Author Topic: Adding a Third Cat ~ Progress seems to have come to a stand still  (Read 12528 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Progress seems to have come to a stand still
« Reply #83 on: October 14, 2008, 18:31:01 PM »
Yes Desley is right females dont have such a big roaming area as males.

I think you should let Indy decide if she wants to go out or not and if she doesnt, no problem.

It took my first two ages to walk through the back door and Misa would run away from it if it was open and then slowly slowly a pair of paws out and gradually a whole body and then a sneek to the side of the house etc etc.

They had been sitting on the window sill for ages watching it but didnt want to go out then.........sigh

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Progress seems to have come to a stand still
« Reply #82 on: October 14, 2008, 08:08:19 AM »
IT is still very early days, and I Would keep some food in a separate room for her, to be on the safe side. I also wouldnt push her to go outside, quite often you find cats that have had to be outdoor a lot change completely when they are moved, it is a sort of relief that they dont have to have that kind of life anymore, and they prefer to be indoor only, I homed one as an indoor only cat, they moved about 6 months later and she could go outside, but I think it took her about a year to get up the courage to go out, and even then wasn't for long. I dont think females wander as much as males (or at least not in my household anyway)
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Progress seems to have come to a stand still
« Reply #81 on: October 14, 2008, 00:00:12 AM »
Wonderered where you had been  ;D

I think that things will jsut be very slow from now on and gradually tollerance levels will be attained and thats the best it will get.

Thats a bit like mine really and the two pairs tollerate each  other although Misa and  Franta sometimes sniff each other without a hissing contest.

Sasa is fast asleep on her sofa at present snoring and whether she will ever do any more than tollerate me, who knows ........sigh

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Progress seems to have come to a stand still
« Reply #80 on: October 13, 2008, 18:52:50 PM »
Not much progress has been made since posting that last picture.

Indy still growls at Top Cat Haney and he continues to stalk her and give chase every chance he gets.  Resident cat Hunter, is still afraid of Indy and when she gets to close to him, he still hisses at her and runs away.

The only time I am able to get them all to stay near each other is during feeding time. I continue to put them all in the same area to eat and hope that one day it will be without my having to watch over them for fear that Haney will attack Indy.

I have been trying to get Indy to go outside for over a week now. For a cat who has lived most of her life outside, she seems to be very afraid to be outdoors. Indy always runs right back inside as quickly as she can. I leave my sliding door open all day since our weather is nice and not once has Indy ever ventured outside on her own. I always have to carry her out.

Indy has been here about 7+ weeks now. I know she wants to play since she has been improving there with toys. She never had any toys before and seems to enjoy them more and more every day. Also, she will watch very carefully when Hunter and Haney play together and the look on her face seems to be that she wants to join in but doesn't know how.  I'm beginning to think that it is Indy who is being the stubborn one and not so much Haney now since there have been no further REAL cat fights.  When Haney does chase her, he now stops short of attacking her once he has her cornered.  At least there has been no fur flying so I guess that is good?

Oh and the wound abscess that Indy suffered from one of the battles has now completely healed thanks to my vet.  Just waiting for the fur to grow back now.

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #79 on: September 30, 2008, 01:24:05 AM »
Thanks Gill, it's good to know that you also agree with my vet on the intros.  I feel I need the reassurance at this point because I am beginning to think things will never get settled here with my three. :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:  I do feel so sorry for poor Indy.  She has been hiding under the bed ever since we got back from the vets office.  I think she is mad at me now for taking her for jabs :rofl:.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #78 on: September 30, 2008, 00:04:54 AM »
Convenia is great for bites and Sasa had it in December and her probs cleared up quickly  ;D

We had to go and see a different vet cos it was luchtime Saturday and my vets were closed.

