Author Topic: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -  (Read 5875 times)

Offline Monzaman

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2011, 00:26:40 AM »
I have a 2.5 year old rescue cat that joined my (at the time) 9 year old that has been with me since he was a kitten. Ted (the rescue boy) was 10 months old when we got him.
They are fine left together for about 8 hours a day. In fact they are now such good chums Ted has been grooming Monza whilst he has been poorly.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2011, 11:22:09 AM »
Although it's perfectly possible to get 2 cats or kittens separately and for them to get on well, your best bet would be to get 2 littermates.  Although that doesn't guarantee they will be friends as adults, it increases the likelihood and saves the hassle of introductions.  Of course if you want 2 different breeds or 1 breed and a rescue, then that's not an option.

Offline Lotzy

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2011, 08:52:42 AM »
We used to be out of the house the same amount of hours as you.  I personally got two cats because I wanted two. Whilst they were good company for eachother while young, they hate eachother now, so if you go down the route of two make sure they are well matched and tolerate eachother well.  The easiest way to do this would be to get siblings with a similar personality.  Unfortunately, I choose the confident one and nervous one.

If the cat will eventually be allowed outdoors, I think you have little to worry about as they are free to do what they want and when. If kept indoors, then you will need to ensure you give them time before and after work which lots of love and play. Obviously make sure they have some safe toys to play with and access to windows where they have a good view.

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2011, 00:35:54 AM »
my partner is away Mon-Thur 8.45am till 6.15pm and I'm home 3 evenings a week and all weekends. We do not have friends close by so not much of an option for someone to pop in (unless we can find someone and pay for doing so).

well, do not like to say money no objection as that would not be true but we are prepared to spend the necessary amount to make sure the cat will have all that is needed. All I want is to make sure that 'money' can actually help us to bring up a healthy cat. There would be little point to get a cat only to make it unhappy animal.

As others have already said, if your cat(s) can be indoor-outdoor they will get a fair amount of entertainment that way. Also some cats are more people-oriented than others; adopting an adult means you can be informed as to their personality. Noah was matched with me by the rescue and is absolutely perfect for my lifestyle (and vice versa).

Noah is my first indoor cat and cannot have a companion - he doesn't like other cats - but is kept entertained by items from the Purrsinourhearts shop! He loves his Bergan Turbo Track best of all, purchased after watching this clip

I highly recommend a flashing ball and some straight add ons for speed.  :wow: Usually Noah will play a few times a day/ night but if he gets bored I simply pack it away for a few weeks, then he's in my face whilst I set up! Also good are toys with catnip, valerian or honeysuckle, cubes and tunnels, mylar balls, feathers or fur .... TBH everything in the Purrs shop has been given the pawprint of approval by many many Purrs cats.  :rofl:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2011, 11:44:43 AM »
When Digby and Dillon were kittens they were sometimes left 8 til 5 and I'm certain that having each other made their lives happier.  They were also confined to a cat friendly room where they could do little damage or, more importantly, not get hurt.  Be careful with any cat toys for unsupervised play.  Not had any issues with my cats but my parrot had to have two toes amputated because he'd managed to unravel a cord/string toy desigmed for parrots!  And so many cat toys seem to have elastic/string as an integral part of them.  It's a bit like having a young but very agile child really - I used to get down to floor level to check for potential hazards, but maybe I was neurotic until they were neutered and started going outside where what they encounter is beyond your control. 

On the subject of personality, mine were brothers, litter mates but Digby was shy and picky about who to be affectionate with, and Dillon is a little tart   :rofl:  welcoming anybody and everybody to play whether human, feline or canine!   Good luck with whatever decision about breed you make.  Are they going to be indoor cats or have outdoor access?

