Author Topic: Hello Feline Friends!  (Read 3173 times)

Offline PersianCatLover

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2012, 16:20:26 PM »
Now Dawn,
In the States (where I'm from and yes, from California and from yes, a suburb of Hollywood and no I don't know Arnold personally lol) we would say that's what you get for doin' your own thinkin'!)  I have many cats and saluki photos on my FB page (look me up under Suzanne Blair-Newlands, as I would have thought the same thing.  Now some sighthounds can be death on cats (particularly Borzoi) and all sighthounds will chase anything that moves fast outside.  Inside they think the cat is THEIR cat.  I would never ever let my dogs and cat out in the same yard anymore than I would put a toddler child out in the yard with two or more salukis as I think dogs and kids should be well supervised.  There is something called the "dying prey" sound that children in distress or cats in distress may make even in play outside and that could well trigger some innate behavior that one would rather not happen.  However, this is true of ALL DOGS.

If you want a saluki, get one, but be careful in introductions and make sure that the rescue or breeder cat tests the dog first.  I had a rather nasty thing happen when I offered to foster a greyhound that had been attacked by a pitbull.  She was an x racer under a year old.  Poor thing was in a kennel with rescue and I said we'd take her in as LONG as she was cat safe.  She wasn't.  WE only had our old moggy Smokey at the time and there was a look in her eye when she saw the cat that said all over "I am a cat killer".  WE tried for days to get her to calm down but she wanted to kill the cat and that was that.  Finally had to send her back to the kennel which broke everyone's heart.

However, this was Smokey's home and he didn't deserve to live under sentence of death.  Seriously though, I would far rather a cat and saluki combo than say a pit bull and cat combo.  Salukis, at least mine, seem to know that this is "our" cat and to be taken seriously.  I wouldn't bring a saluki into an older cats territory though, if the cat were skittish and easily frightened as at least once it is going to be touched by a saluki (probably in an effort for the saluki to steal body warmth.

Gizmo is so afraid of our salukis that when Ali (the black and tan and white one) barks to go outside, Gizmo runs up and puts her head in her mouth as if to say, "where'd that weird noise come from", which tells me that she isn't particularly bothered by dogs.  She also sleeps in the middle of them when they are on the small two seater sofa so that also confirms to me that she feels pretty darned safe.

If I can help and you really are serious about a saluki, please let me know.  Actually occasionally saluki pups are brought in (or bought in and you don't want to know about that as it would sound terrible, but sometimes you have to pay to rescue animals as hard as that seems) to us.  We've had a few (not here but at rescue) that were absolutely darling!

da Suz
All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2012, 15:29:30 PM »
wow that is amazing, I love salukis but had always assumed they wouldn't make good pets for cats!

Offline PersianCatLover

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2012, 15:16:59 PM »
Now, Cazzer,
You know it's time for another Persian, don't you?  I can't be expected to be a one man Persian cat rescue can I???? Or I should say one woman lol.  I know the deep sadness that comes from losing the fur-faces in our family, but I always say that there are too few experienced Persian homes out there (just as there are too few saluki homes...who wants a dog that acts like a mentally deficient cat anyway and never comes when called and pees on your bed and...well, that's another story entirely) but you get my drift.  Time for another, Sweetheart.  You know your last buddie wouldn't want you to be lonely...or sane, right?

I have come to the conclusion that cat and dog and horse people are not sane (not sure about snake people, they just are...well, strange) and we wouldn't have it any other way.  Will try out your suggestion.  If you hear of anything and don't snap it up yourself, perhaps you could let me know.