The vet was really good and Sasa had to be sedated so they could take xrays after she bit the vet ! ......she is semi feral. He was so sensible cos I went for a walk and when I got back he said, I hope its oK cos I have given her an antibiotic jab, long lasting , cos I didnt think you would want to try giving her tablets  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Your vet is so right and introductions can take a very long time  ;D

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #77 on: September 29, 2008, 23:56:50 PM »
Gill you are slowly but surely becoming a cat hero to me! lol :rofl:

Well, my resident Top Cat Haney has caused two injuries to newcomer cat Indy.  One gash on her hindquarters and another bite wound on her back on her spine.  I treated with both with antiseptic spray cleaner and antibiotic ointment.  The gash on her hindquarters is healing up nicely but over the weekend I noticed that the wound on her backside had developed into an abscess with puss.  So off to the vet's we go...again!  Dr. Gill gave Indy an injection of antibiotic called Convenia which is a super strong antibiotic that will last for 14 days with just one injection.  It was quite expensive for this shot but should do the trick and prevent any further infection.

Haney!  Stop being a big bully!   :evillaugh:  Haney still is not allowing Indy to be able to free roam the house.  Indy has been here now 37 days.  I only time Indy feels safe from being attacked by him is if she is laying on the couch near me.  If I am in the same room with Indy and Haney then he will just stare at her but does not attack her unless I leave the room.  I found this out the hard way and that is how Indy became injured.  Dr. Gill said today that this is still to early and said that this is not unusual at all for the intros to take this long.  Dr. Gill promises me that it will get better from here on out, but I do have my doubts with Haney being so mean.

Hunter still is not sure what to think of Indy and I think he is afraid of Indy because he sees Haney being so aggressive yet.  I think Haney gets jealous when Hunter is in the room and tries to keep Hunter and Indy apart???

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #76 on: September 25, 2008, 22:57:38 PM »
Now Ducha and climbing LOL......I reckon thats how he lost a leg and at times has terrified me  ;D

He can rush up and down stairs and along the ground at a million miles an hour, he looks uncomfortable when he walks tho. He doesnt like laps cos cant get comfortable but likes heads and shoulders in bed cos he rests his back foot on them to stop himself sliding, as I can testify  :rofl: :rofl:

He cant jump very high, except when he really wants to and caught him going over a 5ft fence, well he was actually was jump and hope and catch the top with front paws and pull himself up. It was so scarey to watch.

I think he is a bit more sedate now and only comes downstairs once or twice a day.....all my fault really. I didnt think he was eating enough and took biscuits into the bedroom for him. Then he was eating a lot so thought that he better have water to hand.  Next was that he wasnt coming down to eat any wet food .........yes you got it LOL. He eats much better on his own to be honest and if I go in front room and put on TV he is down the stairs like grease lightening and up on the sofa lying next to me. He sleeps in my bed every night so thats his special time.

He doesnt play or pounce but enjoys being groomed and especially likes his throat and under his chin stroked. He gives me adorable kisses and rubs my head and he is very very cute.......who can resist a blue point birman LOL. Those blue eyes and cute face do it every time  ;D

Pleased that the introductions are going well  ;D

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #75 on: September 25, 2008, 16:48:20 PM »
Yes, that's right SIXfurballs, I do have other feeding stations in the kitchen, plus I do keep a water bowl upstairs as well for all my pets, just no food anymore.   Lesa, thank you so much for all your help with me and the intros. 

Oh, and just so everyone knows, Lesa SIXfurballs is the person who first got me to rescue my first 3 cats, Hunter, Harley and Haney.  Lesa is Special Auntie to my lot.  :Luv:

caledonia thank you for your suggestion.  I did have Indy's feeding area upstairs for the last 31 days, but now that I have opened the door I am trying to encourage her to come downstairs.  Other wise she stays in that bedroom and won't come out.   I put her feed bowls at the foot of the stairs, since she seems to be the most comfortable lying there.  I guess she figures if she needs to run for cover, then the stairs are her way out.  Later on, I hope to just add her feed bowls in the kitchen with all the others.  Don't worry, I'm not forcing her to eat under pressure. 

Yesterday Indy actually had a very good day.  She did stay downstairs for several hours.  I was cleaning out my kitchen cupboards to re-line them with shelving plastic and Indy just laid sleeping on the family room sofa.  I think she felt safe since I was right there, plus Haney and Hunter were outside in the garden for most of the day or in the garage sleeping.