Offline snarf

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2011, 10:26:35 AM »

I have 3 cats left alone 8.30-6.30 (sometimes 8 tho) all well adjusted and happy (as far as i can tell). Cats sleep 17 hours a day on average so in theory when your at work and asleep. the more theyve got to do while youre out the better though and big, interesting cat trees by windows, climbing frames and a range of solo play toys- anything that lights up is very popular here- makes a big difference.
Kittens are wonderful and so endearing when theyre asleep, when theyre awake they are difficult and a handful and require a lot of work. If you and your partner do have your heart set on a particular breed, you might find adults easier- they will also already be showing personalities. although not as many as with moggies, they do come to rescues. Rescue cats do not neccesarily have behaviour issues, owners die, move, divorce and cats get left behind. if you contact breed clubs, they might know of some or will know of specialist rescues. 
If you havent already, id reccomend reading some cat behaviour books- Vicky Halls, cat confidential is the most helpful ive read i think. there is also a portion related to creating a play room for a bored (and therefore destructive) siamese duo which might be handy if you decide that you deff want kittens.

Offline zalek

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2011, 01:14:22 AM »
I think it depends what you mean by up to, and what you mean by alone
my partner is away Mon-Thur 8.45am till 6.15pm and I'm home 3 evenings a week and all weekends. We do not have friends close by so not much of an option for someone to pop in (unless we can find someone and pay for doing so).

if you are able to spend a little money and a little time there are plenty of toys you can put out when you know it's going to be a long day at work. Cats that are able to go outside are easiuer to leave as they have other smells, sights and sounds that you.
well, do not like to say money no objection as that would not be true but we are prepared to spend the necessary amount to make sure the cat will have all that is needed. All I want is to make sure that 'money' can actually help us to bring up a healthy cat. There would be little point to get a cat only to make it unhappy animal.

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2011, 21:59:05 PM »
 :welcome: Lovely to have newbies on board, and glad you have had such a great response already!

I think it depends what you mean by up to, and what you mean by alone. The more frequent your absences the more your cat will need company and/ or solo play toys and/ or a companion. It's obvious that you care as you take the time to ask  :hug:  if you are able to spend a little money and a little time there are plenty of toys you can put out when you know it's going to be a long day at work. Cats that are able to go outside are easiuer to leave as they have other smells, sights and sounds that you. Do you perhaps have a friend or neighbour who can pop by when you have a particularly busy week?
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline zalek

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2011, 21:02:15 PM »
Thank you very much of all the comments. I did not expect to hear from so many of you so it's great to hear so many different voices.

I think the idea of getting a pedigree comes firstly from us having an experience of our friends burmese cat (which they treat as they baby rather than a cat) and the hope that we have more chance of the cat to be what we would like it to than with a moggy. I understand that there are no guarantees.

I myself are more towards an oriental breed but as some have noticed it would nto be a good idea with our set up. So will have to wait until I slow down with my work (read: retire ;)

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2011, 20:51:29 PM »
if you are set on getting a pedigree I would recommend going to a few cat shows first and check out the breeds out there.  Once you see a breed you like the look off you can have a chat with the owners / breeders and find out all about the personalities etc.

I'm owned by two abysinnians, a british cream and a moggy.  The Abys are very intelligent and can be naughty at times, the british cream is very laid back and lazy and the moggy is a real cuddle bum who loves to sit on my lap and cuddle.  My lot are often on their own for 10 hours a day and they are perfectly fine .... actually they are asleep.
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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2011, 20:19:18 PM »
A bored Bengal is a naughty Bengal - I have got 4 of the little boogers and 2 moggies.

Putting a Bengal with another breed could be a recipe for disaster if the other cat is a "quiet" breed, the Bengal needs a companion that is as boistrous as it is and they crave human attention.

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Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2011, 18:31:35 PM »
My two are left from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and they are fine, My friend has one cat left same times and its ok and has plenty toys to play with
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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 17:31:30 PM »
We have 2 moggies and they are home alone for up to 10/11 hours 1 or 2 days a week, they play and sleep, we know they've been playing because they turf they toys out of the box, and we find furry things and rolled up balls of paper in the bed!
If we are both going to be out longer one of tries to get home for lunch, or Mother in Law comes up to see them.

Very happy we got 2 at the same time, they are brother and sister, a little mad but a lot lovely.  :Luv:

They are both chatty, especially Charlie, Poppy is the cuddler of the 2.

I look at the breeds(love BSH) but I know when the time is right I will be rescuing again.