I have just completed a painting called "Sanctuary of the Firebird" with a ballerina and all the sighthound breeds and at least a few Persian cats, a siamese or two, a coulour point and various moggies so that I can make prints available for rescues to auction.  Be sure and let me know if anyone else needs help ( I know, I missed ya'lls one, but there's always the next, right?)
Love yas,
da Suz
Below is one of my saluki prints, The Queen of S'Gath, which has brought many salukis out of the middle east war zones (from where they originated)  to foster and forever homes.
All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2012, 21:34:49 PM »
Gizmo is totally gorgeous.      I've been owned by 15 or so persians over the years.     I had the last one put to sleep in August though.        Can recommned Bristol Persian Rescue.     I've never had a cat from them but have helped them out on several occasions as live about two miles away from them.       
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Offline PersianCatLover

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2012, 16:15:56 PM »
Hiya back at all of you!
Thanks for the warm welcome!  I'm glad everyone likes our kids as we love them a lot!  Gizmo "the Pumpkin" has crept into my heart from the very beginning, and now am in the mess mentally about what to do.  I should have gotten another cat at the same time I got Gizmo and was certainly offered several from the "rescue" we got her from...funny that, it seemed all the cats they had were constantly pregnant...but Gizmo had so many health problems and we were so worried, I thought never again do I get a Persian....wrong.  She's been healthy as she can be for the last two years and has had no further problems, knock on wood, so why not start this mess all over again?

I did write to Celia Hammond and talked to a very lovely woman there today.  She had no Persian cats at this time and wondered if I would take a Moggy Cat.  I wanted in the worst way to say "Yes, bring one right over"...BUT I am not sure Gizmo would be very accepting of another breed as she grew up with Persians.  Also, I am not so sure another breed might not take issue with Gizmo's huge staring eyes, or her very erect bushy tail which looks much like she is very wacked off at someone (if you were another cat I mean).  Combine that with all the hair, and another cat might not even know she is a cat!  She certainly doesn't seem to. 

In our house we play a silly little game with the salukis called enny-meeny-chili-beanie-weanies.  This in saluki talk means "treats".  Why?  Long story, but we had a littler of lukids back years ago that needed to be weaned early as they were huge...only two in the litter and so they just ballooned until they were too fat to walk.Seriously. So...because of a cartoon the kids used to watch when they were little (they are now in their 40s how did that happen?) we used to say "nnie meany chili beanie weanies to get them to come for a treat of protein in the shape of baby finger food.Now all my dogs have learned it over the years. They rush up and sit patiently at my feet.  It was only about 6 months ago that I realized there were 3 creatures at my feet, one of which was Gizmo.  Now she learned early to sit and lie down and is ever so good (ajility here we come?) but to see her run up with the salukis and sit is a real funny thing to watch.  Cats can't be trained can they lolol?

You mention Thorney Wood...that's different from Celia Crofts right?  I will look it up and give them a call.  Thanks for the tip.  I sort of thought since Celia Hammond's said they would keep us on file for a Persian I might just wait until I heard from them, but then again, those places get pretty busy and....well, you know.  So one more contact wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Anyway, thanks for the support you guys, and hope to be part of your crew soon.

da Suzi (related to Da Bird or at least Gizmo thinks so!)

All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2012, 13:29:13 PM »
From another Persian lover !
Pumpkin  is just gorgeous .  :Luv2: :Luv2:

Have you tried Bristol Persian rescue ? There are one or two Persian ones down south .
I got some of mine from Thorneywood as its only 30 miles from me.

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2012, 12:28:03 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs  ;D

lovely photos  :Luv:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2012, 17:42:26 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs   ;D

Glad you've found us, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.  It really is a very friendly forum with lots of friendly helpful advice, if ever needed, and of course lots of fun.

I do feel it my public duty to warn you though that it can be a teensy bit addictive  :Crazy: You have been warned  :evillaugh:

You're not alone in your love of persians, we have a few persian fanatics lovers on here with more than their fair share!  :Luv:

Offline melbell

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2012, 16:16:28 PM »
Warm welcome from a fellow newbie on Purrs  :welcome:

Lovely family members you've got!  :Luv:
I wish you all the best in your search for another furball  :)

Offline Jiji

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2012, 08:53:37 AM »
 :welcome: to Purrs  :) What a lovely fur family you have  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: Hope you find a companion for Gizmo soon.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2012, 08:33:35 AM »
I love salukis!!!!  have you tried celia hammond, I'm sure they are near hastings and I've no doubt would deliver to the right home

Offline PersianCatLover

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2012, 02:01:45 AM »
 :thanks: For All the Nice Welcomes!  I hope to find something on hear and to become, hopefully, an active member who can do some good.  I'm already feeding three neglected cats in our close...what's wrong with people.  I have been warned I will probably be rewarded by someone having kittens in my backyard, but darn it, I can't do all this art work to help others and not feed the one's who need it in my front garden can I.?  And can hardly start a close war by saying why don't you spay your cat...tried that nicely and got spat at.....