Gill, Thank you so much for all your help and kind words.  Poor Ducha with having only 3 legs.  Does he still climb and get around OK?  Aw Gill, you are so wonderful to have taken him in as a special needs kitty.  He is so lucky to have you.  Many others would not have done that.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 16:49:17 PM by HunterHarleyMum (Val) »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #74 on: September 25, 2008, 14:26:15 PM »
I think Val has set up this separate feeding area in the hallway for Indy and the boys have their food bowls in the kitchen area.

It does seem like some progress is being made. Hopefully calm will return soon.

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #73 on: September 25, 2008, 13:15:20 PM »
Just a thought but would it not be possibile to have an extra feeding station for Indy upstairs if you don't want one in your room? I just know from all the advice I have read they recommend a spare feeding session as fights can often be about litter trays or food and a dominant cat can gaurd a station to fend off the newby but they can't gaurd two places obviously.

other folks might have a different view but It sounds as though things are getting better so I woulnd't want it to go back a gear!  :-:
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #72 on: September 24, 2008, 22:30:06 PM »
Yes Ducha only has three legs, lost a back one before he came to me.

Those pictures are so like Franta and Sasa, Franta will just lie and stare at Sasa. She hates him and if she runs he will chase her but dont think to do harm, he just wants to be friends but I guess how is she to know.

I think if the cats harm each other they must should be kept separate but if they sorta tollerate each other like mine do now, then it should be OK. Just keep a watchful eye on them.

I hope that peace once again reigns and the relationship between Haney and Hunter gets back to normal. Certainly this never affected misa and Sasas relationship, just made things in the house more territorial, belonging to one pair ofr the other which upset me cos Misa used to sleep in nmy bedroom and used to come upstairs to bed with me. Sasa then used to creep in once I was in bed.

Now Ducha and Franta have taken over the bedroom and the other two are not allowed upstairs for fear of attack.........sometimes Misa gets bold and sneaks up when he thinks Ducha is asleep and Sasa was using the bathroom as a place for the winter last year but Franta camps outside at night grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Cat politics  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Haney and Indy meet! Yikes!
« Reply #71 on: September 24, 2008, 21:35:35 PM »
Sorry to have disappeared for a bit but I have had my three grandchildren stay with me for a visit so not much time to sit at my computer. 

Indy has been here now for 31 days.  On Thursday when my son came over we decided to give it a try and see if Haney and Indy were ready to meet face to face.  If you recall, Indy belonged to my son and his family before she came to live with me, so I thought it would be helpful to have my son here for the event. 

Well, the initial meet did not go well at all, and boy was I glad my son was here to help.  Haney was fiercely aggressive toward Indy and chased her from upstairs to the downstairs with lighting speed and even was able to take a gash of skin out of her hindquarters.  It was really quite frighting to witness and I felt so awful that Indy was injured.  I did expect there to be a bit of a fight, but was not quite prepared for how intense it was.

Anyway, I needed Indy's "safe room" back for my grandchildren to sleep in so I ended up putting Indy in my bedroom for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and just kept Indy and Haney apart since it was all to hectic with all the kids here.  Then on Monday, since the kids were gone I gave it another try with Haney and Indy as I stood by with a blanket and water pistol to break up any fighting.   I did this meeting process several times throughout the day in just 15 minutes sessions and each time there was less and less fighting.

Then on Tuesday I decided that I was no longer going to keep the bedroom door shut and just let the chips fall where they may and let Haney and Indy get on with it and let them work it all out between them now.    They both slept in my bedroom with me last night, along with the two dogs and my other cat.  I was woken up during the middle of the night by Haney and Indy having a spat but it did not escalate to the point where I had to break it up.  I was pleased about that.

Today is Wednesday and Haney and Indy are doing better....not a lot....but still better than yesterday.  There has been a few little spats but at least Indy and Haney can now be in the same area for a good amount of time without fighting.  Indy still does growl at Haney if Haney gets to close and if Indy decides to run then Haney will chase after her and try to start another spat.  I guess it is the way cats have to work out who's the top cat around here, so I'm just trying to not intervene to much at this point.

