Author Topic: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?  (Read 2106 times)

Offline carolynl

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2013, 22:20:37 PM »
Hi Gill

Yes thankyou I have started trying her on different foods.

I tried the Felix and she wouldn't touch it, so I tried tescos own, she ate more of that but still not enough. I have also tried her on Whiskers. All these in small amounts of course but she doesn't seem to want any of them.

She seems to want to eat Izzi's food.
Izzi's food is very high meat content, because she can't tolerate cereal, but I think I might try Jasmine on small amounts of that mixed with some kitten food and see how she gets on.

I will also phone the vet tomorrow and chase up the test results. They said some results would be back in a few days and that was a week ago.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2013, 21:49:27 PM »
There never used to be kitten food, adult food, oldies food etc etc.

I made my suggestion down there vvvvvv and think you need to try various foods with her.

Offline carolynl

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2013, 20:51:46 PM »

Over the weekend Jasmine didn't open her bowels at all. I only fed her cooked chicken breast (organic) ans we managed to complete the tube of pro-kolin as per the vets advice.

I added a little bit of her normal food to her dish with the chicken on Monday and she did a couple of nice firm stools. Hoorah!

On Tuesday gave her chicken again and a bit more kitten food. Nice firm stools again. Great!

Today same food again, but got home and she had barely eaten a thing. In the litter tray there was a pile of firm stools and at the other end of the tray there was a pile of what looked like slightly melted chocolate ice-cream. Nooo!

Do you think I should take her back to the vet or wait 'till they phone with the test results?

She seems ok in herself, but I am really worried about her not eating enough. She has always been a light eater, but seems to be getting worse. Having said that, until today, she ate all the chicken I have been making for her.

Do you think it is possible that she just doesn't like kitten food? Is it too bland? What can I put with it to liven it up? She seems to want to eat Izzi's food but I am reluctant to give her that as I worry she won't get all the nutrients she needs. She always seems hungry when I am getting her food ready and she practically trips me over when I am taking her food to her feeding mat and then she doesn't eat hardly any of it. She is skinny to me but the vet says she isn't too thin.

I worry about her all the time. What can I do?  :scared:
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 20:58:00 PM by carolynl »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2013, 16:10:07 PM »
I have a dodgy connection and my reply never happened  :censored:

Dont know if I can reproduce it but am trying.

High meat content is not tollerated by all cats and wondered if you try buying a pouch of felix chicken in jelly and give her a tiny bit and see what happens.

Mine hate JWB and it is far better to feed what the cats like and can tollerate rather then what we are told is good to feed.

It took me about 3  months of special food and abs and runny stinking trays before got Lupin stabalized when he first came here at 10 months.

Sorry cant reproduce what I first wrote but this is as close as I can get..........sigh

Offline carolynl

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2013, 12:34:13 PM »
Yes, I used to give Izzi that but they changed the recipe and she went off it so I don't get it now. Plus I want to get her off the dry food anyway. But thanks

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 11:02:19 AM »
Have you tried applaws/encore I get the chicken one it's basically chicken and rice. It's quite expensive but not so bad if you are feeding dry as well. It's complimentary anyway so you need to feed with dry.

Offline carolynl

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 10:34:03 AM »
Hi Heather

I asked about furballs but the vet didn't think it was that. The diarrhea isn't constant, or very much, it just looks like she is trying to poo and it just comes out as liquid instead of solid. That's why I thought it might be a blockage of some kind either a furball or something she has swallowed like plastic or cardboard, as she does chew stuff.

Hi Gill

She normally has James wellbeloved pouches for kittens, but she doesn't seem to like them much. I give her those because they have more meat content than most brands but I think they are pretty boring for her. How can a liven them up without making her poorly?

She also has science plan biscuits for kittens, which is what she had at the RSPCA.

Since wednesday evening though, I have only given her plain chicken breast, but she did steal some of Izzi's food (hilife essentials tuna pouches)
in one of her feeling well moments.

She seemed ok again this morning but I only gave her chicken again and she ate most of it.

We also managed to give her some more pro-kolin last night and this morning. But she hasn't been to the toilet yet and I am now at work so I won't no if she is pooing normally until I get home later.

Re an infection - wouldn't she have a higher temperature? the vet said her temp was normal.

Anyway she is being tested for infections etc. but the vet didn't want to give her antibiotics unless she really needed them.

I might take her back tomorrow and see a different vet if I can. The last one wasn't her nromal vet anyway. What do you think?

Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 23:49:12 PM »
I would say it sounds like an infection, as that makes the poo really smelly :-[  give her a few days and see how she is. Or she could have a furball somewhere, that couldnt be felt by the vet? Us humans get something called "overflow diarrhoea" which is when you are constipated and the poo that builds up behind the blockage leaks out.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 21:31:09 PM »
A scan would probably show up any obstruction but I would say she has a bug most like.

You need to make sure she doesnt eat anything but the chicken or some fisj maybe.

I would go for some probiotics  or some probiotic yogurt if she will eat it.

Keep a very good on her and if she doesnt eat or drink for a couple of days get her back to the vet pronto.

The first thing that needs to happen is get her tummy sorted....what food does she normally eat?

Sending loads of good wishes  :hug: :hug:

Offline carolynl

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Jasmine has Diarrhea - what should I do?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 20:49:48 PM »
Hi everyone

Jasmine has suddenly developed diarrhea.

Monday she was fine - nicely formed stools and she was full of beans.

Tuesday she was in her litter tray and looked like she was straining to poo - just a little bit of liquid poo - about a dessertspoon size -  came out. She wouldn't eat her food. She did this later on in the morning too so I took her to the vet.

The vet examined her, said she couldn't feel a blockage, and her temp was normal. Vet gave me some pro-kolin (a probiotic paste) to give to Jasmine twice a day for 4 days. Gave her the first dose that night. She ate a little food but not much. She didn't poo again that night.

Wednesday - gave her the 2nd dose - she ate some food but not much. I went to work and when I got home she hadn't done anything in the litter tray - not even a wee. As soon as I came in she went to the tray and did a poo. It was a bit more solid but not normal - I thought we were getting somewhere at least. I tried to give her the 3rd dose of Pro-kolin but she went mental and would not stay still. I only managed to get a bit into her. She then went very quiet, wouldn't eat, wouldn't come near me. About half hour later she brought it back up then did another semi runny poo. I went out and bought some plain chicked breast and cooked that for her supper. She ate every bit of it. Progress.

Thursday (today)- This morning Jasmine was back to her normal self behaviour wise, She had more chicken for breakfast but I was concerned about giving her more pro-kolin so I rang the vet and she said to leave it and see how she was. In the meantime I took in a poo sample for testing. She will be testing for everything. Jasmine wouldn't eat any lunch or tea and she has liquid poo again. She has gone very quiet and is not her normal playful self at all.

I am wondering if it could be a foreign body in her intestine as she is a chewer, or a food allergy as she sometimes sneaks Izzi's food and this morning, when she was being normal, she stole some of Izzi's food again.

The diarrhea is also very smelly indeed.

What does anyone think?

Also how would a foreign body obstruction be diagnosed?
I did ask the vet if it could be this but she dismissed it out of hand.

I am so worried about her as she has never really eaten properly anyway and is small for her age apparantly, even though she is growing.

What should I do? Please help


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