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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 15:46:38 PM »
I have a Russian Blue, and he would indeed do very well on his own most of the day - he has never bonded with either of my other two, though he is never hostile to them, and very rarely demands anything from me, except food  - never makes a sound either, unless he is put in a carrier

they do say Russians are the easiest of cats - but the first one I had craved the company of other cats, and would spend all his days chilling out with a neighbour's 6 cats, and all night gazing out of the window when I had locked the cat flap - he had almost no desire for human contact  - he would have been quite happy had I not been there at all - probably because he had not been reared properly by the breeder, who was an elderly disabled lady

so I would say Russian Blues would be suitable for your circumstances, but ensure they have been brought up in a home environment, and thoroughly socialised
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2011, 14:04:11 PM »
I think if going for a pedigree then they are more likely to meet the breed profile as a moggie is just that and can turn out anyway lol.

The problem with breed profiles is however they tend to concentrate on looks more than personalities and birmans are never reported as being noisy......ummmmm very noisy and totally self centred............they are quoted as being intelligent but this means they learn new ways of getting you to give them more attention  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2011, 13:56:13 PM »
Are you planning on getting an adult cat or a kitten? If you're getting a kitten I wouldn't pin your hopes on the cat having the characteristics you desire just because it's a certain breed. An adult rescue (whether pedigree or moggy) would be the way to go otherwise you may well end with a kitten that grows into a cat that is the opposite of what you'd hoped.

As an example I have two brothers who I've had since they were ten weeks old, they were obviously born and raised in the same environment. They are both extremely loving and affectionate but one has developed into a boisterous, very active and very confident cat whereas his brother is the complete opposite - much quieter and much more sedate. Chalk and cheese really yet they were raised in identical upbringings.

Offline zalek

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2011, 13:10:08 PM »
Well, my partner is spending most of her time reading about cats now. And she's having second toughts about burmese. She found that perhaps russian blue would be more adaptable to us being away for most of the day.

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2011, 09:57:53 AM »
I had never thought about it until someone said our Willow had some Burmese in her. She was almost human. She considered other cats beneath her. She had to be in on everything going on and wasn't happy unless she was the centre of attention. One thing she did was stand up against our legs to be picked up all the time - she also joined in conversations. If someone laughed, she got annoyed and batted them  :evillaugh: - she also liked being tucked up in bed. She was quite happy lying in bed the same as us with just her head sticking out; that or completely covered with a blanket  :Luv2: - she also tried to befriend every human that came into the house. On more than one occasion, I would find a workman working away with her perched on his shoulder like a parrot  :evillaugh:


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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2011, 06:40:42 AM »
Burmese are very people-oriented cats. They need their human more than do most breeds. They are in fact, quite a lot like a dog in many of their characteristics. They are adventurous (love climbing curtains, bookshelves, mantelpieces etc) and can, at times, be quite destructive (shredding furniture etc). They tend to bond with one person in the household and will be polite to others, but not so attentive (or they can be utter sluts and go to anyone). they will climb into a car if the door is left open, so tend to accidentally get kidnapped if you are not careful, or cooked, if the car is left in the sun.

I would probably not recommend the breed to someone who will be out for extended hours like this. However, if you do wish to get one, and can ensure that it can be contained indoors in your absence, with plenty of enrichment to keep itself occupied, then a companion cat will be pretty well essential. I usually had a siamese to keep my burmese company, but have also mixed them with moggies and an abyssinian successfully. Siamese are also not a breed I would leave alone for extended hours, so you may need to think outside the square on this one.

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2011, 21:01:43 PM »
I have 2 cat who are sisters, got them when they were 6 months old from a rescue and they have always been left monday to friday from 8.30 - 6pm when I work, they entertain each other, chase each other round the house, play fight and the rest of the time just sleep. I would recommend getting 2 cats who are already used to each other as you won't be able to leave them for long periods of time whilst they are getting used to each other. Siblings from a rescue would be ideal or just rescue cats that have always lived together.