I'm hoping by the end of the week that Indy will become comfortable enough to join the rest of us downstairs at her own free will.  As of today I will no longer feed her upstairs in my room so if she is hungry she must come down.

So what do you guys think?  Are we on the right track here?  Any advice is very much appreciated.

Oh and Indy goes back to the vet tomorrow for her booster jab so I will have the vet look at her gash wound that Haney caused just to be safe it does not abscess.

Also, my other non-aggressive cat, Hunter, still is afraid of Indy and runs away from her.  I think that once Haney and Indy accept each other then Hunter will follow.  He is my big Maine Coon mama's boy. lol :rofl:

Here are a few pictures of Haney (black) and Indy as of today.  As you can see, Haney likes to circle Indy and tries to get closer.  Indy growls the whole time.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 21:36:17 PM by HunterHarleyMum (Val) »

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Indy is starting feel comfortable...I think?
« Reply #70 on: September 16, 2008, 19:40:02 PM »
Oh, she also likes to lick my legs when I get out of the shower.
Oooh that is funny! :rofl: :rofl:   Bet that feels rough! :rofl:

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Indy is starting feel comfortable...I think?
« Reply #69 on: September 16, 2008, 19:21:02 PM »
It seems everything is coming along nicely.

Chilli also likes drinking from the tap (faucet), at one point she came to the loo with me every single time, jump up on the sink where I, of course, was obliged to turn on the tap. It is now just an occasional thing. Oh, she also likes to lick my legs when I get out of the shower.

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Indy is starting feel comfortable...I think?
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2008, 19:05:30 PM »
I have been allowing Indy to come out of her safe room when the other kitties are outside in the garden.  Today Indy was roaming around the house and wandered into the bathroom.  She jumped up on to the counter seemed interested in the sink.  So I turned the faucet on just to drip and she took to it immediately. 

Indy seems to love drinking her water from the faucet so much that I had to turn it back off because she was coughing from drinking so much.  lol :rofl: :rofl:

Also Haney and Indy ate their breakfast together this morning only one foot apart, with the metal grate in between them of course.  Indy only hissed at Haney once but she was very cautious eating that close to Haney, but she did not run away this time.  Yippee!

It is now day 23!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 19:07:22 PM by HunterHarleyMum (Val) »

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #67 on: September 15, 2008, 20:51:01 PM »
Boy, it sure sounds like you have been through a lot with your cats.  I can see your intros were very hard.  Does Ducha only have 3 legs?  You say that the birmans Franta and Ducha came second and really upset a happy household, well that is sort of what is worrying me here too.  Hunter and Haney only took one week to introduce to each other and they really bonded so fast.  You would have thought that they were brother kittens who have always been together.  Now that Indy has come along, Haney is not even being nice to Hunter at times, and I even had to toss a pillow at him the other day to stop him from being so rough with Hunter.  I can see a change in Haney's behavior.  I just hope all goes back to normal between these two once Indy gets settled in here.  It really is not my expectations that Indy be buddies with Haney and Hunter because she is so used to living outdoors and being on her own now for 3 1/2 years that I'm sure she is much more of a loner type cat.  I don't want Indy to be an outdoor cat.  I don't want her to get depressed by keeping her strictly indoors so my goal is to allow her to become an indoor/outdoor cat.  I have already got her jabs up to date and had her micro chipped too.

Alright Gill, you tell me not to despair, so I won't.  I'm really glad to know that you think the last 22 days have been good so far.  We are now entering into week 4, I just hope the intro does not take 6 weeks like yours did.   I have to tell you though that I am so tempted to just let them meet face to face just to see what happens but I'm afraid it may do more harm than good and I don't want that.  I keep saying to myself...a few more days....over and over again.

Thanks for your help Gill. :hug:
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 20:54:05 PM by HunterHarleyMum (Val) »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #66 on: September 15, 2008, 19:36:55 PM »
I have had my four in two pairs since Aug 2005 and early 2006. The birmans Franta and Ducha came second and really upset a happy household.

