting rid of the smell you can also buy a cleaner form pet shops. If you don't get rid of it totally it can encourage them to wee again in the same place. 

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat urinating on furniture
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 08:33:06 AM »
Hi (again!) I seem to be in here a lot! I really don't know what is wrong with milo. He will be two on November and he's naughtier now than when he was a kitten! He and his brother Louis have been out a lot this summer, more than last, and it started with him attacking Lou so Lou now spends most if his time in a bush on the road behind.

I don't have them out at night as 3 cats have been killed at night in the last few months - two hit by cars and one attacked by a dog (RSPCA didn't do much, they really are useless at times) so I fetch them in when its getting dark. This is what I have always done.

Lately though milo has started peeing in the house. Once was at 5am. I could hear him stalking about he house and he kept going up to Lou, who then hissed at him as a warning and I kept telling him no. He then jumped on the bed and sat in my legs. I thought ok but then I felt something warm and wet and realised he was having a full on wee on me and the bed! It went on the covers, through the duvet and the mattress. I was not pleased and he was told off and put in the kitchen. I can still smell wee ...

Then, about a week later, he disappeared behind the living room door curtain and I busted him doing a full on stand up wee with his tail up - this is how I see him wee outside. He has been neutered.

And then last night he did if again in the same curtain! I knew he was going to do it as he was stalking through the house and I kept placing him in his downstairs litter tray but he got straight back out. I didn't notice him sneak behind the curtain.

He has easy access to two litter trays, the doors were open and as far as I can tell he is perfectly fine. He is eating, drinking, grooming, playing and sleeping fine.

Why is he doing this, how can I make him stop and also how can I get rid of the smell? The bedding and duvet have been in the washer but still smell. I am getting fed up of his random behaviour. Louis, apart from disappearing to his bush, is so well behaved in comparison.

Sorry to ramble and to always be asking loads of questions but I have a really naughty cat! Thanks :)


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