I would also advise against going for any type of more 'wild' breed such as a savannah or bengal, as others have said they are much more demanding when it comes to excercise/play time. : Casper's tripod blog and sponsorship page

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2011, 20:29:07 PM »
Have you considered a couple of moggies from a rescue? As adults, even young adults which are still kitten-like, you'd know their personality so you can hopefully get all the traits you'd like in a cat. There's no guarantee that certain breeds would behave in a certain way or like certain things but by choosing a rescue cat you can find your perfect match  :)

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2011, 20:22:02 PM »
Hi there. I can't answer your quesion about the Burmese. I would *think* that you'd want the opposite to a 'wild' breed. The more 'wild' one is, the more energetic it will be and the more bored it will get when left for long periods. When bored they could get destructive or develop anxiety issues.

Bengals are attention seekers and fond of human company. I do not *think* it would be an appropriate breed as they need plenty of interaction (don't forget you need to sleep so add on your sleep time to the 10 hours).

I might be wrong. Oh and the same with a Savannah (I have a friend with one and he is hard work and requires a lot of attention. Also has a Bengal who craves the attention of her people).

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Offline zalek

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2011, 19:30:49 PM »
Thanks all for all the replies (and for such quick replies). We are trying to take it slowly. Firstly to find out whether one or two. From the answers it looks like two would probably be best. I guess the next step would be to decide the breed and how old. My partner really wants burmese so the first one is decided. However, with the 2nd one, I would like a cat that is little more independent and his own master, little bit more 'aggresive' so that he can take a bit of 'rough' play rather than just fetch game. I was thinking of perhaps Bengale, Savanah or Serengeti but need to do bit more research before deciding.

So the question will be whether Burmese will get along with the other breed or not (being it the 2nd one more on the 'wild' side).

The next decision will be about where to get them from and how old. Bug I guess one step at a time.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help so far. Any further comments on the above would be much appreciated.

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2011, 19:10:19 PM »
I think as others have said, with one cat you'd need to know it's history and that it was hapy being left for that length of time but two cats would be absolutely fine.

I have two cats and work 9 hour shifts, they're absolutely fine for that length of time and are happy and well adjusted cats. Mine only go out when I am home so they are indoor for the time I'm at work. They keep each other entertained and actually spend most of the day sleeping (as evidenced by a remote webcam!).

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2011, 18:57:47 PM »,35789.0.html A bit like these two....? ;) I know they aren't Burmese but I can vouch for them being lovely. :)

Definitely depends on a cats personality.

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2011, 18:56:31 PM »
Two cats would definitely be better :)

Initially I just had Bourneville and when I'd get home from work he would have A LOT of energy and would be quite naughty and play quite roughly (my hands and arms would be covered in scratches) even though he was generally a very laid back british shorthair. So I got him a little companion in the form of Marble and they became great friends, kept each other company so everyone was happy.

From what I know of Burmese they are very social cats so one on its own would probably do less well than a moggy on its own, although all moggies have different personalities and some will crave human attention and others will be quite happy on their own.

But in short, two would be best :)

Are you looking at rescue burmese/cats?
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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2011, 18:50:11 PM »
As Gill said, much would depend on the cat as to whether it would be OK on it's own for 10 hours but there should not be a problem with 2 cats who get on together being left alone for that amount of time.  I'd be more wary of young kittens of course as they require pretty frequent feeding.

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Re: cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2011, 18:45:42 PM »
Two cats would best, especially if they are young.

However I had a 10yr old cat when I lived in London and 10 hrs would be about normal for most working there and she was quite happy. She was a chatty chirpy cat and full of antics  ;D

Offline zalek

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cat left alone for up to 10 hours a day -
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 17:22:32 PM »
Hi there. We are looking to get a cat (we think of burmese). However, we are working long hours and the cat would be left alone from around 8.45am until 6pm, Monday to Thursday. We have managed to find out that this would not be good for the cat as it simply can become depressed. So we thought that perhaps getting 2 burmese cats (or perhaps 2nd of a diferent breed) would solve the problem. We have tried to find any information t oconfirm this but were not able to do so.

We would be grateful if anyone had any experience of this and whether 2 cats would entertein themselves while left alone for such a long time. Do not want to get a cat/cats only to make them unhappy.


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