Sasa is a semi feral and I cant touch her or walk near her cos she runs. Misa came from a bad background and is terrified of people, except me and runs a mile or hides if anyone else comes close, or doorbell rings. They are now 7 and 9 yrs old.

The birmans are now 15yrs  and are litter brothers and had spent time in a garage cos the lady who took them on from her mother, ran a dog grooming businees and also had her own dogs who used to chase them. When they came here they were starved of human attention and a house with a bedroom and howled all the time, especially if shut in a room.  The howling has stopped now although both of them in the last few months have started wanting full time attention and Franta gets cross when he has to share and Ducha lives in the bedroom by choice and sleeps on my head at night!

I think it took about 6 weeks to do the introductions which did not go well......there was a thread or two on the old Cat Chat about it cos I was climbing the walls and Franta used to scratch up the carpet in their room over night and then I couldnt get in........sigh

During the first year or was it 18 months, I had problems with Ducha (3 legs) attacking Misa and Sasa, he would go for the neck. He thought they were attcking his bro Franta and would rush in to defend cos Franta is a big softie really. Luckily both have big thick long fur coats and no damage was done, just made them both scared of the birmans.

So you can see this is not always an easy road and I now have two pairs who tolerate each other most of the time but occasionally we have hissing and wopping and chasing. Each pair loves each other and would prefer to be the only pair .........sigh.

Franta just loves getting his face and paws in Sasas gorgeous tummy fur but that is just a definate no no  :rofl: :rofl:

At present Sasa is lying under the radiator in front room and Franta is sat under the window watching her .............sigh

So do not despair cos peeps were saying they thought I should rehome the birmans but I just couldnt.

I think in 22 days you are doing great  ;D

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #65 on: September 15, 2008, 18:26:17 PM »
Gill how long have you had your cats?  Have they always been that way?  Franta does sound like Haney.  If Haney would allow Indy to come out of the safe room I think it would be so much better and we could speed along here, but Haney still is showing way to much aggression, especially today.  He even nipped at my leg as I was walking up the stairs to feed Indy and him this morning! :Crazy: That is the type of bad behavior he used to do when I first got him back in May.  The only difference is that he really did not hurt me as he would have four months ago, but it did surprise me that he did it.

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #64 on: September 15, 2008, 17:56:07 PM »
I am sure time will tell and all 3 have come so far in a short time  ;D

Yes I know it feels like a lifetime to you but the residents cats are getting curious and there is safety in numbers  :rofl: :rofl:

It maybe at the end of the day that they will only tollerate each other but as long as that happens without attacks, it will be fine.

My four very rarely have punch ups any more although depending how Franta  behaves towards Sasa, cos he stalks her, things are peaceful.

Franta sounds a tad like Haney, he wants to be the top cat and he wants to be with Sasa but Sasa hates him with a passsion  and she is Misas girlfriend. But if Sasa runs from him , he thinks its a game and will chase her and then she hides.  This summer Misa and Franta have been often within wopping distance and they have sniffed each other a lot but on the whole there have not been many probs. They dont like each other and Misa is the top cat but such a wimp  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2008, 15:50:55 PM »
Well it is day 22.  The intros seem to have not improved much the last two days.  I really thought that they would.  Haney is being so stubborn!

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2008, 17:41:29 PM »
It's now day 20.  When I woke up this morning resident top cat Haney was lying down just outside of the metal grate to the safe room and was watching newcomer cat Indy, who was lying on the bed.  I decided to feed them both their morning breakfast again together, with each on their own side of the metal grate.  Both Haney and Indy ate their breakfast without any hissing or growling.  Looks like another positive day!  Yippee!

Now, on the other hand, ever since Indy attacked resident cat Hunter the other day, Hunter now wants nothing to do with her.  Hunter is now afraid of Indy and will run away from her while she is out of the safe room for her free range time.  Hunter no longer wants to go into the safe room to visit her anymore.  This bothers me because Hunter is my first cat and he is my baby.  I don't want him to feel bad in his own home.  Why is Indy being so mean to him?  It's breaking my heart to see Hunter so scared in his own home.