Below you can see our three rescues, Bubbles (fawn with black ears) 13 years old, Ali, (black and silver and tan) and Gizmo...Pumkin orange and proud of it!
All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.

Offline Greenlaner

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 01:56:28 AM »
 :welcome: :hug: :welcome:   You should find plenty of information on here :welcome:   We had a black Persian when I was a girl. Would never stay indoors.

Offline PersianCatLover

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2012, 01:55:42 AM »
I didn't know you guys then.  The last time I came to Purrs in our Hearts it was just one rescue centre that I bought Da Bird from for Gizi and now we have all this!  It's terrific.  We will have more auctions won't we?  In the last two I did to rescue salukis from war zones in the middle east, we raised over $300.00 in four prints and 3 ornaments. 

Let me know sooner next time lol!
All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 01:49:44 AM »
Those are lovely and our auction finished yesterday as I am sure you will see if you gander round the site  ;D ;D

Offline PersianCatLover

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2012, 01:41:32 AM »
Well, we live in  St. Leonard's on Sea which is next door to Hastings, in East Sussex.  We don't have transportation because both my husband and I are now retired and my husband cannot drive due to health problems (I'm from the U.S. originally and am terrified to drive though we do have a car.  Drove all over the US and now after 11 years in England you guys scare me lol.  Wrong side of the road and all that.  After 50 years of driving one way to switch is hard.  Old dog new tricks etc.

We could of course pay gas expenses to someone bringing us a cat.  Home visit would be most appreciated as we like to show off our little house and little yard (completely fenced).  Our phone number can be obtained if anyone needs it.

Also, if anyone needs art work for auctions to raise money for rescue, please contact me, as I am an artist:  below you can see some of my work: These are of course, not serious paintings or sculptures (I do those too) but just fun ornaments for Christmas, all hand sculpted and painted!
All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2012, 01:28:18 AM »
 :welcome: to Purrs  ;D

Gizmo is lovely and am sure someone will point you in the right direction for getting another cat  ;D

What area do you live in and do you have transport?

Offline PersianCatLover

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Hello Feline Friends!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 00:33:14 AM »
Hello to this fabulous new community for cat lovers and rescuers alike
My name is Suzi and I have come here looking to adopt or perhaps foster a Persian cat a companion to my 3 year old Persian Rescue Cat.
We are an unusual household in that Gizmo came as a replacement (sort of) for our last cat, Smokey, who had passed over the Rainbow Bridge at the ripe old age of 21.  Several months later we though we could offer another home and I said I wanted anything but a Persian, funny how that works in the world of karma, huh?  Gizmo had been badly abused, weighed only one pound at a year of age, had cat flu, eyes matted shut, ear mites, worms and an ear polyp.  As soon as the flu had been treated by our wonderful vets, and after being spayed, ear polyp removed, and checked for tear ducts, micro-chipped an insured for life she started to gain weight and really became like the daughter I had never had (I had two boys, long gone on their own now).

We also have two rescue Salukis, Bubbles and Ali who are bossed around unmercifully by Gizmorelda.  She tells them when to go out, and waits for them to come in, they all sleep together on the couch.

Can anyone help us on our quest for a Persian Male Neuter so Gizmo can have someone to play with?  Or our we fixin' for trouble, by adding another cat.  Thanks for the help,
Suzi  Anyone who would like to know more about me can see my FB wall at Suzanne Blair-Newlands.  Please feel free to brows through the pictures of our beautiful Gizmo and our Salukis and my art work, which is quite successful in raising money for the Rescue Salukis from the Middle East rescues which re-homes animals from war zones into loving foster care as far away as Canada.  Personally my art work has raised over £300.00 pounds in the past month for two rescues and this is very gratifying.  Would like to help here too!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 00:37:08 AM by PersianCatLover »
All it takes for evil to succeed in the world is for one good man or woman to do nothing!  Don't be that one person, stand up and be counted even if you have to take chances and put yourself on the line.


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