Author Topic: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?  (Read 2249 times)

Offline nickynoo93

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Re: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 19:49:02 PM »
As Gill said some people are lucky with intros, I have a friend who just puts the newbies in with the established cats and has had no probs.

I had to introduce wordy slowly, it has taken over a year for Poppy to finally accept him, Charlie was the one who suprised us and loves him more.

When we got Harry(RIP) we had to do slow intros and Poppy and Wordy were little terrors with him, Charlie wasn't keen to start with either.

Its good that the little one seems to be fearless, in no time they will probably be ok. As has been said little and often. You will know when the time is right, I tried to rush because they seemed to be getting better together, then they have skirmishes.

Good luck.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2013, 19:43:43 PM »
I just typed a long post and its bloomin gone.........sorry

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 15:23:36 PM »
you are best being guided by them carolyn,  I'd build up the time bit by bit but there are no hard and fast rules, with Jasmine being so small it probably won't' take long

Offline carolynl

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Re: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 15:13:44 PM »

Gill, not sure what your second paragraph means. It doesn't seem to make any sense. And what do you mean by very slowly that is quite vague. Do you mean days, weeks, months? Meeting once a week for 5 minutes?  Meeting each day for a few minutes?

I DO keep Jasmine in a different room I have stated that quite clearly in my post. She has her own room with all her beds, toys, food, litter tray etc. We have been swapping blankets and toys over for the last few days and Izzi was fine with that. She was her normal, laid-back self, so we took Jasmine into the living room, in her carrier, last night and Izzi was sniffing her and was still fine so we opened the carrier and Jasmine came out. Izzi was fine unless Jasmine got too close to her. Izzi has been back to her normal self today and slept with me for most of the night last night. She is calm all the time, except for when she met Jasmine face to face last night, so how on earth am I supposed to know when it is time without actually trying it?

Anyway I will do the scent thing for another few days then try again. As soon as Izzi hisses I will remove Jasmine and put her back in her own room. How does that sound? Or should I try each day just for a few minutes?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 14:33:43 PM »
My goodness you have to do this slowly, very slowly and could take months if you go too quick! You let them mix for far too long last night and Izzi was telling you.

Nicky is absolutely right, keep Jasmine in a different room unless Izzi is out and think now thay have met and Izzi unhappy with the intruder, its too early to let them meet while Jasmine in a carrier. Wait for Izzi to calm down.

Some people are lucky and intros go very well, I have never been, and they have had to take place very slowly. Mine like Izzi went out and Sasa ran away for about 6 months, popping back to eat and leaving again and this was from end of summer right throght the worst of the winter.

Slow slow slow is the message

Use a plug in if you use feliway. Sasa hates feliway.

Offline nickynoo93

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Re: Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 11:51:54 AM »
I'm sure many will have way more experience than me, but have you tried mixing scents? Letting Jasmine have a play around in a room when Izzi is out? Room by room?

Swap bedding etc..

Feliway works for some, I have used it, but if you but the spray do as the instructions say, I made mine virtually drunk when I first used it.

Maybe as Jasmine is so little let Izzi have a sniff of her whhile she is in a carrier, or through a crack in the door.

Hope this helps a little.


Offline carolynl

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Introducing Jasmine to Izzi - Feliway?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 11:38:26 AM »
Hi Everyone.

Sorry more advice needed.

We tried the first intro last night and it didn't go too well. Jasmine was fine but understandably, Izzi wasn't. She stayed under the armchair while Jasmine played with gay abandon. Each time Jasmine went too close Izzi hissed and growled. Izzi put up with it for about 45 mins then wanted to go out. I let her out, she came back after about half an hour, saw Jasmine was still there and went straight back out again.

We put Jasmine back in her room. I got ready to go to bed and called Izzi for her supper. Normally she comes straight away when I call her but this time she didn't. I was looking for her and calling her for a goof half hour. I was so worried. Then she came running back, calling back to me. What a relief. She came in checked that Jasmine wasn't in the room then had her supper and was back to normal.

My question is should I just keep trying and hope Izzi doesn't leave for good or should I try something else? Should I keep Izzi in for a while? What about Feliway? Would this help and if so how long should I use it for? 

Any advice welcome  :)


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