Ooh, I just caught Hunter and Haney looking into the safe room together for the first time!  I ran and grabbed my camera and Haney turned around to look at me.  I'm so proud of Hunter for going up to the metal grate.  He has been steering clear of going any where near Indy.  Indy had been lying on top of the bed but she soon jumped down to hide underneath the bed when Haney approached.  Indy did growl at Haney this time, so now I don't know what to think??????

This is before Indy took cover under the bed.  You can just see the reflection of her eyes on top of the bed....can you see her?  Haney is laying low as if he was stalking her again, so she hid.

This was just prior to my two boys coming up to peek at Indy.  Indy and I had been playing with string and I was brushing her.  Aw, she is so pretty!

« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 18:43:03 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Made some progress!
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2008, 17:28:05 PM »
moiramassey, Thank you for sharing your experience with me.  Yes, I am using a Feliway diffuseur in the safe room where Indy is.  I bought it from my vet and he highly recommend using it as well.   It is plugged in right by the doorway so the pheromones can spread into the hallway too.  Though I think it might be a good idea to get some spray as well.  Especially for the downstairs.

I'm sorry for your loss of Willow and Nike.  It is so hard to loose a loved one as we grow so attached to our pet families.  Last year my little hamster died and I cried buckets of tears and everyone thought I was nuts.  I even held a funeral and burial with my adult son and my grandson and we laid Lil' Hammie to rest in my garden.  I still miss her so much.

Your Velcro Cat kitty sounds so adorable.  I too feel in my heart to that Indy is so much better off here with me.  Thank you for saying that. 
I feel that Indy had become a "forgotten cat" who lived outside and rarely got the affection she deserved.  I felt so sorry for her.  Now that she is here with me, I have already taken her to the vet twice because she had an eye infection and I also had blood testing done on her to make sure she was healthy, which she was, and I had her dewormed, and had her first jabs done plus had her micro chipped.  I take her back to the vets in two weeks for her boosters.  This is the type of care and love Indy would never had gotten had she not come to live with me.

I think Haney and Indy have made some progress!

I do feel a bit better this morning about Haney and Indy.  When I went to feed Indy I decided to feed Haney just outside the door metal grate.  So there was Indy enjoying her breakfast on one side and Haney enjoying his on the other side.  They kept looking up at each other, but for the very first time there was no growling or hissing!  Yippee!!  I hope this is the start of them accepting each other?

Today is day 19.  I want so badly for Indy to join the entire household.   :Luv2:
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 19:25:55 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2008, 11:32:58 AM »
Hi, Sorry to be late to this discussion.

Firstly, Indy is much better off with you that she was before. She is getting the affection she craved. I had a cat, Willow, who had been living outside because of a dog. Even though two of my cats (I had three others at the time) never accepted her she was much happier accessing my living room, my kitchen, my garden and our laps, particularly our laps, than living under a car! We called her Velcro Cat because she would not get off our laps until we actually stood up!

Have you thought of using Feliway (plug-in or spray) or Bach Rescue Remedy in all the cats' water? Personally, I have never used Rescue Remedy but my Feliway plug-ins have been a great success in helping my latest round of introductions (Willow and Nike died last year and I introduced two new kittens to my resident two nine months ago).

If Indy will not submit to Haney and attacked Hunter, then maybe she is used to having her own territory. After all, she lived out on the porch for long time and that was her territory. If it were me, I would buy a Feliway spray and spray (one small squirt) all the scent-marking height edges in the area you are trying to get them to share. If that was helpful, I would invest in the a diffuser (or two, I have one upstairs and one downstairs).

Indy is such a beautiful cat!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 16:28:43 PM by moiramassey »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2008, 02:18:19 AM »
Maybe she is starting to feel confident and getting bossy, do you think she was trying to play maybe?
No Gill, it definitely was not play.  I really don't understand why newcomer Indy would be so bold as to actually come after resident cat Hunter like that.  I was really surprised, she meant business.

Franta has been given advice to stop staring and siddle up and peep sideways but he wont listen  :rofl: :rofl:
lol  :rofl: Aw you do have a way with words! :rofl:  Maybe that is the same problem darn cats just don't listen! :rofl:

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2008, 00:31:39 AM »
Poor Hunter  :hug:

Maybe she is starting to feel confident and getting bossy, do you think she was trying to play maybe?

Sasa and Misa who are best of friend do play fight a bit I have discovered and one will wait for the other and pounce, then get a claws I think and then they play chase and then the next thing , Misa is washing Sasas head which she has shoved in his face LOL

Sounds like Haney is rather taken by Indy and thats what Franta does to Sasa, he will sit and stare at her and she hates it. He really wants her to be his girl and she doesnt want to and he scares her cos he stares and thats not good cat language. Franta has been given advice to stop staring and siddle up and peep sideways but he wont listen  :rofl: :rofl:

I would just keep on as you are and watch Hunter and Indy......I reckon there is a bit of testing out going on.

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #57 on: September 12, 2008, 00:07:35 AM »
Thanks Tiga.  Well today I'm not sure what to think.  Yesterday Indy and resident cat Hunter seemed to be doing fantastic.  Hunter and Indy had even been face to face without incident.  I was very encouraged that all was well between the two of them.  Then today when Hunter approached Indy, Indy seemed to give Hunter a nasty look and the next then I knew Indy attacked Hunter!  It really scared Hunter because he is the most passive cat you would ever meet.  Now Hunter will not even go into the same room with Indy, which he had been doing for days now. 

I really don't understand why Indy attacked Hunter?  Hunter had done nothing to provoke it. 

Top Cat Haney is still being aggressive toward Indy and therefore I can not allow them to be together yet.  I did notice yesterday that Haney will sit and stare at Indy through the metal grate and then if one of my other pets should happen to walk by, Haney will jump on them super quick and then run. 

What's that all about?

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2008, 09:27:21 AM »
Good to hear Indy is feeling more at home and confident. I like your safe room.

At our house we are still on Day 8 and going slowly. Poppy is getting more confident in her room and is often at the door waiting for me when I go in. She is still kept completely separate but is showing interest in the door, particularly when the boys are sniffing on the other side.

Poppy has yet to be brave enough to go on the bed and she doesn't seem to know what the cat tree is for - although maybe she goes up there when she's on her own. I don't think she has ever had a cat tree before.

Look forward to hearing more of your progress as I seem to be a week behind you!

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #55 on: September 11, 2008, 01:44:15 AM »

However Indy is a lady and am sure that she will want to be boss  :rofl: :rofl:

Good one Gill!  I totally understand that being a lady myself!  :rofl: :rofl:

Liz, yes you are right, introductions can be difficult.  I really am new at this so I did not expect this to be as difficult as it is.  I hope it does not take much longer but will go as slow as necessary just to make sure I do it right.  I guess I thought a female would be welcomed here by my males but I was wrong.   
« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 01:49:40 AM by HunterHarleyMum »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2008, 21:46:44 PM »
Introductions can be difficult - any older cats we have introduced - well the last 3 Miss Cissy -14, and Smudger and Ragamuffin aged 8 all ferals and never having lived inside but we were there last hope have all now adapted and once Miss Sweetie aged 17 bopped Miss Cissy just once with a bit of language we have had no issues but did have the ferals on Zylkene for about 2 weeks just so they could be more relaxed - they came with the Zylkene and now currently all 3 are on radiator beds with heating on at my side as I type this.

They use their litter trays and have shown no inclanation to go back outside so all will be off to the vets for some boosters and Program in the next couple of months

We always introduce Sweetie who uses language not befitting a lady to any new comeres supervised of course and all aceept she is in charge and our Alpha male Tiger as he is now so laid back for a former nasty feral - he is usually interested in ewhat they are eating!

We only tend to have issues if when they are brave enough they come through to the lounge and Sky stands up - he is a Border Collie who adores cats and only wants to see them they however usually take a couple of days to be that brave again!  Jazz the Jack Russell doesn't even get a second look I think they all now just think she's another cat! :)
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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #53 on: September 10, 2008, 21:06:33 PM »
Yes that vet logic sounds good  ;D

However Indy is a lady and am sure that she will want to be boss  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2008, 20:46:03 PM »
I'm really happy today because Indy has been laying on top of the bed rather than hiding underneath it.  She even came running to me this morning when I went in to feed her breakfast.  I was getting so concerned that she was never going to come out from hiding.  I really am so thrilled.  It's really the first time I can say that she looks relaxed here.  I feel like this week might just be the best week ever....if Indy will accept Haney now as him being the Top Cat, then we can get on here.

It is now day 17.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 20:46:52 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2008, 19:07:32 PM »
Thanks, she is but only with one of my cats.  She still is quite afraid of Top Cat Haney.  We still have a ways to go yet.  My vet explained to me yesterday that it is up to Indy to accept Haney as being Top Cat, because apparently Haney has already told Indy that he is the boss cat, now it is up to her to accept that.  My vet said that once she surrenders to that idea then things should get much better. 

That did make sense to me because as I told my vet, Indy seems to have gotten my other cat Hunter to accept her being the boss over him.  That really surprised me.  My vet said that it was perfectly normal for Hunter to let Indy be second in charge since Hunter has no desire to be a boss cat.  I thought that was funny.  Hunter has never been the boss cat and he was my first cat.  Hunter surrendered to Haney and now Indy has to do the same but she is being stubborn. lol
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 19:08:14 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2008, 06:15:23 AM »
Looks like Indy is slowly coming out of her shell.  Well done

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2008, 01:41:13 AM »
Aw, thank you MrsR.   I've only had Indy two weeks now. I took her to see my vet today and got her jabs and micro chipped, so she's mad at me right now. lol :rofl:

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2008, 22:30:42 PM »
Just wanted to say how beautiful your cats are  :Luv:

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2008, 21:58:39 PM »
Aw thanks Gill.  I was hoping I did the right thing.  I'm glad you approved.  This morning it made me feel better too just walking by the door and looking inside and see Indy laying on top of the bed, especially since she spends most of her time underneath it.  I hope by having the door open that she will get used to all of us as we walk by.


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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2008, 18:12:44 PM »
That looks great  ;D

As she is eating , I would leave them where they are but if she gets too scred to eat then move em further away.

Seems to be working  ;D

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ New set up for Safe Room
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2008, 16:04:58 PM »
Day 15.  Here is my new set up for the safe room.  I wanted somehow to be able to let the cats all see each other since just having a crack in the door was not doing the trick.  All the cats are fully aware of each other now and thought they might progress if they could actually see each other and yet still remain safe behind bars.  "Look, but don't touch".  The safe room is really a Jack`n` Jill set up with two bedrooms and a bathroom in between,  so Indy really has full access to either bedroom.  It is Indy choice if she wants to been seen or not.  Anyway, I had these metal wall panels out in my garage and it works perfectly to put in the door way to prevent my resident cats from entering the room.  I had to put a baby gate up at the top since the metal panel was just slightly shorter than the doorway.  It works really well.  I'm quite please with this set up.  I'm hoping that in another two weeks or so, that I can then remove it???  We'll see, I will let Indy tell me when she is ready.

This is Top Cat Haney looking in at Indy.  Indy is hiding underneath the bed but not to far back.  She stayed there and watched Haney too.

Once Haney decided to lay back away from the metal grate about 6 feet, Indy decided it was safe enough to come and have a nibble.  Haney stayed back and just watched her.

I had read some where that I should place her food dishes by the door.  Is that a good idea, or should I move them back?

« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 16:05:34 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

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Re: Adding a Third Cat ~ Indy came downstairs! Yippee!
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2008, 17:43:34 PM »
Well, today is day 14 of Indy being here.  Still no sign that Top Cat Haney will accept her.  Do you think he will start to ease up soon as we now begin week number 3?


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